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Threads (38):
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] pharmacy is now open Anon 3519541 You all need this to live. Take your meds and /f/lash on. >> [_] Anon 3519583 Thanks doc! I almost didn't make it in time
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3515595 I understand you're off your meds, but don't worry, we can help. Relax and let the medicine do its job. >> [_] Anon 3515623 Thanks, doc! I would've died if it weren't for you >> [_] Anon 3515630 Thanks doc just what I needed, that was a close one
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Haven't been here in four years Anon 3506478 >> [_] Anon 3506482 thanks doc, I would've died if you weren't so quick
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] Anon 3444667
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Game) [_] Anon 3443474 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3443478 NICE >> [_] Anon 3443513 phew thanks for that doc i needed it quick >> [_] Anon 3443557 Thanks Doc!
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3443284 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3443285 danke, herr doktor >> [_] Anon 3443325 >># Thanks based Doc! >> [_] Anon 3443333 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3443340 Thank you doctor >> [_] Anon 3443390 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3443396 Thanks doc. >> [_] Anon 3443401 >># thx dok >> [_] Anon 3443413 Thanks doc, you saved my life
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3437244 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3437245 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3437260 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3437264 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3437276 Thanks Doc! >> [_] Anon 3437278 I'll clap for you on Thursday nights Doc. >> [_] Anon 3437284 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3437287 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3437297 dear god >> [_] Anon 3437300 Obrigado, Doutor! >> [_] Anon 3437303 Obrigado, Doutor! >> [_] Anon 3437304 close one, but thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3437329 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3437338 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3437347 Danke Doktor >> [_] Anon 3437349 Gracias, doctor >> [_] Anon 3437352 Tack doktor
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] Anon 3426060 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3426074 Thanks Doc! The 'rona nearly got me. Love that bit at the end, this a best dose. >> [_] Anon 3426103 >># It's been years but I've never asked before. What's the daily dose music? >> [_] Anon 3426104 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3426127 >># >Irony - ClariS Wow, I actually didn't know that already - huh. >> [_] Anon 3426136 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3426137 >># Noisia - Groundhog
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3423544 FIGHTING THE CONTAGION This is gonna take some serious meds, but you'll make it through this.
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3417158 Line up, patients Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3417170 Damn doc, this must be that deluxe shit, thanks. >> [_] Anon 3417175 >># thanks, doc >> [_] Anon 3417184 >># thanks, doc >> [_] Anon 3417218 I now have my nightly quota of Lulz >> [_] Anon 3417230 Thanks Doc, I'm hella allergic to Douglas Fir splinters!
File: Bourbon House.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] Anon 3405140 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3405142 Thanks, Doc. >> [_] Anon 3405216 >># Whoo, thanks for giving it to me straight doc >> [_] Anon 3405229 It is clear... we have a Superior Troll among us. "first flashes", rename-fuckery... Kudos anon, I covet your 72 virgins.
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3402711 to combat the placebo doses being distributed to unsuspecting patients. "First, do no harm..." >> [_] Anon 3402784 thanks doc, almost didn't make it
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] HELP IS HERE Anon 3385112 22 days since your last Daily Dose!... Don't worry, this will fix you up, and keep you alive just a little while longer! >> [_] Anon 3385114 >># *yawn >> [_] Anon 3385121 >># Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3385122 >># Thanks, Doc. >> [_] Anon 3385124 >># I am incredibly grateful, Mr. Medical Practitioner. >> [_] Anon 3385129 THANKS DOC!!!!!! also western animation is disgusting and horrendous looking. >> [_] Anon 3385134 ahhh nice save. I was worried there for a minute. thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3385148 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3385149 arigatou sensei
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] Happy 24th, get your meds Anon 3378134 >> [_] Anon 3378192 Thanks Doc.
File: bourbon house.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3370442 >> [_] Anon 3370443 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3370454 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3370474 this drink tastes weird >> [_] Anon 3370486 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3370525 I legitimately cannot for the life of me tell what show this clip is from, I knew they were all getting a bit cal arts, but this is insane.
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3367517 >> [_] Anon 3367527 >give it to me straight Thanks Doc! >> [_] DEIMI 3367529 thx doc you saved my life >> [_] Anon 3367545 thanks doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] Anon 3363154 >># because Doc can't prescribe a good dose
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] Anon 3355793 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3355794 thanks for saving me doc >> [_] Anon 3355795 >># thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3355796 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3355812 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3355815 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3355822 >give it to me straight kek'd Thanks Doc! >> [_] Anon 3355825 Arigato >> [_] Anon 3355871 thanks doc >> [_] Nimaniad 3355876 Not again... >> [_] Anon 3355878 >># Nice Calarts shit faggot >> [_] Anon 3355909 Inoculated for another day doc! Thanks >> [_] Anon 3355918 thanks doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] Anon 3352448 Friday relief for your aches and pains >> [_] Anon 3352457 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3352463 Thanks doc. >> [_] Anon 3352483 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3352494 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3352495 This dose is too short. I need something longer for my chronic pains.
