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1,19 MiB, 00:24 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

[SMWU881]F !!
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 24/3 -2017 07:29:40 Ended: 27/5 -2017 20:04:47Flashes: 1 Posts: 42
/ > /fap/ > Thread 10980 Age: 57.52d Health: 0% Posters: 24 Posts: 42 Replies: 41 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 46536 Pinoytoons is back After finishing "Rouge Courier" he#s finally back with his quality porn ;) Enjoy... [IMG] Pinoytoons-Tifa.swf (1.19 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 574 frames, 24 fps (00:24). Ver28, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 46537 >quality porn but the main dudes a nigger
>> Anon 46539 >># and also the first commenting anon -.-"
>> Anon 46541 fixed version when
>> Anon 46542 Holy mother of earth, is Pinoytoons out of this world?! Thanks OP!
>> Anon 46545 Whoever wrote this should reduce the amount of hentai he reads per hour
>> Anon 46546 >># ...trump gets anal raped....
>> Anon 46547 >quality >niggers Pick one.
>> Anon 46552 yoyoyo where's the music from is it FF IX
>> Anon 46555 I like pinoytoon's artstyle despite how obvious his sameface females are
>> Anon 46559 >># but that's his memorability :D this guy is one of my favourite artists whose style is really unique.
>> Anon 46565 >># >># *Mexican
>> Anon 46566 >># NQ4 +FFVIII theme, right at the heartstrings +the plot is related to the character -wrong game theme -no sound effects -pose and scenery blatantly traced from a porn movie
>> Anon 46571 Wew, a flash with my favourite porn character AND from Pinoy? Wew, good thing I came here today then. Also I hate niggers as much as the next guy but he certainly isn't a nigger, probably SE asian or some shit.
>> Anon 46572 >># >Mexicans aren't niggers Taconiggers are equally disgusting.
>> Anon 46574 Pinoys are not niggers or mexicans, the Philippines is a Tropical Country in South East Asia where it has only two weather climate changes (sunny and rainy) that is why most of the skin are brown it isn't too hot nor too cold.
>> Anon 46579 >># Cool story, taconigger
>> Anon 46594 >># Get your racism right you stupid nigger, it's clearly a man of SE asian descent, neither mexican nor african. Get your eyes checked.
>> Anon 46601 ITT: Niggers niggering about nigger niggers
>> Anon 46602 >># >SEAzns aren't niggers >Haven't even looked at the shitholes that constitute Southeast Asia. Come on.
>> Anon 46603 oh joy. this again.
>> Anon 46604 >># Offended (taconigger) asians telling me to get my eyes checked LUL
>> Anon 46613 fucking sandniggers in this thread
>> Anon 46624 I hate niggerniggers
>> Anon 46630 >># I don't even descend from a country in the Americas nor below the equator but nice try. >># I agree that they are basically vermin but they're not niggers, niggers are by definition descendants from Africa
>> Anon 46648 You kids really have no clue how pathetic you look trying to be all edgy, do you?
>> Anon 46658 By far the best animated facial I've seen.
>> Anon 46661 >># Says the nigger
>> Anon 46689 Hahahahahaha Tifa got BLACKED, deal with it faggots :^)
>> Anon 46691 itt: people who don't know what black people look like.
>> Anon 46693 >># What do you expect from sheltered basement dwellers too afraid too go outside? Literally the cucks of life.
>> Anon 46694 >># >># Now kiss.
>> Anon 46707 BLACKED
>> Anon 48342 >># >># cucks go home
>> Anon 48370 >># lmao stay mad faggot
>> Anon 48371 >># lmao stay cucked niggerfaggot lol roflmao xDDDDDDD
>> Anon 48385 ITT: 12 years old boys disappoint about dick in that flash much bigger than their and has another color.
>> Anon 48802 >># so fucking mad holy shit lol
>> Anon 48803 >># I know u are but what am I? Lol roflmao kek
>> Anon 48847 >># >forever mad
>> Anon 48851 >># >never not mad
>> Anon 49079 Do you motherfuckers not know what a tan is?

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Created: 24/3 -2017 07:35:57 Last modified: 28/7 -2019 14:20:23 Server time: 14/03 -2025 03:16:42