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CocoHJ PP34.swf
6,15 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (4):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 26/8 -2018 17:27:58 Ended: 26/8 -2018 20:19:42Flashes: 1 Posts: 3
File: CocoHJ PP34.swf-(6.14 MB, 626x630, Hentai)
[_] Anon 3354241 whats the tune?
>> [_] Anon 3354250 >># ur mom
>> [_] Anon 3354257 N_o

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 25/10 -2017 15:22:42 Ended: 26/10 -2017 02:41:50Flashes: 1 Posts: 5
File: CocoHJ PP34.swf-(6.14 MB, 626x630, Hentai)
[_] /r/ inside Anon 3289885 I'm desperately trying to remember a game I played a long time ago that was posted here on /f/. The game was extremely minimalist and if I remember correctly was mostly black. The entire game was a single grid of squares and rectangles that the player had to click on and attack. The game had rpg elements where you had stats like strength for example and would level it up by defeating more squares on this grid. I also remember you had to collect letters in order to spell a work of some sort, but cant remember what the word was. I may be wrong but the game may have been Japanese by default and you could go in to the option to set it to English Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 3289890 >># parameters.swf
>> [_] Anon 3289891 >># jesus fuck dude thank you so much
>> [_] Anon 3289906 >># Whoa!
>> [_] Anon 3290000 >># what?

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 18/9 -2017 21:05:38 Ended: 18/9 -2017 21:05:38Flashes: 1 Posts: 1
File: CocoHJ PP34.swf-(6.14 MB, 626x630, Other)
[_] Anon 3281266

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 27/8 -2017 00:15:06 Ended: 13/2 -2018 08:39:09Flashes: 1 Posts: 78
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11876 Age: 163.35d Health: 0% Posters: 48 Posts: 78 Replies: 67 Files: 2+2
>> Anon 52808 I don't get this one [IMG] CocoHJ PP34.swf (6.15 MiB) 626x630, Compressed. 1 frame, 25 fps (00:00). Ver36, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: [find in archive]
>> Anon 52809 wuah
>> Anon 52811 >># is it the color you dont get? because we can fix that
>> Anon 52812 >mario "buhwow" effect when she strokes it dropped
>> Anon 52815 Who'd have thought Peachy Pop has real animation skill? Based on her constant stream of half-assed Snapchat porn flashes I thought she was a crap artist looking to make a quick buck on Patreon.
>> Anon 52817 W O A H O A H
>> Anon 52818 >># He might be swedish and not know they come in that color.
>> Anon 52820 The artist she copied is probably nitro, one of the best crash bandicoot/ donkey kong artist
>> Anon 52821 Patreon whore still can't anime and draw properly Templates, tracing and copying everywhere. This shit is hideous
>> Anon 52822 5_toes-anthro-bandicoot-barefoot-big_brea sts- Here's the where she copied for the flash
>> Anon 52825 >># Wew, that's pretty convincing.
>> Anon 52835 what the fuck is that dick though? i usually like uncircumcised but jesus christ
>> Jesus 52836 This bitch again... -lazy animation check -not sex (handjob is just masturbation) -short -sound files don't match seriously, if people nowadays fund ant simulators and blow the money on booze and hookers the animated porn market is ripe for scamming i'ed support taifunriders and Lustylizard but artists like PP34 and famous toons facial are nothing more than parasites...
>> Anon 52837 Can someone edit out the huge fucking vein? I don't give a shit about the foreskin, I can deal, but the vein is hideous and distracting.
>> Anon 52838 >># >I thought she was a fat crap artist attention whoring to make a quick buck on Patreon. You were right.
>> Anon 52843 >># lulz cuz im a swede
>> Anon 52863 >># Yep, the hair/ear is literally copy and pasted (same exactly shading and shine) and so is the arm against her hip (exact same lines) plus the whole body type is extremely similar in every single detail. PeachyPop is cancer.
>> Anon 52865 >># Damn, talk about easy money.
>> Anon 52872 >people still complain about PP34 >no complaining on the rest of the vastly shitty swfs here If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to jerk to it. Nobody is forcing you to shill for her patreon. Nobody cares if its traced, reskinned, or anything. I swear you guys just get off to each other hating it
>> Anon 52873 >># >complaining about people complaining about PP34 >has a hissy fit over barely audible sound effects >># Why don't you go do better mr. critic hmmm?
>> Anon 52879 >># I don't give two fucks about PeachyPop or any other hack flash artists, but I do think it's a good thing people are exposing these things. If it convinces even few people to not throw Patreon $$ at scam artists who mooch off other people's work then it's all good.
>> Anon 52880 >># You are right from your point of view, leave much to be desired, the little content they leave. They should at least try more sex in their tits, anal and vaginal.
>> Anon 52884 >># B-but she has a vagoo, I need to give m'lady some money.
