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fairy_tail-hentami-lucy_heartfil ia-pinoytoons.swf
8,86 MiB, 01:33 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 3/6 -2017 22:42:13 Ended: 20/10 -2017 08:31:54Flashes: 1 Posts: 47
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11426 Age: 131.41d Health: 0% Posters: 36 Posts: 47 Replies: 41 Files: 1+2
>> Anon 50142 Fairy_Tail Hentami Lucy_Heartfilia by pinoytoons [IMG] fairy_tail-hentami-lucy_heartfilia-pinoy toons.swf (8.86 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 2234 frames, 24 fps (01:33). Ver9, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 50144 Inb4 over 9000 posts complaining about the guy's complexion.
>> Anon 50145 I always liked the art, animations and games pinoytoons does. Even the simplified, no fucks given, ones he did for meet and fuck. Yes, most of the games his work involved him in sucked game play wise, but making a porn game not cheesy is an exception to the norm. Normal Fairy Fighting by eluku99 still kicks my ass.
>> Anon 50150 Fix the nigger
>> Anon 50154 This flash is broken. I keep getting color glitches.
>> Anon 50161 He's got very tiny hands
>> Anon 50162 >># kek
>> Anon 50170 B L A C K E D L A C K E D
>> Anon 50171 >when part of the couch comes alive and starts fucking your girl
>> Anon 50172 >east asian artist uses east asian skintone for the male >folks think it's black because they're from United States where light brown passes as black >begun the edit wars have THE RIDE NEVER ENDS
>> Anon 50180 >># It'd make much more sense if the girl wasn't aryan white, if that we're the case.
>> Anon 50181 >># Probably due to the whole, fetishise people of another race thing
>> Anon 50182 >># Disregard what I said, >># is a dumb nigger who can't recognize main characters.
>> Anon 50184 >># >># >># Racists leave.
>> Anon 50186 Bleh, the audio bothers me more than the skin tones. All I can hear in my head is Egoraptor screaming "MAI PUSSSEEEEEEEE"
>> Anon 50192 It's been forever since there was some actual quality posted, god I love pinoytoons.
>> Anon 50193 >># Then you just found this website, newfag. Welcome and lurk more.
>> Anon 50197 >># Hush friend. Do not confuse the poor Americans by implying other countries than the USA exist.
>> Anon 50198 >># Modern day outrage culture fucking sucks.
>> Anon 50201 > it ends with facial > no option to decided where to finish > no faster/slower button > no footjob > 2017 and no option to change guy skin color > sound is fucked up pinoytoons isn't even trying lmao.
>> Anon 50247 Fix the nigger [2]
>> Anon 50263 >># >pinoy >east asian
>> Anon 50282 Goddamn darkies in my flash porn.
>> Anon 50288 My penis is dissapointed
>> Anon 50300 >># Leave, no racists allowed.
>> Anon 50301 The faces pinoytoons draws always fuck me up for some reason, it's like some kind of plastic doll.
>> Anon 50306 audio not even in glorious nipponese.
>> Anon 50308 >># I think that's because he does it in 3D first then traces back to 2D to get the motion right? That's what I heard? Dunno Also his faces aren't over the top expressive like most cartoon/hentai we're used to.
>> Anon 50310 >># Leave, no niggers allowed.
>> Anon 50313 right click > play
>> Anon 50314 >># You can leave too, no illiterates allowed.
>> Anon 50319 >># >officially you wot m8?
>> Anon 50924 the TRACER "tracing porn" and slappin anime characters in it just to say its H
>> Anon 50925 >># Begone, foul necromancer!
>> Anon 50931 I'm just bothered he didn't even fucking cum inside her like she asked. Like what the fuck bruh
>> Anon 50938 >># I'm glad that her Aryan genes weren't sullied by this common yard ape.
>> Get Dunked on 50965 Chocolate and Vanilla swirl
>> Anon 51243 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># INB4'D
>> Anon 51244 >># >># Honestly yo, this is the wrong place to ask for racial respect. Actually any place that has Chan in the name is the wrong place to ask for racial respect.
>> Anon 51259 >># All other parts of the western world, internet or otherwise, are cucked and too pc and act like nignogs can do no wrong. They're not respecting you. They're talking down to you. They're pitying you. Asia is xenophobic and has no idea what people of other races tend to be like, because they've little to no contact with them. And when they try to open up like south korea, they make fucking segregated trains for foreigners. Thing is, I don't think that can be attributed to hostility or disgust towards whites and blacks, most asians are just naturally carefull slow to trust. Their racism will pass as they get used to this globalization. The black parts of the world though... they are just fucking turbo-racist. You know the sort of shit KKK believes? It's like that, but while KKK constitutes 0.0000000001% of american citizens, the VAST majority of africans believe that "These non-blacks are neanderthal devil animals constantly plotting to kill us all and steal all of our shit because they're jealous of our magical melanin powers that they don't have because they're not really human". Hell, blacks in america don't think that much different. There is no race in this world more racist than blacks. As for the dick color thing, people are finally getting angry at that "bbc sex god" lie that got spread around like a fact for a better part of a century. They're fighting back partially for truth, partially out of tribalism, partially because it's easier to use your mind to superimpose yourself over the male that has the same skin color as you. tl;dr, western chans are the best place to get racial respect. they're honest and educated on the matter. Everywhere else just treats you blacks like babies that will have an emotional breakdown and start flinging the word "racist" around at the slightest criticism... because they tend to do that. Also, black dicks in porn need to be purged because cucks need to die and lies need to stop.
>> Anon 51264 >># >"But they're racist, too! Even moreso!" Classic Trumpian argument. There are very very racist black people. There are very very racist white people. There are very very racist Asian people. I'm not sure where Native Americans stand, but I'm sure there are some that are not very fond of white people. There are also plenty of people from each of these groups that are amazing people. Every race has shitty people. Even if one race has more racists, that doesn't negate the people who aren't pieces of shit, so generalizing by saying something like "black people are __" only makes you look ignorant. When the aliens show up, we'll all have to band together so fucking get over it. P.S. Calling people who don't cuckold "cucks" is just confusing - most people aren't so insecure to be offended by that - and people who DO cuckold obviously don't take it offensively. Okay, go back to chasing your tail and crying about black penis now.
>> Anon 51265 >># LOL nigger getting butt-hurt because he was called out for being brown and dumb just like 99% of Africans living all over the world. >Every race has shitty people. and Africans have the most sorry that your universal melting pot ideology is pure bullshit >Calling people who don't cuckold "cucks" is just confusing so you have been called a cuck, a lot hmmm, must be pure coincidence, don't get too triggered lad :^)
>> Anon 51291 >># >I'm an edgy 12-year-old because I repeat what my racist grandpa/uncle says!
>> Anon 51699 >cum inside me cums outside
>> Anon 51700 >># >I'm a superior 12-year-old because I repeat what my progressive single mom/aunt says!
>> Anon 51703 >># >Took a week and a half to come up with this pathetic attempt at a comeback.
Created: 3/6 -2017 22:47:53 Last modified: 27/7 -2019 22:05:04 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:15:16