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This is the wiki page for Flash #202948
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2,99 MiB, 00:02 | [W] [I]

Threads (7):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 2/7 -2022 11:30:06 Ended: 2/7 -2022 11:30:06Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: Repetition.swf-(2.99 MB, 960x495, Loop)
[_] Anon 3484835

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 9/11 -2017 11:04:49 Ended: 9/11 -2017 20:04:50Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: Repetition.swf-(2.99 MB, 960x495, Loop)
[_] Anon 3293179 just for you
>> [_] Anon 3293214 was that necessary?
>> [_] Anon 3293223 I don't want it

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 6/10 -2017 03:18:58 Ended: 6/10 -2017 03:18:58Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: Repetition.swf-(2.99 MB, 960x495, Loop)
[_] The same thing Anon 3285155

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 21/8 -2017 02:58:53 Ended: 21/8 -2017 16:39:41Flashes: 1 Posts: 2
File: Repetition.swf-(2.99 MB, 960x495, Loop)
[_] It all starts again tomorrow Anon 3274297
>> [_] Anon 3274334 not me anon, im going places!

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 12/8 -2017 08:14:30 Ended: 12/8 -2017 16:47:45Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: Repetition.swf-(2.99 MB, 960x495, Loop)
[_] Anon 3271768

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 6/8 -2017 11:24:21 Ended: 6/8 -2017 22:32:52Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: Repetition.swf-(2.99 MB, 960x495, Loop)
[_] Another day gone Anon 3269966 Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3270004 fuck you
>> [_] Anon 3270045 Pretty cool beat. The voice reminds me of another song.
>> [_] Anon 3270085 "May you live in interesting times." ~Proverbial Chinese curse

[HUZ6F92]F !!
ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 21/7 -2017 08:11:07 Ended: 22/7 -2017 01:53:40Flashes: 1 Posts: 26
File: Repetition.swf-(2.99 MB, 960x495, Loop)
[_] :( inside :v 3264358 It was my birthday I'm not sure how I feel about it I bought a little cake but I'm just not feeling something so sweet right now. How is your night going /f/? Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3264362 >># Have a belated happy birthday I'm trying to mentally prepare for some fairly big changes in my life but I'm more scared that my routine will stay relatively the same Are you a fan of coffee cake?
>> [_] godk (the real one) 3264363 >># Happy Birthday, friendo! You are loved. >my night Got a monitor I can't use right away, someone trolling with my namefagtag, and half a buzz on the wrong shit. Otherwise, fairly fair. What kind of cake?
>> [_] :v 3264373 >># Breaking routine can be both rewarding and terrible at the same time. If the change yields an over all quality of life improvement, you learn to accept the change. >At least that's what my shrink told me I do like coffee cake, but never the kind they sell here. They make a cinnamon roll crumbly and call it coffee cake, BAH. >># Thank fren do Aye tag trolling be the way of the sea. What kind of monitor? It's vanilla with butter cream and raspberry.
>> [_] godk 3264376 >># >What kind A cheap Chinese TV/monitor (Insignia) It has every input imaginable, except I have no VGA cable handy what I need to have dual display. With the HDMI, I can just duplicate the main screen. My jimmies are rustled; I was looking forward to immediate gratification on increased productivity, but that, like everything else, will have to wait (probably until it's grave-time).
>> [_] :v 3264378 >># What still uses VGA?? Also am confused it will display a mirror but can't be an extended desktop? You sure this isn't a software issue? Some gpu drivers and winho don't get along.
>> [_] Anon 3264379 happy birthday
>> [_] Anon 3264380 >># >They make a cinnamon roll crumbly and call it coffee cake Absolutely Disgusting Come to think of it, you do any baking? I only ever started dabbling in it because store-bought goodies just feel kind of sad
>> [_] Faggot (¬‿¬) 3264384 >># Bout to head to bed. I wanted to stop by and say Happy Birthday to you old friend. :) I hope something spectacular happens in your life that'll change your world and give you hope. That's my birthday wish for you buddy. c:
>> [_] Anon 3264392 >># hey my birthdays on the 26th
>> [_] Anon 3264393 >># happy birthday- >># -s how old are you(s)?
>> [_] godk 3264396 >># I'll wrap my head around it after a good sleep (getting crappy sleep right now)... for some reason I'm not getting the option to extend or mirror, only mirroring by default. I'm sure it's something I'm overlooking, but meh. I must have the only ROG on the planet with both a VGA and HDMI out. >feels bad man Gonna try for that elusive sleep again, wish me either luck or swift death.
>> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3264397 >># You stole my idea for a flash I'll be finishing soon(ish(ly))! But that's okay, it's not actually that similar to mine. Happy birthday and be thankful you have an occupation to fill, work hard, increase production, prevent accidents and be happy. >># what GPU do you have? Does it have 2 hdmi outputs or 1 hdmi and 1 display port? I hope you know you can extend or mirror the desktop in screen resolution when you right click on the desktop. Also I used D-sub while I waited for a display port cable and hdmi on the same monitors and it looked terrible.
>> [_] godk 3264399 >># no display port, just 1 HDMI and 1 VGA it's a GeForce GTX 260M in a ROG G72GX running Win7 ULT x64 I know there should be the obvious, but I already moved all the mess to the other side of the room to pull TV duty for the night, I'll iron it out after I get this rotgut buzz out of me and get some coffee in. So in other words, sometime next week.
>> [_] Anon 3264415 >># Happy birthday, anon
>> [_] Anon 3264442 >># happy birthday anon iktf im turning 30 in a few months im feeling quite melancholic about it
>> [_] :v 3264448 >># Yes sir Mr overseer sir! I'm just happy I get to sleep in again >># Im still baffled that anything ROG would have VGA >># >Death comes for us all.swf I know a lot of people who's didn't get their life together until their thirties. With how long it takes to do anything these days it doesn't surprise me anymore.
>> [_] Anon 3264484 >># Happy Birthday, thanks for making more content!
>> [_] Anon 3264497 >># happy birthday! i have a headache
>> [_] :v 3264511 >># Thanks >># Hey me too! I always get ginger ale when I have a headache, I don't know why it always seems to help but it does. Maybe because I don't drink soda often? Either way drink something fizzy and have a nice lay in eh?
>> [_] godk 3264514 >># >baffled that anything ROG would have VGA you and me both. It's an early model, but still rocking hard. So I got the config issue ironed out, only to discover the unit makes a TERRIBLE extension monitor. As a TV it's got great picture, as a monitor, it looks like ass. And not cute loli ass, I mean like greasy landwhale ass rolled in mud. Oh well, it was a freebie anyway, so I'm not mad. :p Did you eat your cake yet? All that mention of sweets is making me want pastries.
>> [_] :v 3264538 >># Nah, I'm just not feeling it. I'll probably eat it tomorrow after guilt sets in. After all I hate to waste money.
>> [_] Anon 3264547 >># Nah, can't waste money. Or guilt.
>> [_] :v 3264549 >># You don't get rich by wasting money. Or something to that effect.
>> [_] :v 3264559 Funny side note before the thread dies, The guitar sample is from Girlfrendo - Sad Birthday Song
>> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3264560 >># I almost forgot to check the secret com chan. Hopefully it wasn't something too important. I wish your NAS a soon recovery.
Created: 21/7 -2017 08:12:33 Last modified: 5/7 -2022 01:01:45 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:27:37