>> Anon 52887 Reminder that PP34 doesn't charge up front so you can literally get this shit for free. Not that I'd expect the underage kiddos here who don't understand the concept of money, let alone a credit card, to understand this simple fact.
>> Anon 52888 Don't know why people complain about something being animated. Its good Nice climax and the style is nice even if it is copied. a picture is good but if its animated its even better.
>> Anon 52890 >># If you ever created something in your life, you would understand how low is to copy someone without giving credits.
>> Anon 52892 >># Reminder that bulls don't charge up front for their shit so you can literally get this shit for free to compost your own cattle manure fertilizers. Not that I'd expect the underage kiddos here who don't understand the concept of fertilizers, let alone gardening, to understand this simple fact.
>> Nyanonymous 52894 >># There are a lot of "artists" (almost everyone) that copy from others. For example: They copy the art style from tv show characters. I never saw anyone complain about copy the artwork at those images, flash games, whatever. Maybe this is ok, but never copy the copy? I agree, it is very similar to the linked image...
>> Anon 52895 >># Imitating character model to create your own art featuring said character is not even close to being the same as copying a picture's linework, colors and shading almost 1:1 and then claiming you created it. True, you're using someone else's character design in both cases, but in former you need to understand the design and what basic shapes were used to create it and then how to apply the model to create a new piece of artwork. Ultimately while the piece features someone else's character design, it's a new piece of artwork. Additionally, most fan artists aren't asking for money for their artwork. Making money with art that uses someone else's character designs I'm fairly sure is illegal without the owner's permission and could be ended should the owner of the design wish it.
>> Anon 52896 >># There's a difference between someone creating something in "style" of an existing series or artist when it is made clear that that is the intended purpose, and another person creating something by using existing assets from another person. Now, we could be fine with the latter if the person in question was bothering to cite her sources, as would be expected of someone who would like to be known as a professional, but PP34 does not. Citing your sources is a common practice in any field involving derivative work; if PP34 isn't citing her sources, it means she's trying to say that everything she's done, at least in this flash, is her own, when it is clearly not.
>> Anon 52897 >># If someone take my art style to make a good animation I wouldn't even be fazed. If it was bad people would just shit on the person. if they copied the picture from the site to make money like you see scammers in conventions than yea I would be pissed.
>> Anon 52900 >># PeachyPop literally copy and pasted the character model, she only changed the eyes. It's not using the same "art style" it's using a crop tool to STEAL already existing art. Fuck PeachyPop, she's an obese, greedy no-talent bimbo bitch with literally zero redeeming qualities
>> Anon 52902 Who cares? It's hot.
>> Anon 52911 >># Why the fuck should anyone care its good Its 10x better than the whentai trash that be here. >># exactly.
>> Anon 52919 >># you can't just "edit out" a visual property I doubt the vein is its own animated object put on top of the penis, the dong just looks that way man, just live with it or draw a new one, then I'll do the editing
>> Anon 52920 >># You sound offended, and that's funny to me.
>> Anon 52921 >># >sound You use a text-to-speech to browse SWFchan, and that's funny to me.
>> Anon 52926 She isn't gonna be making money of tracing much longer ;)
>> Anon 52927 She isn't gonna be making money off of tracing much longer ;)
>> Anon 52928 She isn't gonna be making money offf of tracing much longer ;)
>> Anon 52929 She isn't gonna be making money offf off of tracing much longer ;)
>> Anon 52931 >># >># >># >># Who cares if shes making money from tracing though? She's not taking ANYTHING from you. The only people she's taking money from are the people who want to support her stuff. That's like seeing somebody sell popsicles to somebody else on a street corner, going up to them and saying "Those popsicles are JUST LIKE another popsicle Ive seen so fuck you"
>> Anon 52933 >># She is stealing from other peoples hard work though and profiting off of it which makes her a massive faggot.
>> Anon 52937 >># Just go to Nitro and tell him
>> Anon 52980 >># You're a huge beta bitch, little man. Try again you fucking schizo
>> Anon 54011 >># Nitro already knows. He filed a complaint on Patreon and got an apology from her.
>> Anon 54040 >># >># Still Pretty shitty that it takes a DCMA for them to admit that they were wrong, and that 'Giving credit to original content creators without permission is wrong,' even though they did not credit them in the first place until someone called them out. Yet, all they really learned is that not too many people like their original content, so they have to just steal from smaller, non-active artists.
>> Anon 54042 >># The landwhale will not stop stealing and tracing shit, though.
>> Anon 54092 Kind of ironic that people call PP34 a thief for tracing "artwork" from someone who makes nudes of videogame characters. Really makes you :thunk: dun it?
