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Threads (2):
/ > /swf/ > Thread 19218 Age: 108.36d Health: 0% Posters: 2 Posts: 2 Replies: 1 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 77894 [IMG] Lobster.Groove.swf (2.15 MiB) 540x413, Compressed (Deflate). 3043 frames, 17 fps (02:59). Ver19, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 78185 good
File: Lobster.Groove.swf-(2.15 MB, 540x413, Loop) [_] Anon 3256863 first flash I've made, tried syncing the lobster with the beat the best I could. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3256864 although i dont like dots inside filenames you've done well! nice work. of course im assuming that the audio loops forever, having it play just one time is a common mistake for beginners >> [_] Anon 3256868 >># Thanks bud, I appreciate the applause. The problem was for some reason the video would go off sync with the music about every 20-30 and come back in sync again, I played a lot with the FPS but this was as close as I could get to it being consistent. Yeah I know what you mean about the dot in filename, but I thought it was suitable this time for the song title, which can be seen by resizing the flash. >> [_] Anon 3256869 >># 20-30 seconds* re-watching it its more like 30-40, but still. The sync isnt that bad. >> [_] Anon 3256870 >Lhvcrft who the fuck started this shitty trend? >> [_] Anon 3256894 >># Timing loops can be tricky if you don't have other pro-tools, like ACID, Vegas, Audition, etc. you'll actually have to do some slick arithmetic to reconcile the audio length (in frames!) to the framecount of the graphic. This is further complicated by Flash's inability to achieve framerate resolutions less than 1/100th of a second, i.e. only n.xx, not n.xxx - NTSC is natively possible at 29.970fps (or Film at 24.000fps) but not IVTC Film at 23.976fps... this will get rounded up in Flash to 23.980fps, throwing the sync to shit. Flash also has no native ability to time-stretch audio. My go-to is Vegas Pro. Whatever I'm using as source visuals, be it GIF or MP4, I load that first and let its framerate be the project's base framerate. Then I drop in my audio source, and proceed to find and cut a tasty loop (ideally the beat and the cyclic visual should be rather close). In Vegas, you can easily slide the audio samplerate against the video framerate right on the timeline. Additionally, I sometimes find the need to slightly stretch or shrink the audio loop so the seams fall PERFECTLY on a video frame, ensuring that the resulting loop will sound seamless and syncs with the graphics. Then it's cake to simply export the audio loop region as WAV (always 44,100Hz!), and drag it (and the untouched source visual) into Flash, paying mind to set the Flash project framerate to that of the visual (the framerate which was just used in the Vegas project). Set all the other BS how you like (audio publish settings, stage shit, etc) and pop the flash out. When you get the hang of the workflow, generally hit it on the first export without fail, and you can crank these out all day with ease. Keep it up, this was a cute one, me likey. >> [_] Anon 3256898 >slide the audio samplerate against the video framerate >audio samplerate what's that? >> [_] Anon 3256907 >># In Vegas, video frames always snap to frame ticks on the timeline. Not so with the audio layers. Therefore, you can get precise alignment between audio/video by actually sliding the audio sample in the timeline. Kind of a no-brainer. I think I mis-typed when I said >audio samplerate I simply meant audio SAMPLE. (a clip of audio sitting on the track) >> [_] Anon 3256908 >># oh I thought so because audio sample rate is actually that 44.1kHz >> [_] Anon 3256935 >># Different anon here, I've made some loops in Premiere and imported them into Animate as flv for video and mp3 for audio. For the last one I made, I noticed that once my loop ends, there's a pause that breaks continuity a little bit before it repeats. Can this be a file size issue or just my shitty method of abusing Animate for making loops. Also, I've found that setting the audio to Sync: Stream keeps things in sync better than setting Sync: Start. Is this right? >> [_] :v 3256936 >># mp3 encoding is the culprit, something about the encoded id3 tag causes a little delay. ask dedo idk meng. >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3256937 >># >># :v's right, mp3 is the filthiest of the containers so instead you use .wav and then compress it as mp3 to maintain the low filesize. You should be able to do that in the library where you right click on the wav - properties - compress as mp3, set bitrate to the highest, quality to best, unclick convert stereo to mono and you're set feel free to ask anything else if you're having troubles with flash >> [_] Anon 3257003 >># >># >># Yep, NEVER use an MP3 as teh source,, because the format forces blank padding at the ends of the file. There *IS* a way to hack this, but it requires a hex editor and some dark voodoo, and is even then not reliable. ALWAYS use WAV as your source, and ALWAYS render that as 44,100Hz. >> [_] Anon 3257004 >># (cont'd) This lost link (thank Kek for Wayback!) explains the issue in greater detail: https://web.archive.org/web/201201190936 14/http://blog.andre-michelle.com/2010/pl ayback-mp3-loop-gapless/ and here's an example of how to hack attack an MP3 https://www.compuphase.com/mp3/mp3loops. htm but as the first link mentions, Flash converts its own audio stream into MP3 *WITHOUT* the delay padding, therefore we never hear a skip or glitch there. >> [_] Anon 3257008 >># >set bitrate to the highest, quality to best, VOODOO. You should really NEVER set Q to 'Best' !!! This may actually reintroduce a gap due to the computaional overhead involved, especially on slower/older platforms, as well as lower capability devices like Androids. The Q setting is actually the audio streams RENDERING DEPTH, and should really only ever be left on 'Fast', reason being, it is senseless at high bitrates like 128kbps - you simply CANNOT hear the difference in rendering depth. It only makes sense at low bitrates where the added render depth can interpolate frequencies to give a more natural sound - but you'd never render your audio in Flash below 64kbps anyway, so JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!! :D |