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Threads (1):
/ > /fap/ > Thread 12141 Age: 90.03d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 20 Replies: 16 Files: 1+2 >> CDG 54300 April Oniel SWF (2012) Unmasked This is what happens when Moho Unmasks and unshades upon SWF Render. :( Hence the Shity 14.07 MB Mp4 Conversion to SWF [IMG] Untitled 3.swf (396.9 KiB) 1024x576, Compressed. 24 frames, 24 fps (00:01). Ver5, AS1/AS2. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: [find in archive] >> Anon 54311 y tho? >> CDG 54314 Its been a known issue since 2008. MP4 workds perfectly fine and looks fantastic....but once its been converted back to swf after decreases the quality 10 fold. SWF is so outdated i dont understand why swfchan doesnt allow multiple options....every site uses Mp4 and some even AVI (which i do not suggest) Newgrounds even allows mp4....but not loli or shota or my options are limited to posting here with my work flow style. Flash is going out the door for other forms >> Anon 54325 >># EYO HOL UP. Flash is not outdated just because you don't know how to export a swf properly. Don't blame the format when it's obviously that Moho program that just can't handle it. It's like using mspaint to export JPEG and then saying jpg images are outdated because the result looks like shit. >> Anon 54330 >># swf file has more quality than mp4 and less filesize. >> Anon 54333 >># Sounds like you're just inept? Every other flash I've seen works. >> Anon 54346 >># Flash isn't going anywhere. It has vector graphics and interactivity. It is not even in the same category as those other formats. >> Anon 54350 >># Flash is dieing though, its not only a huge security risk to even use it but also shit like HTML5 can do everything it can. Vectors are just a way of rendering images as polygons which other shit can also do, stop supporting this dinosaur of a format just because you dont like change. >> Anon 54351 >># I love all these HTML5 porn games that gets passed around in self-contained files, oh wait literally nobody does that. >> Anon 54354 >># You can do that with them its just not very common because shitsuckers like you keep supporting flash and it makes animators think that they have to use it. Actually, they pretty much have to, because you faggots will complain if it isn't on anything but flash. >> Anon 54360 >># I've never seen HTML5 vector-based games and animations easily shared in a file. Even if it's possible, artists don't do that outside of Flash, so it ends up being the best-looking and most optimized way to share their works. >> Anon 54362 >># You can just have HTML5 files load and take what it needs to out of a folder just like multi-part flashes. You just shove all the shit in a folder and just load the starting file. >> Anon 54364 >># That is an inefficient way of building any interactive h-game >> Anon 54373 >># That sounds like a huge pain in the ass that will clutter up any computer in no time. Any don't even mention indexing and searching. >> Anon 54378 >># intro.asp You can do alot with a little. >># What do you mean? Just name your folders. As for the size, it varies just like flash. You can have something that is like 2MB or shit up to like 20MB. I like flash a lot too, but it is getting outdated and needs a replacement of some kind. The older software is the harder it is to patch it and actually make it work on newer operating systems and Adobe is far from the best company. >> CDG 54393 The reason you dont see multi layer....multi shaded projects for .SWF is.. 1:Lazy Animators that dont want to take the time to get a nice processor and graphics card to export MP4 in the matter of seconds. 2:Lazy Animators that dont want to take the time to shade tones into their project, making the characters look unrealistic to their source. 3:Lazy Animators that dont wanna take the time to organize their workflow into sub sectioned folders to easily contain their projects 4:Lazy Animators that dont know how to make line widths look correct Did i miss anything >> CDG 54394 Bottom line for not going to stop using mp4 since all other forms of media are using it, and all other forms of video editors use it. It doesnt take long at all for me to render and allows for multi layer shading withing masked vector layers.....thats all i use is masked vector layers. Im not bashing those who want to use swf but as good as the other tmnt april flash ive seen...(Which i fapped to many of times) she just doesnt look right in 2d....artist interpretation i respect so that was his call....this is mine >> CDG 54397 Im just going to leave it at this here are some examples of 2d april pril+-+VaultStyle+by+VaultMan+%28TeenageM utantNinjaTurtles+TmntCommission%29.swf hentai As good as those are do they look as authentic as mine here >> CDG 54398 actually fuck i dont know why i didnt think of this sooner ill just post my shit to pornhub....later swfchan >> Anon 54443 >># good riddance >># >># >># guys, we had this thread already >>>51733 |