>> Anon 54093 >># The difference is, the artists draw their "artwork" from scratch, using the characters as a reference. What peachy pop does is takes someone elses image, crops out the character, cuts it into pieces (hair, head etc.). Then makes a quick animation using said pieces, (or just pastes the pieces over a -8 animation). Now, this would be fine on it's own. However A. She doesn't credit the artist she got the base image from, basically claiming it as her own. B. Doesn't ask any of the artists for permission. C. Makes money off said animations (with 640 idiots each throwing some amount of money above 1$ at her), and none of it goes back to the original images creators. If she simply credited the original artist, she'd atleast be somewhat respectable. But she doesn't.
>> Anon 54094 >># >another L.A.R.D contractor casually pops up to defend their Blob >:thunk: Really cultivates the carrots, doesn't it?
>> Anon 54134 Whatever. Shitty artist traces shitty art from slightly less shitty artist. I just wish the mouthbreathers around here could come up with something better than "lol she's so fat" over and over.
>> Anon 54138 >># Fuckin lol
>> Anon 54145 >># She is fat though.
>> Anon 54148 >># This. In the end, whoever she stole that art from is still a fat autist on the internet drawing porn off some fucking furry from a kiddies game.
>> Anon 54149 >># You need to turn it down a notch if you want anyone to bite.
>> Anon 54151 >># So are like 90% of the posters here.
>> Anon 54161 >># I'm not fat I'm just big boned
>> Anon 54172 >># 90% of the posters here don't sell traces of someone else's art.
>> Anon 54174 >># W O A H O O A A H H
>> Anon 54184 >># See, "thief", "talentless hack", etc. Much better insults. But no, the drooling horde can't come up with anything but "FAT".
>> Anon 54192 >># For the archive. [IMG]8caf99413dd10727948c000b69b57842.jpg
>> Anon 54347 >># But..... those insults HAVE been used in this thread. She was even called CANCER at some point, which (I'm going to assume you know this) is literally the worst thing to have in your life, right after AIDS. Personally I don't know her, I'm not throwing money at her, if this thread is anything to go off of she's most likely a cunt, and she isn't Zone. However, Coco is my shit and I came, so who gives a fuck? What are we gonna start a /fap/gate or something?
>> Anon 54355 I don't really get the idea that any art was ever stolen for this flash given that she did credit crap-man for her futa Shantae handjob, which was clearly a direct trace. I'm sure if she did trace someone's art for this flash she would have credited the person, it's not like she hasn't done it before. >># That's kind of pushing it, only the pose is similar
>> Anon 54357 >># i'm sorry for you but she admitted it that she traced nitro's coco, so it's not really pushing it (the body structure is the same the hair is the same, the only thing that is different are her eyes and mouth) and for the nail in the coffin i will give you this: 3363201349427201
>> Anon 54441 >CANCER ... is literally the worst thing to have in your life, right after AIDS. Please, god, tell me you aren't serious with this comment.
>> Anon 54453 >># Right? Like they never heard of having kids.
>> Anon 54457 I rather to believe that the whiteknights are trolls. I can't withstand the idea that really exist human males so backless to unironically defend this just because she may have a vagina.
>> Anon 54463 >># They're people who support her and feel the need to defend giving money to a thief because they realized they're dumb.
>> Anon 54466 need vag anal oral ect...
>> Anon 54530 it's almost a month and she didn't post even a message on her patreon, did she kicked the bucket?
>> Anon 54548 >># and I can't believe there are people so autistically buttmad about a somewhat lazy artist just because she has a vagina, but that's the world we live in
>> Anon 54553 >># I can't believe you can pass this off as "somewhat lazy".
>> Anon 54556 >># Not really serious no, but what's worst than the Death sentance that is cancer? Don't say Ebola because than you'd have point and I really need this internet win. I don't know what was so wrong about THAT SPECIFIC portion of my post that you had to beg god to make sure that part was a joke.
>> Anon 54610 >># Probably just that there are way worse things in life than death through that overrated desease. I guess it's still terrible to loose your kids to that and it wouldn't really matter which desease it was. Man I'd love to have cancer so I wouldn't have to an hero someday. Just dying a peaceful and respected hospital death. Though you would likely be better off 1offing yourself with one fellow swoop. I had something in mind like being crippled to the state of not being able to move a single muscle in your body, or having all kinds of amnesia and paranoia at the same time. How about loosing all 5 of your senses, but being forced to live clinically for 100 years? I'd rather die to cancer than all of those cases.
>> Anon 54622 >># Who gives a fuck if she copied or not? at the end of the day im not paying for it, some other retard did. its not like the original artis was going to make a fappable animation of it anyway. we need more copy artists to animate legos drawings too.
>> Anon 54750 welp, a full month has passed and she hasn't even made an update post, is she dead?
>> Anon 54751 >># Probably got scared off after being DMCAed. It's funny to think that none of this would have happened if she had just given credit to the artists she copied.
Created: 27/8 -2017 00:21:14 Last modified: 27/8 -2022 14:50:39 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:24:28