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Threads (4):
File: Bunny Fuck.swf-(1.56 MB, 900x800, Hentai) [_] Minus8 Lewds Anon 3362370
File: minus8.swf-(1.56 MB, 900x800, Other) [_] minus8 Anon 3307056 >> [_] Anon 3307061 That's not how a womb works. >> [_] Anon 3307127 sugoi oniichan >> [_] M-Non 3307133 When someone posts one of Minus8's furry animations, nobody bats an eye. When someone posts and labels something as furry, everyone loses their minds.
File: 0523b9a31d3855ce1ef7bf08335dc103.swf-(1. 56 MB, 900x800, Hentai) [_] -8 bunny SWF Anon 3292843 For >>>/trash/12376506. >> [_] Anon 3292858 it's shit >> [_] Anon 3292867 I wish it didn't auto-loop. >> [_] Anon 3292884 >># This man is a machine of quality hentai flashes. >> [_] Anon 3292898 Is the bunny an OC or is it a reference to something?
/ > /fap/ > Thread 12258 Age: 101.38d Health: 0% Posters: 21 Posts: 31 Replies: 27 Files: 1+3 >> Anon 54818 new minus8 flash [IMG] bf.swf (1.56 MiB) 900x800, Compressed. 1 frame, 30 fps (00:00). Ver15, AS3. Network access: Text: Bitmaps: Audio: Video: <METADATA> [find in archive] >> Anon 54819 >autism8 using buttons Is this real life? >> Anon 54820 song plz >> Anon 54821 nice! thanks for uploading it. as usual i don't recognize where the character is from >> Anon 54827 love minus8 but that's ugly as fuck >> Anon 54837 Well, it's definitely new. :^| >> Anon 54838 This animation Seems almost lazy. >> Anon 54839 Minimalist, but alright. 7/10 >> Anon 54841 well that's a step down from everything he's made >> Anon 54842 anyone know the source content? >> Anon 54847 stop being so negative everybody, it's like you want him to stop making stuff. >> Anon 54850 he's thread disappeared, sad :( >> Anon 54851 >># Trust me. The guy won't see this. >> Anon 54872 >># even if minus8 did see people being negative about his shit, he literally does not care about anyone and what they think, negative OR positive, he has so many fucking mental issues that he really doesnt give a shit about anyone who is pretty much a nobody because the only people he cares to impress and know are people who can also draw cute art so he can justify himself as someone who can be popular by trading oc art with various artists he can get his mitts on. Say his flashes are the best thing ever and he will literally not give a shit about you or what you said, say its the worst thing ever and he'll agree because hes immensely negative on his own and cares not about any form of praise. Im legit surprised there are so many minus8 fans out there who still dont fucking get it. If you dont have a really cute art style and a really cute oc that minus8 can draw his persona fucking and then return the favor by personally drawing his persona with your fursona fucking he doesnt give a fuck about you or your existence or your positivity and praise. It honestly has nothing to do with him making porn and being in south korea where porn is illegal, minus8 has been and always will be an extremely negative person who only takes pleasure in being recognized by artists with cute characters and the masses praise him by claiming that they're nothing compared to him. >> Anon 54879 >># >If you dont have a really cute art style and a really cute oc that minus8 can draw his persona fucking and then return the favor by personally drawing his persona with your fursona fucking he doesnt give a fuck about you. made me lol for some reason >> Anon 54885 >># I think he will. Even if not it's still a bad thing to do because other artists will see all the negativity on swfchan and decide not to participate with their own creations. It's fine to be negative sometimes but looking around it appears like most people just post when they have something to complain about and say nothing when they are pleased. At least try to do both, go on and compliment a flash with 0 replies sometime. It really does a lot of good. >> Anon 54888 >># If I have no issues, why would I comment. You can go fuck ya self. >> Anon 54893 Isn't porn Illegal in the worst korea? It would be a shame if someone pointed his streams and accounts to the ricenigger coppers. It would be a real shame if he ended up in prison :^) >> Anon 54895 What's the song? >># The -8 fanbase would dox and assassinate the culprit. >> Songboii 54940 Song is Killa kokain - Droplex Took like two sec on Shazam >> Anon 54955 >># thnx >> Anon 54992 Making so many AMVs has apparently dulled his skills, this may be one of his worst works. SAD! >> Anon 55001 >># Because you want to see more. It takes 2 seconds to write something nice and it makes the artist feel like his hard work doesn't go unnoticed. The mental capabilities of some... >> Anon 55002 >># You have no idea what I want. This was ok at best. I would rather have him do something better then to stick to flashes like this. Why you assuming shit all of a sudden? >> Anon 55010 >># People definitely do dole out compliments on this site when they feel it's deserved, it's not always negative. Keyword on "DESERVED". Of course everyone's threshold is different depending on the person, but since we've been "anon" for a very long time, and since we've seen every flash under God's sun, that threshold is pretty low. So no reaction isn't a bad reaction. A bad reaction to your flash will be clearly visible. >> Anon 55018 >># >we need more sugarcoating and participation trophies Just fucking stop, retard. Fuck off. >> Anon 55146 >># No u >> Anon 55154 >># >># >># >how to kill off flash in just 1 simple step >> Anon 55158 >># lol u mad bro >># >this is how maymay arrows work right? >all you meanies need to be nice or flash will die Fuck off, pussy. >> Anon 55267 >># So, yeah he won't see this. >> Anon 55340 It seems like a rushed project, the composition btw the music style and the animation are far from what minus have show so far. In my opinion seems like he is experimenting with the "interactivity" of this flash. So far that I can remember, the only other work of his that have this interactive scenes is the bj with Isabelle (animal crossing) |