/ > /fap/ > Thread 11562 Age: 55.01d Health: 0% Posters: 2 Posts: 2 Replies: 1 Files: 1+3
>> Anon 51011 Yes, this is getting updates, now you can randomize your harem. Update Notes (according to the patreon): - Minor bug fixed - Girl randomization options - Cum on command Bonus Codes (Enter without quotes): 'shapemeyours' - Give all regular girls customs. (Shown and automatically unlocked at the near end of the story) - Doesn't seem to do anything, could be because swfchan embed does some network blocking magic that fails to make them register or just straight up not implemented (... Some anon with more skills can take this flash apart for more bonus codes ...) (... According to the flash 15 of them exist ...) Additional Notes: - Viewing offline/locally disables Music most likely due to being streamed or security policy or something - Also offline seems to disable codes, making it complain about 'Server problem', so bonus code activation is apparently being networked somehow, too. (Or not implemented, go figure) - Could not find the cum option in the hurry of posting this, maybe hidden behind bonus code? - If you already know the normal cast and feel like going through the story again, you can shuffle the girls beforehand of the story, have fun. - Skipping story is not implemented you can however do the following: > Start story > Hit tab till next button is selected > Hold down enter till cum sequence appears > Hover mouse over location of cum inside button then click that, but keep hovering there Now for the loop: > Hold down enter, when cum sequence appears, click, hit Tab once, 'Next' should be selected. Now rinse and repeat Actual OP comment: Oh look, another patreon supported flash game. Anyone wanna make bets in advance how this will pan out? Gotta say, that randomize option is pretty sweet, though, additionally to the good quality of the rest of the game. (If some anon in the future feels like posting a update/hack/rehash of this, feel free to re-use this OP) [IMG] School Breeding Orgy 1.0c.swf (1.57 MiB) 960x640, Compressed. 6 frames, 24 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 51023 >Phallocracy God damn, this guys anti-porn bullshit is getting cringy. Game's still good though.