File: 纤夫的爱尹相杰;于文华.swf-(9.8 MB, 352x244, Loop)
[_] You forgot Anonymous 06/23/19(Sun)14:59:41 No.3394343
Daily reminder that you forgot about this
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/19(Sun)17:54:24 No.3394354
ywn pull a boat with your bros
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/19(Sun)21:38:31 No.3394368
>ywn go on a boat ride down the wei river with a qt3.14 azn gf
>ywn even get your trumpet chops good enough to play to your azn gf
>> [_] Anonymous 06/23/19(Sun)23:09:15 No.3394373
Once a couple of years ago, some Chinese "people" living in the apartment above me were being
extremely loud and disrespectful in the middle of the night. I couldn't think of anything to do
other than blast this song as loud as I could. After it ended, I didn't hear a peep from them for
three days.