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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 10839 Age: 46.05d Health: 0% Posters: 20 Posts: 23 Replies: 21 Files: 2+3 >> Anon 44556 [G] Simply Mindy 0.6.0 Here it is [IMG] Simply Mindy 0.6.0.swf (35.74 MiB) 960x640, Compressed. 2 frames, 65 fps (00:00). Ver13, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 44561 Keep playing and eventually you'll unlock a dungeon crawl. [IMG]pew pew pew.jpg >> Anon 44567 whats new in this one >> Anon 44575 >># Why are the stats so broken on this one, getting too much int/spirit resets them to 0 and sometimes you gain class for no reason >> Anon 44594 Ahh. Was looking for the newest version. Thanks! >> Anon 44598 >># Work does not give the same stats all the time. If you have enough of some stat, then work starts giving you something different from before. For example cam, farm and guard were not doing -class, and cleaning was. suddenly i noticed work description changed and now only farm was not giving -class. Not intuitive, i agree. got to the Santa work, dont feel like it's worth playing any further since might be nothing there. >> Anon 44601 >># One of the things I noticed was that the job description and the slight variations to stat changes seem to be tied to each "season," though i admit after a while I started to wonder if anything was changing and just quit playing. Apparently there's more I haven't seen, though >> Anon 44618 Anyone know what to do with the wooden face you get form the BDSM chick? >> Anon 44623 >># Nope. It's probably not usable until now and part of the next update. >> Anon 44625 I have a strange feeling of déjà vu. You just grind stats, managing them the way that none of them go too far down, if you care for them at all. As much as I love boring and tedious shit, this thing is too boring and tedious even for me. And the game kind of acknowledges that, trying to spice things up a bit after a while, by adding... even more stat grind. And potentially locking you out of some important ones. Not only that, but the first time around you do not and can not know which ones are actually important, when they are important, and when they can be ignored. Verbal sigh. >> Anon 44632 >># I agree, I think they need to have some jobs that do not remove stats, and stat removing jobs grant bonus stats. It is korean level grindy. >> Anon 44635 Who had the bright idea to force the use of the arrow keys in a PORN GAME? Dumbasses. >> Anon 44650 am I the only one who is always reminded of simply sara when this game is mentioned? i can hear the heaving in my head >> Anon 44681 >># >not being left handed >> Anon 44685 >># >># Forget being left handed. I don't know anyone who keeps a mouse on their left side. And as far as I know, the right hand is for browsing, and the left hand is for stimulating. You penis does not care which hand you use. Because it's a penis, it only cares if it's getting attention. >> Anon 44689 >># Some of us prefer arrows over forced WASD. If you have any sort of ergonomic keyboard--or use Dvorak, or Coleman, or just have slightly different letter shapes--then WASD is going to be off. Fuck that. >> Anon 44718 >># Come on bro, just move your keyboard slightly to the left, it's not that "hard", if ya know what I mean ;););) >># Please enlighten us then which stats are important, and not contradict your own statements. >># Reminds me about a cool thing onehandgames did, they let you CHOOSE. As in, this is an actual chunk of software and the devs could just easily put an option in that chooses between ASD, ←↑→ or zxc. I hate when z is forced, because it's the ONLY fucking letter that is differently located on european keyboards. >> Anon 44765 A good flash, a head taller than most of the added games. >> Anon 44774 anyone got a guide? what stats to max first what order to do shit? >> Anon 44920 >># Patron version 0.07 is out, we require it >> Anon 44921 >># Patron version 0.7.0 is out, we require it >> Anon 44929 How many jobs are there actually in the game? I can't get any in the bottom left box >> Anon 44991 >># >># Second this, ly-mindy-055-070-preview.html Can finally finish farmer john's |