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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 11995 Age: 117.07d Health: 0% Posters: 23 Posts: 30 Replies: 28 Files: 1+2 >> Anon 53605 gave the ghosts a reason to blush. also included a seek by clicking anywhere across the window, denoted by the number in the upper left corner. [IMG] ghost_enf_mouse.swf (21.19 MiB) 1280x720, Compressed. 1 frame, 60 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 53606 nice >> Anon 53611 nice >> Anon 53612 Based, too bad Minus8 is a massive faggot or heroes like yourself wouldn't be necessary in this dark world >> Anon 53613 Hey can I get a video file of this I'm shit at converting files >> Anon 53614 thank you anon >> Anon 53615 myman >> Anon 53617 Nicely done sir. I had done an edit too, but you're seek bar feature really makes it better. >> Anon 53618 good effort. thanks >> Anon 53620 there must be moar of this stuff ,and good job :) >> Anon 53622 Anon is the hero again, Nice job.>># >> Anon 53624 Fantastic work OP! You're the hero we need. >> Anon 53628 it's a dream come true ! ^^ the perfection still remains to be seen... all nude xD >> Anon 53633 Nice >> Anon 53678 Ideally, the best option would be to get rid of the background effects to reduce the file size and just choose which animation loops, kind of like how the ppppu.swf edits went. Also, sadly, i realize they lose their color scheme when they go nude. But still, thanks for the tits. >> Anon 53704 doing god's work >> Anon 53706 This is better optimized, runs 10 fps faster than the original in my comp. >> Anon 53744 here, have all of the internets. you deserve it. >> Anon 53757 Desperately needed, OP delivered. Thanks man. >> Nanonymous 53758 Anon 53678 They are meant to lose their color, you never played Pacman ? *sorry for my bad english* When Pacman eats the dots the ghosts go blue and run away from him in panic >> Anon 53791 >># Well, yeah, but i mean i can't see them nude while they have their color scheme. I feel like there's a lot of options and toggles that could be put into this by someone who isn't me, because i don't know fuck one about flash. >> Anon 53806 >># yes i agree , we need another hero do do this work >> Anon 53807 >># yes i agree, we need another hero for this job >> Anon 53823 give out the fla. file pls >> Anon 53836 yes can you please give the .fla file ? >> Anon 53846 would be so much appreciate if someone give the fla. been stressed trying to decompile this shit >> Anon 53850 >># same >> Anon 54004 JPEXS seems to be able to decompile it, but my PC dies while trying to convert it to fla. >> Anon 54007 >># idk how to convert to fla. :/ or else i would try >> Anon 54171 >># Nice, is possible for make semi-transparent clothes for blue ghost? |