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This is resource YTXR9K5, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/8 -2018 12:52:04

Ended:14/8 -2018 09:13:23

Checked:14/8 -2018 14:37:52

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File: o2.swf-(1.07 MB, 400x300, Other)
[_] STOP BREATHING! Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)06:49:38 No.3351717

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Sammy 08/13/18(Mon)07:53:49 No.3351729

  Atoms are not alive, still, this animation got me thinking

  If we breath in air to get oxygen (atmosphere is only 23% O2) then exhale CO2 as a waste product,
  No real exchange occurs

  Like, the O2 goes in, gets utilised by tissues, gets Carbon attached forming carbon dioxide, then
  gets exhaled? Is the O2 just a medium that gets contaminated by carbon?

  Goddamit I'm having PTSD about the complexity of cellular respiration

  Stupid Krebs cycle, stupid electron transport chain

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)08:06:34 No.3351731

  there are more shit going on in the equation

  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + heat

>> [_] Sammy 08/13/18(Mon)08:10:56 No.3351732

  >+ heat
  While heat is a byproduct of pretty much any chemical reaction, isn't it more appropriately

  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)08:20:30 No.3351733

  humans that breathe air should be banned from this post

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)09:16:12 No.3351737

  what's to say what is alive and what is not alive?
  seriously, we have a good concept of when something is "alive" but nobody can really put their
  finger on it.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)10:05:13 No.3351743

  I copied it from wiki but I saw in other sources they have energy instead so I guess it's the
  same thing

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)12:30:31 No.3351760

  bacteria are alive,
  while viruses aren't
  really, they're just nanomachines floating around until they randomly end up in your cell,
  stealing your nuclii

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)13:03:27 No.3351762

  sounds good but im sure there are some people that disagree with that

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)13:13:54 No.3351765

  according to chemistry anything organic is alive
  not in a sense humans are but that helps sorting things out

>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/18(Mon)17:36:03 No.3351807

  >Tfw we only use about 5% of the O2 present in the air before exhaling anyway

>> [_] Sammy 08/13/18(Mon)19:49:22 No.3351812

  >while viruses aren't
  That is debatable, viruses don't necessarily fit the category of 'being alive' (e..g the are not
  cells, they lack nuclei, but they still perform a function, a purpose, even if it's usually

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)00:31:26 No.3351869

  There is no dead matter
  all is alive and conscious, either above or below our current position on the spectrum.
  Our physical organs present us a warped image of reality it being only a fraction of the whole.
  To base out assumptions solely on them is to abondon reason.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)02:52:15 No.3351895

  deep man

>> [_] Anonymous 08/14/18(Tue)03:07:51 No.3351896

  Show this animation to some Vegans and see how many decide to voluntarily kill themselves.
Created: 13/8 -2018 12:52:04 Last modified: 14/8 -2018 14:38:22 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:07:53