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Threads (2):
File: Faces of the damned.swf-(1.78 MB, 679x1050, Loop) [_] Anon 3276956
File: Faces of the damned.swf-(1.78 MB, 679x1050, Loop) [_] OC and +1 internet if you know what it's from dedo !drZ3h7esek 3272719 So I recreated this in flash, tried a bit of different timings on when to turn their heads but I don't think basic timer events will cut it since this is too much random. Well anyways the sauces are under the flash with clickable links to their respective videos. Enjoy. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3272733 >># >+1 internet if you know what it's from It's from a computer! Send my internet to Google, they'll get it one way or another anyhow. Too much to describe here, but you can directly access audio bitstream data on the fly in Actionscript, and use markers to trigger events, and conversely use events to manipulate audio bitstreams. It's a pain doing it by hand, but there was a 3rd party API called Sonoport that did this and more rather easily, you might still be able to wayback it. >> [_] Anon 3272738 nice one op >># works well to just have 120 fps in the flash and a OnEnterFrame event. in it you check the timestamp of the audio stream and every time it passes certain points you just do what you want to happen at that point >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3272749 >># >># but that would be completely predetemined, wouldn't it? >> [_] Anon 3272753 update: It seems Sonoport has gone full-HTML5. http://sonoport.com/ https://github.com/Sonoport HOWEVER I found my copy of the Flash API as downloaded a few years ago (when they announced they were dropping it and moving to Sound as a Service on their way to HTML5) Here is the last stable full Sonoport collection if you or anyone wants to screw with it (as I recall, they removed the audio watermark when they deprecated it and offered it free): >https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9m4a3c2lhrf6 hoj/AABtma1kXuaDzj3xzc3k93Mda?dl=0 and the page as it appeared in 2010, containing links to the samples, tuts, and online docs: >https://web.archive.org/web/20110207095 133/http://www.sonoport.com/ >> [_] Anon 3272757 >># predetermined audio cues, but you could randomly assign object actions as a result of such cues. >># That could work too, nice approach... I'd say, do a little math and some precision loop-cutting and get a framerate that coincides with the bpm, or multiples of it >> [_] Anon 3272762 top tier flash >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3272778 >># >># well the audio is only 40 seconds long and there are 8 heads which have 2 actions (turn front and turn back) so I don't think it's sufficient. Or could it be possible for it to not look repetitive too much? The way it is now is var clock:Timer = new Timer(934, 0); clock.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, headmove); clock.start(); function headmove(e:TimerEvent):void { if (clock.currentCount == 1) { FramNum = Math.random() * 27; if (FramNum != 1) clock.reset(); clock.start(); if (FramNum == 1) gotoAndPlay(2); clock.reset(); } } I put different milliseconds (this one has 934) for each Timer so they don't turn heads at the same time but it looks like they do anyway >> [_] Anon 3272779 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver :) >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3272783 >># I've played for 2 hours today when I decided to save the game but with no avail, because the saving screen doesn't tell you you're supposed to write something so I stared at it for about 10 minutes thinking it was saving it lol >> [_] godk 3272831 >># I think you are waaaaaay overcomplicating the exercise here... Looking at it in Sothink., I see you have tons of repetitive code; very inefficient. It grates against the concept of reusable code, having 2 copies of a function, each identical except for a hardcoded constant; furthermore, each of the 8 sprites has copies of this duplicative spaghetti... I'm not bashing, just pointing out the inefficiency. I think I'd approach it from a different angle, leveraging the mechanics of Symbols and their timelines. I'd have to think on it for a bit, but I believe you could get better, more lightweight (and 'natural') performance if you used markers over the audio track (or some other such triggering cue) to pick a random one of the 8 sprites to perform its animation, each enabled to "pause" its animation for a reasonable, random time. >so they don't turn heads at the same time but it looks like they do anyway and that would be a drawback of the shared spaghetti. There's no natural marshaling of duplicate code on all the sprites; no "gatekeeper" so to speak. Sorry I'm having a bit of trouble conveying my concept... maybe I'll try to make an example to show what I mean if and when I sober up here :D Top flash though, I really like the concept, and it works pretty good (though some faces seem to get "stuck" oddly) >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3272837 >># Basically what I did was I made 8 movie clips (the head animations) and put the code in each and every one of them, twice, because I had to change the gotoAndPlay a different frame for turning front and turning back. I probably just could have put the functions in the main timeline and call them in the movie clips, if that's even possible. And I really don't know how to make markers. I mean I'm learning stuff as I think of what I want to do and then googling it how to do it. It's hard when I don't know what AS3 is even capable of and when I see those chunks of codes I don't understand it becomes overwhelming and I pussy out so I stick to what I'm able to do so far and take the baby steps. Anyway here's the .fla if you want to see what a mess it is. http://www.mediafire.com/file/v15xe965cc vu77a/faces_of_the_damned.fla >> [_] Anon 3272844 soul reaver my dude >> [_] godk 3272850 >># Yes, I see that... What I was trying to say was, you should have ONE function, not 16, and simply pass it a value instead of hardcoding it. (see what I mean? pure OOP) that way, you can concentrate on triggering its response, instead of managing so many instances of hardcode hell. >http://www.mediafire.com/file/v15xe965c cvu77a/faces_of_the_damned.fla Thanks for that, though I pretty much have it via Sothink. >it becomes overwhelming and I pussy out Don't even think like that, just take a deep breath, and maybe dig deep into OOP concepts after pulling up your Big Boy pants :p The funny thing of Flash is, using AS, you can finely control the movie via OOP scripting, but it doesn't look much like what you'd expect if you're used to say, Visual Studio, since Flash has a weird abstraction layer via the IDE. But seriously, concentrate on writing a single function ONCE, and passing to it pertinent arguments per action. >> [_] godk 3272853 Sorry, I meant to include this: https://www.google.com/search?q=using+ma rkers+in+Actionscript&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 filter through it, there's many good links in it that pertain to this. >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3272858 >># >># I didn't know what OOP stands for until I googled it right now. You see, I don't have any programming skills nor do I know any computer languages nor have I learned the proper syntax yet (where should semicolon or curly brackets go and where not). I learned all this by reading examples and trying them until I figured them out and then I save them and copypasta them when needed. I'm not too much into reading articles about AS3 and I can listen to some pajeet on youtube just for so long. |