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Threads (3):
File: wheels.swf-(5.85 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] Anon 3414095 Random lost flashes >> [_] Anon 3414101 that's what he gets for being gay
File: wheels.swf-(5.85 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] Anon 3256646 Where do your wheels take you? >> [_] Anon 3256653 When youre having a meeting but suddenly you feel TIRED >> [_] Anon 3256659 >># Hue, you get a (you) for that pun >> [_] Anon 3256661 Wheel, wheel, wheel. Looks like someone is on a roll. >> [_] Anon 3256675 Man, what the hell are the odds?
File: wheels.swf-(5.85 MB, 640x360, Loop) [_] for :v - get inspired! godk 3236516 >> [_] Anon 3236530 >># could have been better without the first shot of them sitting as it spoils what's gonna happen to them when you see the tire coming the links in the context menu don't work the audio could use a better looping >> [_] Anon 3236537 >># Hahaha, yeah.. the video was so short, I had to get 'creative' with filler. Not as easy as you think, and still get the action to line up with the lyrics somewhat. The menu links are just text, I didn't add any handlers for a URL loader. Don't be lazy, the URLs aren't long :^) Can't say what happened to the audio! It works perfectly in Vegas, in Media Encoder, AND in Flash ctrl+Enter. Sometimes it happens, just as the final Red Frame sometimes happens, and nobody, not even Adobe can offer an explanation. Oh well, you get what you pay for, Anon. Actually, you got more. Be grateful. ( ^3^) >> [_] Anon 3236542 >># oh you put the video with audio and not a mute video with seperate audio file that shit drives me nuts as well also fuck you for trying to make me write down urls without copypasting them >> [_] Anon 3236549 >># lol So you're allergic to keyboards too? >put the video with audio Exactly, because this virtually NEVER happens when you embed the audio in the flv. It's quite likely to occur when on a separate layer, or to come out of sync. (like when you right click the menu, the video frames will not skip up to where they belong) >> [_] Anon 3236565 >># >So you're allergic to keyboards too? How did you come to this conclusion? When you have random case sensitive words and numbers it's a pain to write down especially if you can't see it while you're typing it virtually audio files that have 48kHz sample rate doesn't play any slower than 44.1kHz yet flash doesn't care and plays it slower anyway >> [_] Anon 3236566 I saw this video on reddit yesterday too :^) >> [_] Anon 3236568 >># And I thought pen and paper would never die. >48kHz sample rate etc.. Flash player only renders audio at 44100Hz. This is the only bitrate I use when mastering anything going to Flash for this very reason. Vast majority of casual sources I scrape are 48000Hz, it gets resampled in master. >> [_] Anon 3236569 >># what's "reddit"? >> [_] Anon 3236575 >># pen and paper died the day I finished high school, or at least pen, and even paper I'd rather read from kindle >> [_] :v 3236662 lookit the tire go, he's got place to be >> [_] Anon 3236691 >># I read this to the tune of Wheels |