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Threads (1):
File: nerfthis.swf-(5.34 MB, 480x368, Other) [_] stonedrainbow 3252639 >> [_] Anon 3252641 I liked it until it turned into dubshit >> [_] Anon 3252651 >># who the fuck keeps making these youtuberips with still images? >> [_] in all fields 3252677 >Take a minutes long video with many MBs and turn it into an swf, which would be able to loop a song around a picture natively with just a few KBs. I see what you did there, OP. At least he did set the framerate to 1 or whatever, because otherwise this would be 10+ MB. >> [_] Anon 3252714 I was hoping this was that one edit of the twerking cosplayer. Expecting nothing and still disappointed. |