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This is resource ZI1UJQD, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:30/9 -2018 20:50:47

Ended:29/1 -2019 00:41:11

Checked:29/1 -2019 00:50:49

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 13888

Age: 113.16d   Health: 0%   Posters: 10   Posts: 11   Replies: 10   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 30sep2018(su)20:45 No.63809 OP P1

Bowsette Hentai Game

It started...

[IMG] Bowser Koopa.swf (37.7 KiB)
800x480, Compressed (Deflate). 2 frames, 40 fps (00:00).
Ver11, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 30sep2018(su)21:17 No.63811 A P2R1

nice but she could have used some changes in her facial expression
i also notice that when in "SPD STOP" her upper body moves on the left due to breathing but it is
completely still to the right

>> Anonymous 30sep2018(su)22:17 No.63815 B P3R2

Bowsette fatigue is real.

>> Anonymous 1oct2018(mo)02:06 No.63816 C P4R3

Pretty decent actually.

>> Anonymous 1oct2018(mo)04:58 No.63817 D P5R4

Needs more Bowsette

>> Booette 26oct2018(fr)16:03 No.64314 E P6R5



>> Anonymous 26oct2018(fr)21:56 No.64316 F P7R6

who is this patreon fellow and how are they able to make so much stuff?

>> Anonymous 27oct2018(sa)20:48 No.64333 G P8R7

>patreon fellow
>implying it isn't a last name
Only a family of perverted flash artists could make that much porn.

>> Anonymous 27oct2018(sa)22:02 No.64338 H P9R8

don't tell me you didn't know that Patreon is literally just ancient greek for THE JEWS

>> Anonymous 31oct2018(we)10:14 No.64479 I P10R9

I think it's funny how all these Patrecon welfare bums nine times out of ten use other people's
pre-existing content to make a profit.
Such as Nintendo waifus.
I would like to know how they don't get sued?

>> Anonymous 31oct2018(we)15:00 No.64483 H P11R10

A. That takes a lot of effort and time. Nintendo is known to take shit down religiously, but only
if it affects their games (like fan games).
B. It's a gray area. If you put in a lot of skills and effort and make it something completely new
that only resembles the original, like a "vague design" of a character - then it's A Okay. An
"adult parody" as z0ne likes to phrase it.
The same shit that protects these youtubers and such (Fair Use) also protects these artists.
C. They do. A lot of projects do get taken down, not in court but after the first stone Nintendo
throws your way, they instantly take shit down.
You won't even hear about it most of the time. It just quietly vanishes.
Created: 30/9 -2018 20:50:47 Last modified: 29/1 -2019 00:51:06 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:04:00