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33,45 MiB, 00:00 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 5/9 -2017 10:12:26 Ended: 16/12 -2017 10:41:57Flashes: 1 Posts: 20
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11909 Age: 95.02d Health: 0% Posters: 10 Posts: 20 Replies: 19 Files: 3+3
>> Anon 53039 SimBro 2.4a I found SimBro 2.4a. It was in my trash bin. I don't mean that as an insult. I just have 2 copies of the game in the same folder so I can have 6 save files. I have to delete simbro - Copy in order to overwrite it with the newest version and keep my extra saves. [IMG] SimBro2.4a.swf (33.45 MiB) 1024x800, Compressed. 2 frames, 24 fps (00:00). Ver32, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes. Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: <METADATA> [find in archive]
>> Anon 53041 >># This is the stable version right? I heard 2.4b was a buggy piece of fuck and we were better off waiting for the version after next, since 2.5 is bound to be just as buggy.
>> Anon 53056 >># Dont you have the 2.5 version?
>> Anon 53057 >># Version 2.5 isn't out for "3" days. They released a "2.4b" but I would not suggest that version. It has broken and unfinished code. It has a "preview" of capturing turf with teams. But if you use it, it cuts you off from going to the slums for fights and hookers.
>> Anon 53116 Getting real sick of this decade, all the developers only think about adding more shit and never about fixing the shit they already added.
>> Anon 53134 The patrons are fucking pissed at the developers of this game and I don't blame them. It's a shame this game had a lot of potential but now it's going down the breeding season route.
>> Anon 53163 >># It's not all bad. We're going to get a gym sometime in the year 2019! [IMG]gym.jpg
>> Anon 53221 >># the three guys who bother to write comments are angry this shit is still receiving 11,410 burger bucks a month if I'm not mistaken that's three months of payment without delivery by now. pissed people don't give you free money out of pure charity and goodwill patrons are hard to piss off apparently
>> Anon 53234 >># You can essentially build a fortune on that website just from promises.
>> Anon 53236 >># >patrons are all fucking clinically retarded FTFY
>> Anon 53372 >># Acutually, most of us are just too lazy to save a dollar each month. I'm mean, we paid a dollar to start with, it saves us the trouble of looking for a leak when the new version finally drops. Also, most of us are pissed enough to drop out. I mean look at the patron numbers. [IMG]16000.jpg
>> Anon 53375 >># Yeah! Only give them ELEVEN thousand a month! That'll learn em! A Patreon funded game on a barebones Legend of Krystal mod is the easiest scam ever.
>> Anon 53399 >># Patreon tiers are greater than or equal to, if you pledge to a higher tier you still count for the lower tier number, so there are 8 people signed on for less than a dollar a month.
>> Anon 53959 Well, this game is dead. The developers pulled a Breeding Season and ran off with the money, some of the patreon supporters think they're still working on it even though it's been 3 months without an update, the rest of the supporters are pissed. If you want to laugh check out you don't need to pay or sign in to read comments.
>> Anon 53965 BREAKING NEWS!: An undercover Anon field reporter, known simply as "D", has just confirmed that the hipster welfare site Paytrayvon™ is STILL only used for scamming the mentally disabled out of their money! Scientists speculate: is water still wet? More at 11.
>> Anon 53966 >># Water isn't actually wet. Wet is what happens when water comes in contact with something.
>> Anon 53971 >># >Ackchyually My post wasn't ackchyually a real News update either.
>> Anon 53995 >># Sorry I triggered you with the word "actually" Are you really that sensitive?
>> Anon 53998 >># You're right, your post was just shit!
>> Anon 54017 >># >"" >triggered Fucking plebbitor, get out. +does the bear shit in the woods? >oystersauce, reddit here. Ackchyually, define "woods", how many trees needs to be near for it to ackchyually be classified as "woods"? (also it should ackchyually be called "Forest") the bear isn't ackchyually "shitting", "shit" is a non-medical term used by plebeians for the waste that leaves the body of the bear, therefore-....
Created: 5/9 -2017 10:18:15 Last modified: 11/10 -2018 01:11:39 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:02:20