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3340795 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3340797 just on time, thanks doc! >> [_] thanks doc 3340830 Thank YOU >> [_] Anon 3340833 TD >> [_] Anon 3340834 thanks doc needed my dose >> [_] Anon 3340865 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3340868 really needed that, thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3340871 Thanks, Doc. >> [_] Anon 3340885 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3340902 >># thanks, doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] Anon 3335460 oh shit guys Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3335482 oh shit, thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3335518 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3335558 close call thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3335581 way to go, thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3335607 >># Thanks Doc! >> [_] Anon 3335612 you saved my life... thanks doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] Anon 3319521 It's time for your emergency dose. >> [_] Anon 3319523 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3319533 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3319547 Thanks doc! >> [_] Anon 3319549 This was pretty fucking good. Thanks doc. >> [_] Anon 3319550 >># that was a close one. Thanks doc. >> [_] Anon 3319573 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3319580 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3319581 Thanks Doc! >> [_] Build_A_Burger_workshop 3319594 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3319595 thanks doc i would of been a goner >> [_] Anon 3319601 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3319614 Thanks, doc! >> [_] Anon 3319616 >># Thanks doc-- slow release seems to be better for me and really helps! >> [_] Anon 3319623 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3319628 Thanks Doc!
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Anime) [_] Thursgay my dudes. BeeBee 3303092 >> [_] Anon 3303112 >># thanks doc, just in time >> [_] Anon 3303114 That was bretty gud, even the proper ending. >> [_] Anon 3303150 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3303176 >># Thanks, doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Other) [_] Anon 3296678 oh shit Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3296683 >># thank god all these placebos weren't doing the trick >> [_] Anon 3296707 >># god bless you, doc >> [_] Anon 3296727 >># thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3296733 muchos gracias medicine man >> [_] Anon 3296779 arigato hakase
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] Anon 3295320 >> [_] Anon 3295374 >># I lol'd
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Hentai) [_] - ̗̀BeeBee ̖́- 3284638 >> [_] Anon 3284658 thanks doc we needed some new material >> [_] Anon 3284659 >># Thanks Doc for giving it to me straight. >> [_] Faggot (¬‿¬) 3284660 Thanks doc, this new anally injected dose is doing wonders! >> [_] Anon 3284701 You're a life saver doc. I barely made it in time. >> [_] Anon 3284725 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3284790 Uisha, arigatou gozaimashita >> [_] Anon 3284791 WAIT, DOC, I ALREADY HAD MY DAiii... ... ... >> [_] Anon 3284824 idea is good, execution is meh >> [_] Anon 3284831 >># Are you high son? Sit still and take your dose!
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] help is on the way Anon 3283529 Fixing the clear case of malpractice in >>>3283440 You will survive this, Anon.
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Porn) [_] [I][C][C][O][L][O] Dr. Dose 3278553 >> [_] thanks doc 3278555 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3278556 Thanks Doc, I didn't think I'd make it! >> [_] Anon 3278560 Thanks doc! >> [_] Anon 3278574 Thanks doc! >> [_] Anon 3278576 Hell, it's about time, thanks doc! >> [_] Chill Guy 3278605 Always thought these are stupid as fuck. Namekians don't have penises. >> [_] Anon 3278612 >># Hey Doc! I found one skipping his meds! Bring a double dose STAT! >> [_] Anon 3278613 >># Then how do they piss?
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Porn) [_] Anon 3273521 >> [_] Anon 3273523 thanks doc >> [_] Looghorn 3273526 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3273531 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3273532 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3273533 thanks doc. I thought I was a goner for a second there >> [_] Anon 3273549 Thanks Doc... give it to me straight, do I have a chance? >> [_] Anon 3273552 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3273562 >># so long as you take your daily dose >> [_] Anon 3273569 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3273578 thank you doctor >> [_] Anon 3273593 >># Thanks, doc! >> [_] Anon 3273601 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3273608 >># thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3273645 >># thanks doc 10/10 >> [_] = 3273657 You're a miracle worker, doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] stopgap for imminent cancer Anon 3270784 Line up boys, free meds! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3270786 >># huh. so is THAT what we've been taking meds for all this time. It's chemotherapy. Makes sense now. Killing cancer with harsh poisons. You suffer, but in the end the cancer dies out, while you survive and bounce back because you can heal when it can't. That said, we don't have much of a prognosis do we, doc? We went stage IV years ago. Is it IV B by now? IV C? I know it's only gotten worse. >> [_] Anon 3270787 >># Where there is Life, there is Hope. Take this with plenty of fluids, and remember to keep lots of fiber in your diet, you will be fine. >> [_] Anon 3270796 >># Thanks doc. You're a real inspiration. I don't know what we'd do without you, these past few years have been the single longest summer I've ever known. >> [_] Anon 3270871 Fantastic, the surgeon is inspired. >> [_] Anon 3270872 I've been waiting for this. Thanks doc, finally. >> [_] Anon 3270917 You saved that mans life, you're a hero doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Porn) [_] Anon 3267281 >> [_] Anon 3267285 Thanks Doc.... give it to me straight- do I have a chance?
