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Threads (4):
File: LOOPINGS III.swf-(5.54 MB, 500x500, Loop) [_] Anon 3359577 >> [_] Anon 3359593 is this one new? >> [_] Anon 3359691 >># IS THAT VEELA IN MY /f/? Fucking love Veela. since like 2011 >> [_] Anon 3359700 >># I've seen this one before the newest is that one with initial D songs
File: LOOPINGS III.swf-(5.54 MB, 500x500, Loop) [_] Anon 3281665 >> [_] Anon 3281746 Every time I see this title I think it's gonna be Lupin III related
File: looooooops.swf-(5.54 MB, 500x500, Loop) [_] [O] [O] [P] [S] #6 Anon 3238660
File: LOOPINGS III.swf-(5.54 MB, 500x500, Loop) [_] I made you yet another OC made out of delicous looping audios dedo !drZ3h7esek 3233589 So I've been busy these past few days with making a collection of seamless audio loops and I've made over 100 of them, so without further ado I proudly present to you DEDOS - dedo's enormous database of songloops. https://mega.nz/#F!LRwX0LqS!iR7xxBqTZwmY LOFzleq_HQ Most of these songs are ~1 minute long but there are also a few which are only 15 seconds long. The 2 at the end of the filename means it's form the same song but it's a different part. Also I made it that everytime you open it a random song starts to play, well, random as adobe flash cs6 can be (which is not that random) Well anyway I hope you enjoy this little sample. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3233605 Why did you pick that font color? It's very hard to read against the backgrounds you've provided. >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3233607 >># sorry, I've been using it since the beginning and I should have figured out how to add text shadow in shape tweening by now. Does anyone know how to do it? >> [_] Anon 3233643 >># >or Pizza the Hutt will send out for *you* >> [_] Anon 3233651 >># I'm curious how you went about polishing these loops. >> [_] Anon 3233655 I like moving shadow the best The ghost assassin loop is better than the actual song. >> [_] Anon 3233658 >># What's your favorite audio loop? >> [_] Anon 3233713 >># >random as adobe flash cs6 can be (which is not that random) I find Actionscript's randomize function to be no more or less functional than any other RND function in any other language or script. Anyway, nice loops, the audio is flawless on these. Personally, I think you might pick a font that more matches the feel of the flash, maybe something like Pluto Sans or Leelawadee UI. Subtle but effective difference. Also, The Fat Rat? My god, that's the source of all that terrible royalty-free music on YouTube. Search "Monody" and you'll hear the track behind every 12 year old girl's orbeez-and-glitter how-to video. Keep making looops yo, noble art, yadda yadda. >> [_] Anon 3233716 >># also forgot to mention... >text shadow easy, it's just adding a filter, the same as you'd do to a graphic or movie clip. Select your text box, go to the Properties panel, look at the bottom, there's "Filters"... you know what to do from there, filters are as fully tween-able as rotation/translation/scale, color, etc. protip: filters can be copied to the clipboard for easy duplication, can be pasted into any other thing that takes filters, you can make filter presets, and if you easily want the same effect on a collection of things, put them all in a graphic and apply the filter once to that, instead of once each to several items. NOW GO FLASH. >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3233736 >># Nothing spectacular, you just need to be patient and find the perfect spot. I'm using sony vegas pro 13 and only occasionally I add a sound effect to cover the seam. >># I don't have a favorite, you know where you do this for a few hours you get desynthesized and don't judge the quality anymore, which surely happened to me and I just looped song after song after song >># thanks, gonna give that a shot >># the thing is when I break the text appart to make a shape tween the filters disappear also I just figured it out, you make another text in black behind the original text and make it a little bigger. Wonder how that's gonna look |