File: newintro.swf-(91 KB, 550x400, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)15:39:44 No.3366786
>Since Flash is deader than two doornails (and officially ends in 2020), we are working on
redesigning the site so the toons, games, and characters can live on!
this is very depressing to read, especially on the homestarrunner site. but looks like he will
still keep the old flash version online?
>$1,421,903 pledged of $75,000 goal
holy crap
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)15:40:55 No.3366787
>mfw this flash wasn't archived on swfchan before
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)19:01:34 No.3366828
Swfchan made by cancer like you in 2008,
So basically anything pre-2008 not in swfchan.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)20:18:26 No.3366844
that's not quite true
you can see a lot of flashes where there is written first seen: before 2008
it's just that swfchan in that iteration and the exact categorization by years has only existed
since 08
ignore the fact that the creator of swfchan was an avid /f/riend who made a lot of memorable
flashes, even back in 2006
also: still sad that noone bothered to post this during the last 10 years, so grab yourself by
your own ass for that
a lot of stuff that wasn't regularely posted on /f/, just like homestar runner, hasn't been
archived because there was little reason to post it here and not just watch it on its dedicated
if you want it preserved, post it!
SWFAnts is not gonna scrape the whole fucking internet for swf files
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)20:37:57 No.3366849
I'm ignore "the fact" because he look like cancer, acting like cancer and produce fucking cancer.
Even shitty bstats has proper catalog which x1000 time better then swfchan itself.
Import old threads to archives + few nodes of federative *booru + backup on popular *boorus will
be much better for saving flash history.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/06/18(Tue)22:14:34 No.3366862
god shut up
>> [_] Anonymous 11/07/18(Wed)06:46:18 No.3366900
I always thought HSR was autistic af, and never cared for it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/07/18(Wed)09:09:10 No.3366909
Srsly, nigga?
Are you think your imaginary friends would help you protecting broken by design system?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/07/18(Wed)10:14:02 No.3366911
Why are you so angry, Anon? Tell us, we're here for you.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/07/18(Wed)12:21:38 No.3366922
I shouldn't be angry about traitor of own culture?
Or should I explain the points why I'm so angry?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/07/18(Wed)14:31:11 No.3366931
Yes, explaining your points would have been nice since "angry about traitor of own culture"
doesn't make sense.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/07/18(Wed)17:30:05 No.3366957
Same. I was like 14 when it became popular with other students and it seemed like little kid
playskool humor to me, an already seasoned internet vet.