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This is resource AWT3I78, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/6 -2019 08:36:08

Ended:1/11 -2019 11:54:12

Checked:1/11 -2019 12:03:40

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 14999

Age: 132.14d   Health: 0%   Posters: 13   Posts: 18   Replies: 16   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 15jun2019(sa)08:28 No.69361 OP P1

I fucking give up.

[IMG] rock_boy_nomal.swf (8.64 MiB)
841x595, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver41, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 15jun2019(sa)08:33 No.69363 A P2R1

It's all in the expression.

Paper is either "Eye sparkle and closed mouth" or "Normal eyes and open mouth"

Rock is either "Normal eyes and toothy grin" or "Eye sparkle with open mouth"

Scissors is either "Normal eyes with closed mouth" or "Eye sparkle with toothy grin"

At least, as best as I can figure out. Seems to work 90% of the time.

>> Anonymous 15jun2019(sa)08:37 No.69364 A P3

Nevermind this doesn't even have the sex scene, lol.

Full game here

>> Anonymous 15jun2019(sa)09:44 No.69366 B P4R2

what does the second option under the sex unlock do?

>> Anonymous 15jun2019(sa)14:42 No.69371 C P5R3

Translation of option:
Believe in the power of your time stop.
(It came to be able to take off during the time stop)

You should know when time stops.

>> say10 15jun2019(sa)15:12 No.69372 D P6R4

how do you stop time??? i've tried everything, even went on a 30 win streak. pls help

>> Anonymous 15jun2019(sa)15:41 No.69373 C P7R5

finger-guessing game

>> sae10 15jun2019(sa)18:19 No.69378 D P8R6

update: timestop is when the screen goes dark and the timer pops up for the rock-paper-scissors
game. if youve unlocked all the things and you get him to cover himself, when you timestop you can
undress\move the hand

>> Anonymous 16jun2019(su)00:08 No.69380 E P9R7

how many sex scene their is ? because just Under the first one their is an option who won't do

>> Anonymous 16jun2019(su)15:25 No.69386 F P10R8

If you translate the description on heiwachan, it says the game is unfinished.

>> Anonymous 16jun2019(su)22:01 No.69392 G P11R9


Makes a billion clothing option but no option to remove the wiener..

>> Anonymous 19jun2019(we)15:10 No.69468 H P12R10

of which are none in the sex scene

>> Anonymous 19jun2019(we)23:05 No.69479 G P13R11

This is not the complete game, someone linked to it earlier.

>> Anonymous 20jun2019(th)22:31 No.69503 I P14R12

can't it be uploaded here? or does it load external flashes?
a hack to make it less like work would be appreciated too

>> Anonymous 20jun2019(th)22:41 No.69504 J P15R13


>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)00:03 No.69505 I P16R14

thanks but god damn it, i didnt realize it was a boy

>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)04:13 No.69515 K P17R15


>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)18:18 No.69529 L P18R16

just wait for someone to hack it, I'd rather play the dress up options than play grindy RNGesus RPS
nonstop for 20 minutes just to earn the means to fap.
Created: 15/6 -2019 08:36:08 Last modified: 1/11 -2019 12:16:45 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:15:23