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This is resource FALMY6G, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/5 -2019 02:26:17

Ended:14/5 -2019 08:22:49

Checked:14/5 -2019 10:36:52

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Hydlide - ProJared.swf-(9.95 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] ProJared did nothing wrong. Anonymous 05/12/19(Sun)20:24:21 No.3390275

  Change my mind.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/12/19(Sun)22:35:07 No.3390286

  He was busy cucking someone and got caught, but in the end, he cucked himself.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)03:28:42 No.3390310

  >Using your position of "power" as a Youtube shitter to get child pornography straight from the
  Yeah, it's no surprise some here would think he did nothing wrong

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)13:09:36 No.3390328

  Poor Ross, he really didn't deserve any of this.
  He's a genuinly good guy, probably the best of the whole youtube/ex-newgrounds community
  celebrities and he still somewhat tried to regularely do flash animations as opposed to
  egoraptor, who just drowned himself in shitty let's plays.

  I was kinda happy for him when I got to know he had a wife in the past, he seemed more like the
  kind of guy who was unlucky in all his relationships. Welp, consider me diddled when I saw that
  it was Ross' wife specifically that broke down all of this recent drama. Man, fate just cannot
  leave that man be.

  Also: all of that reminds me of the Ashley Maddison drama. But this time, there's really no
  contra side to it all. Jared is just a horny nutjob. How would he not deserve any of this.
  I wouldn't have followed him in the first place, but unsubscribing to some cheater if you value
  moral relationships yourself seems more than justified.

  also, is this coincidence or conspiracy or fake, but why the sudden outburst in allegedly pedo
  youtubers that get busted lately

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)14:54:35 No.3390339

  crafty bastard

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)15:04:49 No.3390342

  him giving metal gear rising a 4/10 was worse than him cheating on his wife and being a pedo
  fuck him

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)15:33:24 No.3390345

  People are realizing that Youtubers are actually fucking losers that their fanbase will turn on
  in a second so they don't feel bad about dropping the dirtsheets on them anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)15:43:24 No.3390347

  It's pathetic that it's taken this long. Social media was a huge mistake in hindsight. You
  shouldn't be trying to make a career off of reviewing video games. It should be something you do
  for fun after you're done with your work for the day.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)15:53:14 No.3390348

  The only person that's made it work appropriately is AVGN and that's mostly because he had
  professional work before this, has almost no online presence outside of his youtube channel, and
  is playing a character that isn't an extension of his personality.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/13/19(Mon)19:46:22 No.3390359

  Didn't Ross and Holly get divorced in, like, September? Ross has said a few times he isn't really
  involved in this, I think.
Created: 13/5 -2019 02:26:17 Last modified: 14/5 -2019 10:37:33 Server time: 07/03 -2025 02:24:16