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Threads (13):
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3510196
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3503701
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3385810 Thanks to the kind anon who found this for me; this is an eargasm that's been haunting me for a while. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3385819 >># xvo >> [_] Anon 3385832 Shelter is my favorite song in existence Porter and Madeon are legends >> [_] Anon 3385875 >># it's really just so popular because of that one anime skit everytime >make linkin park anime music video >every amv on this earth has linkin park music >make cute but sad waifu anime music video >song instantly becomes #3 most used amv song of all time >> [_] Anon 3385883 >># what version is this that doesn't have the singing parts? or was this cut solely for the flash? >> [_] cacacaca 3385884 holllklllllkkk >> [_] Anon 3385899 >># It's likely edited for the flash. Not an uncommon thing to do. Also, sounds like a different mix than the guest track on OnBP's album. Not sure of this exact sauce. >> [_] Anon 3385900 >># oy0 >> [_] Anon 3385927 >># Thank you for posting the original. >> [_] Anon 3385928 >># NP... also, Madeon, of Finale (404.swf) fame >> [_] Anon 3385930 This song is the definition of cozy.
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3326876 >> [_] Anon 3326922 cool
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3308380 >> [_] Anon 3308493 >># song?
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] chill Anon 3287762 >> [_] Anon 3287880 what a gay song
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3255135
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3251149 >> [_] Anon 3251269 >># song? >> [_] Anon 3251271 >># XcQ >> [_] Anon 3251272 >># i recognize that video id >> [_] Anon 3251274 >># porter robinson and madeon - shelter only told you because those are two of my favorite musicians
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] I want to live in space Anon 3240227 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3240236 where is planet earth >> [_] Anon 3240240 >># >mind=blown thank you anon my life is more bearable now >> [_] 1AUCREW 3240242 We revolve around the sun at a safe distance to observe other bodies in our proximity. We get just enough sunlight, not too little or too much. Stars were referred to as the lives of those who have perished before man to this day in 2001 space odyssey within the first few sentences. The further reaches of space you observe is actually viewing space in another time. Countless years in the hundreds to thousands ago in time. That star you're admiring might be dead already, but the light it shows still affects you today. Maybe enough to inspire you. >> [_] Anon 3240246 >># imagine a place that is 13.8 billon light years away from which someone can observe the big bang if he were to have a super telescope and looking the right way >> [_] Anon 3240251 >># Apparently the origins of the universe occurred somewhere nearby Jupiter and explains its characteristics among the other planets. >> [_] Anon 3240262 >># A tiny jail cell in space. >># what the hell are you talking about. The origins of the universe happened by Jupiter? For one, suggesting there is a certain "place" that represents the origin of the universe may be completely wrong, because our universe is not like a grenade that exploded from a single point, but lets say it's not wrong. You know our entire solar system moves around our galaxy, right? Our sun is flying around the galaxy at over 40,000 miles per hour, and dragging all of us along with it. That means even if there was place we could point to called the origin, it wouldn't be by Jupiter, at least for not very long. >> [_] Anon 3240305 >># What characteristics are those? Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, but Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus are all similar gas giants, of which there are many, many more examples throughout other solar systems. So what exactly do you mean when you say that Jupiter has special properties? >> [_] Anon 3240308 I've always found the choice of imagery strange for this music. The guy is going to die there, he's stranded with just the air in his suit. Doesn't seem like a super chill place to be >> [_] Anon 3240354 >># Similar to the music video- girl is stranded away from all civilization forever, but tries to enjoy her life anyways.
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3235319 >> [_] Anon 3235334 song citation plex >> [_] Anon 3235335 >># >> [_] Anon 3235336 >># there's stupid and then there's you, anon >> [_] Anon 3235353 >># I would update this .gif to actually tell people that there is usually source underneath the flash. Currently it just tells someone that it's possible to resize your screen, which everyone is aware of. >> [_] Anon 3235358 >># if someone doesn't get the implication then we have found a new level of newfaggotry >> [_] Anon 3235363 Human beings don't actually exist and this has been one of the funniest two decades of my multi-universe existence. >> [_] Anon 3235413 >># I will be happy when you die and you aren't on the same plane of existence as me anymore.
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3232899 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3233045 >># name of song? I've heard it before but can't remember >> [_] Anon 3233055 >># Even if you somehow don't know about resizing yet, how do you not recognize this song? It's not even six months old yet. >> [_] Anon 3233062 >># I'll come clean, I'm a fucking idiot, I seriously don't know >> [_] Anon 3233071 oy0&
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3229278 >># >> [_] Anon 3229413 Reminds me of the game where the guy kills himself.
File: space shelter.swf-(3.23 MB, 500x488, Loop) [_] Anon 3225887 >> [_] Anon 3225892 God I love this song >> [_] Anon 3225905 song? >> [_] Anon 3225909 >># Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter >> [_] Anon 3225915 There a DL inside the flash its pretty hidden but if you find it you can dl the song. >> [_] Anon 3225916 >># It's by clicking the visor of the astronaut's helmet >> [_] Anon 3225973 >># >># there ar actually 2 hidden buttons the one in the astronauts helmet leads to this version of the song the other leads to the full version >> [_] Anon 3225981 >># There are actually 4 One goes to a mediafire link for the song loop in this flash i76z5/Porter_Robinson_%26_Madeon_-_Shelte r_%28flash_version%29.mp3 One goes to a mediafire link for the full song tsxw9/Porter_Robinson_%26_Madeon_-_Shelte r.mp3 One goes to the music video on youtube And one goes to a tumblr page for the visual loop in the flash >> [_] Anon 3225982 >># well I didn't count the two under the flash and they're not that hidden anyways since you can use tab to select them |