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Porn) [_] Anon 3266174 It's all going to be OK, /f/. >> [_] Anon 3266194 >># Doc, give it to me straight... Do I have a chance? >> [_] Anon 3266197 >># It's terminal. You have 2.5 years.
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] Fake news is cancer, here's the cure Anon 3259265 >> [_] Anon 3259266 What, you don't like politics where it shouldn't be? Must be a leftist. Also thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3259270 >># Well, correct about placement, but exactly wrong about alignment. But fuck all that, you're very welcome, and everyone line up for your dose! FREE MEDS FOR ALL!! (thanks, Obamacare!)
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] Anon 3255256 Fighting the cancer! >> [_] Anon 3255258 Thanks, doc! >> [_] Anon 3255267 Would have been nice if it was an actual loop No thanks, doc. I'll stick with my traditional medication.
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] we must stabilize the patients! Anon 3253025 Fight the Cancer! >> [_] Sammy 3253042 >># This has got to be the most engaging creative dose I've seen, kudos doc >> [_] Anon 3253121 I fucking love it >> [_] Anon 3253129 >># Thanks doc
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] Anon 3251859 quick everyone grab some, fight the cancer! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3251869 >># I can't thank you enough doc, I thought I wouldn't make it. >> [_] Anon 3251891 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3251897 thank you doctor >> [_] Anon 3251908 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3251910 Thanks, doc. >> [_] Anon 3251915 Didn't think I was gonna pull through Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3251920 >># Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3251932 man this was some adult swim level stuff - can't believe they show it on normal cartoon network >> [_] Anon 3251934 >># thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3251935 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3251938 >># 2017 bro, this is a different world from Camp Lazlo >> [_] Anon 3251949 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3251962 Just woke up and got my dose. Thanks Doc. >> [_] Anon 3251984 >># Don't shoot the moon, we're loony for the luna. >> [_] Anon 3252000 Thanks Doc >> [_] Anon 3252011 >># wouldn't it have been funnier if the flash name was just "emergency.swf"? >> [_] Anon 3252015 Damn, thanks doc, didn't think i was gonna make it
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] /f/ needs some serious meds today Anon 3248833 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3248834 lmfao thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3248836 Thanks doc! >> [_] Anon 3248879 Thanks doc. >> [_] Anon 3248896 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3248904 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3248920 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3248923 Thanks Doc! >> [_] !MhMRSATORI 3248924 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3248928 Thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3248930 Gracias doctor >> [_] Anon 3248931 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3248933 Thanks doc! >> [_] Anon 3248934 danks thoc >> [_] Anon 3248952 Gracias Doctor! >> [_] Anon 3248955 ありがとう。。。せんせい!
File: emergency dose.swf-(8.28 MB, 854x480, Loop) [_] 100cc of Namek serum, STAT! Genndy Tartakovsky 3247790 The emergency room is open, no insurance required. Don't thank me, thank your Doctor. I'm just the pharma rep. Enjoy. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3247803 Just what the patient needed. Great work, Doc. >> [_] Anon 3247805 >># if youre going to namefag you could at least post something remotely notable,instead of lame unfunny shit that was old in 2006..... >> [_] Anon 3247815 I liked the part with the ads >> [_] Anon 3247816 >># Genndy you're a fucking faggot and you ruined Samurai Jack. You should have left it to rot and shouldn't touch it at all >> [_] Anon 3247818 Thanks doc. >> [_] Anon 3247819 the dose is inhaled? What are these pills I've been eating? >> [_] Anon 3247823 I just realized that those yellow things are restrains, and Vegeta didn't piss himself >> [_] Anon 3247827 >give it to me >straight >> [_] Anon 3247839 >># Namek semen* Christ rep, this doc barely does his job right >> [_] Anon 3247850 >># you're a prince among men, thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3247851 >># >implying Namek serum isn't refined Namek semen Did you even go to medical school? >> [_] Anon 3247855 >># Thanks doc Dont namefag though. really, its fucking gayer then this shit >> [_] Anon 3247871 Thanks doc. >># It started out as an okay reboot. >> [_] Anon 3247872 >># Woah? My whole dose has been a lie! >> [_] Anon 3247889 thanks doc >> [_] Anon 3247893 >># The inhalation has an immediate effect, while the pills are long term. As was stated in the video, the patient needed an emergency dose, and was thus subjected to concentrated amounts of the dose going straight into his lungs. His consciousness, as you saw it, slowly slipped away immediately. This effect wouldn't be achieved through pills for at least a month. >> [_] Anon 3247913 >># >># >trolled never change, /f/ I love you |