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Threads (2):
File: Zelda Afterparty WIP.swf-(1.28 MB, 1000x750, Porn) [_] Full thing is out, Anybody got it? Anon 3225584 It's by Creambee >> [_] Anon 3225644 Id be intrested >> [_] Anon 3225647 >># >># try nobody on /f/ will into buying swf porn subscriptions since Mornington Crescent >> [_] Anon 3225650 mor plz >> [_] friendsofsandwiches 3225652 are you supposed to undress her and keep from waking her up or something? >> [_] Anon 3225662 >># here it is anon >> [_] Anon 3225667 Thank you kind Sir, You are a legend.
/ > /fap/ > Thread 10916 Age: 38.33d Health: 0% Posters: 23 Posts: 31 Replies: 29 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 45097 Creambee - WIP Zelda WIP, Can't wait to see what she releases when it's finished. [IMG] Zelda Afterparty WIP.swf (1.29 MiB) 1000x750, Compressed. 120 frames, 24 fps (00:05). Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 45100 >># >she >> Anon 45120 inb4 someone finds out its traced >> Anon 45126 >># cool! any word on when it is supposed to be done? >># i never cared about that myself >> Anon 45146 This looks hype already. when is it releasing? >> Anon 46156 >all those bottles of alcohol >no bong, chillum, pipe or ashtray anywhere 5/10 wouldn't fuck this Zelda. I bet TP Zelda would have some good herb. >> Anon 46166 >># Winrars don't do drugs anon. That's what's mario taught me. >> Anon 46181 >># Why is that a problem? If I can fap to it, which I probably given it's the release version, I don't give a fuck if it's completely traced. >> Anon 46184 >># Because Creambee traces their shit then charges you money to fap to it. >> Anon 46186 >># Then don't fap. ever. >> Anon 46188 >># Retard confirmed. >> Anon 46207 >># Just don't fap to it or don't pay for it? I fail to understand the problem you perceive. >> Anon 46277 Neat, how do I donate to the creator? >> Anon 46302 >># the problem is when a dude puts free stuff out there and another takes the free stuff and traces over it and sells it then now the only way you can see it on here is the tracer puts the WIP here or if someone paid to download the traced stuff and upload it here. you giving money to the wrong dude. jeez do I have to spell it out? want me to hold your hand? >> Anon 46305 >># The point is not even a ethical one. A lot of artists give up of making free stuff after seeing his work being plagiarized and that some dude is making money/fame over his creativity and work. Even a normal person would get upset about the notion of providing bucks to a leech and that people are being scammed with his art, it's even worse for sensitive artsy people that artists are. When a artist notice he can't avoid the parasite of stealing his work, the only reasonable solution is to cut the flow and that means stop releasing new stuff and giving up. I have seen this happen hundreds of times in the internet(mainly on amateur porn) and it's always a loss. >> Anon 46306 >># I was wondering what would you do in that situation parasites begin leeching off your works? Would you just ignore it and hold your glory or try to limit as much material as possible to only allow trusted users to view your product? Im asking cause alot of artists dont really care as they see their work copied to other sites as free advertising. >> Anon 46310 >># Tracing movements, poses, images, or copying a character is fine to a point as many drawings by beginners and even pros are just that. Zelda is a copyrighted character and yet somehow selling porn of the character is not an issue being made instead? The problem is when people take full assets of another's work, say all of Zone's flashes for instance, reskin the sprites and characters then upload it to a pay site with no credit to the actual author. That is bull shit. Should this be the case with this "artist" I agree with you. Otherwise the argument for tracing being made against this "artist" is the following: that something is not your creation because you used a program you did not make(Adobe Flash) and a device you did not make(insert tablet company name) to create said something. This time an image from an "artist" (who used a computer to make it) is also involved in being used as a template for another "artist's" creation. So nobody created anything by their own merits and should not receive any praise or compensation. Except for Bill Gates who created the home computer industry, and even that is questionable. My point being, using other's creations as templates or tools to make your own is how life works. Anyone wanting to be prissy about tracing an image go on steam or Dlsite and look up how many RPGmaker games are on sale. Now go tell every one of those people they did not make content or that they stole it because they used RPGmaker or unoriginal characters as a basis in their work. >> Anon 46311 >># >the free advertising argument Just no. >> Anon 46312 >># Its only free advertisement if the tracer credits the author, which rarely happens. >> Anon 46321 The full thing is out, Anybody got it? >> Anon 46330 Actually you create art both ways: Either you create something completely new, which is hard. I mean even Zelda is based on ancient folk tales of elves and shit and those are based on something else and so on. The other option is to take existing shit, in this case Zelda and random flashes and mix it up with your own conception of art. Actually courts say you can only be sued if you use say more than 80% of somebodies elses creation for your own. Basically you can copy it but make it have your own unique style and it will be altright. >> Anon 46333 >># >tracing is normal for beginners It's called using references. TRACING has NEVER been okay in the art community. >> Anon 46334 >># Also, fuck off Creambee. >> Anon 46335 So... Is it traced ? >> Anon 46337 >># The face looks a lot like the ones Legoman draws, so there's a good chance it is. At least for that part of it. >> Anon 46339 The full one is out. It's actually pretty okay. I can't tell if anything is traced. >> Anon 46348 >># reference pic? >inb4 it's traced from imagination >> Anon 46350 >># goddamn this chat's a shitstorm. >> Anon 46356 >># I thought it was a pretty good discussion about how being an artist is slowly on its way becoming dead as a career and transitioning into a hobbyist's craft because of leechers and scalpers. Shit's tough man, I don't want to pay artists their fair share myself, I'm sad to say. An abundance of media desensitizes me to the struggle of a saturated market. >> Anon 46372 >># idk, I know a lot of zone traces even if it's obviously not credited if you're good your style (and the traces of it) will get recognized by fans still not a nice thing to do, really but it shouldn't be the problem of the creator who already got paid to do that work >># yeah, maybe there has already been enough stuff "created" and just has to be reused over and over again I mean, look at oldschool rpgs It's like greek mythology was the last interesting character design to ever surface >> Anon 46667 >># cyka blyat I'm asking for reference pic. Are you making empty accusation? |