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Threads (7):
File: hanginghere.swf-(4.38 MB, 500x281, Loop) [_] gravelord 3479020
File: hanginghere.swf-(4.38 MB, 500x281, Loop) [_] Sup gravelord 3436918 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3436919 This episode was fucking great. >> [_] gravelord 3436923 >># Indeed, it was the perfect example of dark humor >> [_] Anon 3436979 >># >># What is it called? Can't find any results from typing in "Gravelord" or "Gravelord anime". >> [_] Anon 3436980 >># that's cause dumbdumb didn't give the sauce in his flash sauce It's Marinara/(Paranoia Agent) >> [_] gravelord 3436981 >># very true I only sauce music :) >> [_] Anon 3436984 >># >hmmm, maybe Google will tell me what gravelord likes to watch full kek >> [_] gravelord 3436987 >># Kinda funny doe >> [_] Anon 3436990 >># google probably knows! google knows everything >> [_] Anon 3436996 >># >>>reddit >> [_] Anon 3436997 >># don't search for the namefag's name on gaygle search for OP file on swfchan and look into past threads of it >> [_] Anon 3437012 I don't condone this action, but at least I understand.
File: hanginghere.swf-(4.38 MB, 500x281, Loop) [_] Anon 3380860
File: hanginghere.swf-(4.38 MB, 500x281, Loop) [_] Anon 3343875 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] gravelord 3343968 >># thanks for posting this
File: hanginghere.swf-(4.38 MB, 500x281, Loop) [_] gravelord 3304881 >> [_] のこ 3304886 <3 >> [_] Anon 3304923 What anime is this? Just this little loop got me interested as to why they're hanging themselves. >> [_] Anon 3304924 >># Paranoia agent >> [_] Anon 3304948 Looks like they are having fun.
File: hanginghere.swf-(4.38 MB, 500x281, Loop) [_] gravelord 3298447
File: hanginghere.swf-(4.38 MB, 500x281, Loop) [_] gravelord 3296081 >> [_] Anon 3296098 >># Is this Paranoia Agent? I do not recall this... >> [_] gravelord 3296099 >># I believe so >> [_] のこではない 3296120 <3 >> [_] Anon 3296147 >># It's for the better, don't watch anything after this episode. >> [_] Anon 3296160 >># It was the episode surrounding a suicide pact between those three characters, with the two older eventually trying to find a way to convince the younger girl to not go through with it (After failing to kill themselves multiple times throughout the episode) >> [_] Anon 3296201 >># don't forget the implied childsex |