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Threads (3):
File: kingtrips.swf-(806 KB, 1080x720, Loop) [_] Et tu, Firefox? Anon 3401734 Firefox is now automatically blocking Flashes and I have to allow it every time. Does Palemoon let them always play? I have the Best 404 Page Ever as my homepage, so blocking it every time kind of kills it. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3401739 >># >Firefox is now automatically blocking Flashes and I have to allow it every time Same >> [_] Anon 3401748 >># >># Palemoon plays flash, but you should just use "flash player projector" from adobe. it's a stand alone player that needs no install. >> [_] Anon 3401764 >># Does it work in browser though? I have Flash Player on my PC already for files I've downloaded, but I like opening Firefox to a random little loop. I'm not ready to give that up yet. >> [_] Anon 3401769 >># Then stop updating Firefox. >> [_] Anon 3401799 You can buy some time by using Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release). But after the end of 2020 the flash will be removed there too. >> [_] Anon 3401803 I just use internet explorer at this point. >> [_] Anon 3401807 i stopped using firefox around v30. they stopped being firefox, and became a chrome wannabe. Chrome spys on you. Internet Explorer is just plain broken. Pale Moon for the win bitches. >> [_] Anon 3401808 Screw Adobe for not making .swf a open source file format. Fuck them. AGUHHHHHHHHHHHHH >> [_] Anon 3401812 >># /g/ here. Switch to Waterfox. It asks once and you check always. Just like old Firefox. No security holes like Palememe. >> [_] Anon 3401813 >># Use waterfox, their fork hasn't fucked it yet, at least not for me. Almost every firefox extension still works for it too, at least from what I've tried (noscript and 4chanx)
File: kingtrips.swf-(806 KB, 1080x720, Other) [_] Anon 3295342 >> [_] gravelord 3295345 >># hail >> [_] Anon 3295367 Don't tell me whoever made this STILL hasn't made the gaps between the wheel spokes transparent. >> [_] Anon 3295401 >># I mean, I saved this the very first time it was posted, so even if they did I wouldn't have it.
File: kingtrips.swf-(806 KB, 1080x720, Loop) [_] OC Anon 3277208 If the head doesn't sync up just reload the flash. (once it has been loaded it should synch) enjoy :^) Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3277218 Nice OC, mang. Thought the animation is a bit too wonky. >> [_] Anon 3277224 >># thanks! desu i was going for a janky like thing here. >> [_] :v 3277227 is it odd that my fav part is the source font? >> [_] Anon 3277228 >># considering that it is my handwriting i would say yes :) >> [_] :v 3277238 >># u are precious <3 >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3277262 >># Very nice flash. Did you make the visuals? Also If you want it sync'd up from the very beginning put it all in a movie clip in the first frame so it loads everything at once. By doing this the controls in the context menu will also disappear so nobody could fuck up the syncing by hitting play, loop, rewind, forward or back. >> [_] Anon 3277263 >># yo thanks for the info i was wondering if i should ask someone on here about that problem but i forgot :) thanks man!! And yes i did the animation. >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3277267 >># Then why are the wheels not transparent for the grass and the road? Anyway I tried hitting all the control buttons but they don't seem to fuck up anything lol Did you make it in flash or what is this wizardry? >> [_] Anon 3277270 >># that looked kinda weird. But im still working on it. Also yes, i made it in flash. Lots of objects and symbols. >> [_] dedo !drZ3h7esek 3277272 >># then godspeed to you, OP >> [_] Anon 3277280 >># Where can I see that? I don't see any special font as it is. >> [_] godk 3277283 >># 808 Rider Back poker deck. Nice, man. Sync seems ok on my end. How are you triggering the sound? You should set the audio object's properties to Start/Loop for tight sync. If you're tricking it in Event or Stream mode, you'll have trouble. >> [_] Anon 3277285 >># resize the window, anon computerhope.com/cdn/resize.gif >> [_] Anon 3277286 >># resizing the windows sometimes reveals little secrets :) >># audio is inside a symbol. Sync: start and then on loop. event and stream mode is a meme >> [_] godk 3277290 >># >audio is inside a symbol Hmmm... that might do it, I'll have to experiment when I get home from work tonight. Generally, I'd say teh audio keyframe should be on the main timeline. I then embed animations in size-appropriate movie clips or graphics. By size-appropriate, I mean a clip that is as long as, or a whole number factor of, the frame count of the audio clip. For teh sake of display; audio is 100 frames long exactly- my movie clip is 25 frames long, hence it cycles exactly 4 times per run of the audio. Also, using movie clips, this can be done in a single keyframe on the timeline, so it runs in "auto-pilot" IYKWIM. Tight, seamless, synced. Maybe I'll dropbox some .fla examples for you later tonight if you're interested. >> [_] Anon 3277291 >># I think i know what you are getting at, but what do you do if the audio loop doesn't end on an exact frame. Im note sure if that even makes a difference.. or does it?! some example files would be nice tho. (only if you have the time to spare) >> [_] Anon 3277292 >># >audio is inside a symbol what advantages does it have instead of having it in a frame? >> [_] Anon 3277294 >># It plays when the symbol is activated, in other words when it is somewhere in a frame. For me it is easier this way. Don't have to worry about expanding the timeline or counting frames. >> [_] Anon 3277296 >># >># can't senpai. there's no resize function anywhere. :( >> [_] Anon 3277305 nice flash man >> [_] Anon 3277306 >># thanks >> [_] Anon 3277309 >># It won't really make a difference if audio is Start. That way it doesn't trigger until it's fully finished. Best practice is to use an audio editor and tailor your loop to end exactly on a frame. Cut, and stretch or compress as necessary. >> [_] Anon 3277314 >># you're right! if i have the audio on the main timeline (even if its just one frame) on Start/Loop it works just fine. Thanks lad! >> [_] Anon 3277338 http://radlife.org/radlife/wp-content/up loads/2011/10/king_radical.jpg >> [_] :v 3277344 This discussion warmsy widdle heart >> [_] Anon 3277364 >># >># >Anons are actually nice to new people instead of being dicks God bless you, /f/. There truly isn't a board like this elsewhere. >> [_] Anon 3277369 I can't resize the file, could someone be kind and hit me up with the song name? >> [_] Anon 3277371 I feel stupid for asking, but is there a way to re-enable the native flashplayer inside of Chrome? I know they removed it a while ago but I want it back You guys in here seemed nice enough to ask >> [_] Anon 3277372 very cool OP. keep working on it! :) >> [_] Anon 3277375 >># you just have to use an old version of the browser >> [_] Anon 3277377 >># Alright, Thank you >> [_] godk 3277380 Since this thread is about to 404, we can continue the discussion here: >># >> [_] Anon 3277395 >># Instead of embedding it, open in a new tab >> [_] Anon 3277398 ehehe noice... Noice |