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This is resource ASN8MPL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/6 -2019 20:43:12

Ended:23/10 -2019 14:55:14

Checked:23/10 -2019 15:02:02

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 15048

Age: 110.75d   Health: 0%   Posters: 8   Posts: 10   Replies: 9   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 27jun2019(th)20:39 No.69628 OP P1

[IMG] 5BHENTAI 5D Marris Swallows Mom.swf (343.9 KiB)
550x400, Compressed (Deflate). 1965 frames, 22 fps (01:29).
Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 28jun2019(fr)07:19 No.69634 A P2R1

I will never understand vore. Not for as long as I fucking live.

>> Anonymous 28jun2019(fr)18:17 No.69658 B P3R2

it's a trash tier fetish together with furries, gigantess, onara, scat, guro, dickgirls ... the
list goes on

>> Anonymous 28jun2019(fr)20:27 No.69660 C P4R3

Funnier than all of Adam Sandler's recent movies. The thing is the brown skinned girl didn't even
look that bad, shame she's wasted on this trash fetish.

>> Anonymous 28jun2019(fr)20:48 No.69661 B P5R4

Forgot NTR, man, fuck NTR.

>> Anonymous 29jun2019(sa)00:39 No.69669 D P6R5

I'm a male in my early 20's. If you were to ask me who I am, the 1st thing I would instantly say is
"I am an anal vore fanatic". It's who I am. It's my identity. Anal vore is my life, and it felt
important enough for me to tell my friends and family. I decided the best way to tell them would be
to have an anal vore "coming-out party", though I didn't tell them that the party was going to be
about anal vore ahead of time. I'm not stupid. I knew they would look it up in Google and see a
bunch of stupid things and criticisms by trolls about it, so I decided that to make the best
impression of anal vore I would have to present it to them myself.

I ordered pizzas and planned a lot of fun activities we could do that would explain to my friends
and family what anal vore is

It started when they came in through the door. I gave everyone a sealed envelope and told them not
to open it until I said so. When everyone had arrived (grandparents, aunts and uncles, my parents,
3 of my cousins, and a couple non-family friends), I announced what the purpose of the part was and
had them open the envelopes. I had commissioned a popular artist that I really like to draw
sketches of each of my family members/friends anal voring me, and I printed these pictures out and
put them in the envelope (he agreed to do the sketches for $5/each BTW so it wasn't too expensive
for me). Everyone kinda laughed and a couple of them were confused when I explained (my grandpa got
kind of mad at me though). I basically explained to them that I'm into anal vore and what it is. I
don't think they took it very well though because they joked a lot about it (they kept asking if I
was serious or if I was joking). A couple people (my parents and grandparents mostly) seemed upset

>> ???? ??? 29jun2019(sa)03:04 No.69671 E P7R6

Is this a copypasta?

>> Anonymous 29jun2019(sa)04:29 No.69673 F P8R7

Wow haven't seen this relic in years. The last time I saw this was when ModeSeven was still posting
under the user name NitroTitan. What's with all these recent reposts ?

>> Anonymous 29jun2019(sa)17:16 No.69676 G P9R8

>Implying some fetishes are worse then others

>> Anonymous 29jun2019(sa)17:56 No.69677 C P10R9

And then you jumped up and shouted "The Aristocrats!"
Created: 27/6 -2019 20:43:12 Last modified: 23/10 -2019 15:04:43 Server time: 03/01 -2025 07:02:28