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This is resource YB23U2C, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/11 -2018 02:58:00

Ended:25/11 -2018 21:19:56

Checked:26/11 -2018 01:11:45

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: PopCenturyV1.4.swf-(3.31 MB, 720x480, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 11/24/18(Sat)20:56:56 No.3369765

  Downsized this last week after the thread died but wanted to wait a while to not spam up the
  board with this shit. once again any feedback is appreciated aslong as it has nothing to do with
  the 7 minute length. I can probably knock another MB or 2 off the visuals but its going to take
  some time for something like that.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/24/18(Sat)21:31:26 No.3369770

  This fascination of commercial music really reminds me of mah dude blitzlunar

  You should suck each others dicks or something.

>> [_] BigBurd !!ZPu9KzNepfX 11/25/18(Sun)10:55:58 No.3369852

  Wait, whats this? Did you rip this off of a dvd from a Disney resort that played in the lobby or
  something? For a second there, I thought it was gonna be pretty old but once I realized it's 16:9
  it couldn't be that old.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)13:50:15 No.3369873

  There's a youtube channel whose owner just records direct feeds of the in-house information
  channel at the resorts.

  This particular one was last used in 2015, I think.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/25/18(Sun)15:13:04 No.3369877

  The footage is from 2015 but the audio is fuck old, theyve been using that same audio loop for as
  long as I can remember until 2016. As the other anon said they play these on the TV's in the
  hotel rooms.
  ResortTV1, its where I sourced this from. The man rakes in a bunch of money on livestreams where
  he walks around the parks.
Created: 25/11 -2018 02:58:00 Last modified: 26/11 -2018 01:12:23 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:13:52