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This is resource FFRYDY2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/6 -2019 18:47:13

Ended:26/6 -2019 12:41:06

Checked:26/6 -2019 14:54:33

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: The Sleeping Rape.swf-(1.45 MB, 1024x768, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)15:52:27 No.3394418

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)21:08:19 No.3394442

  i don't like hurting girls and rape is like beating someone up. But when i watch this my weaner
  gets hard and kinda feels funny when i touch it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/19(Tue)12:57:14 No.3394487

  It is a bad action either way. But if I had to choose between getting non-consensual diddled for
  10 minutes or getting punched in the face for 10 minutes, I'd choose the prior option.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/19(Tue)15:37:37 No.3394498

  that's the great thing about fictional hentai
  you can go into the harder stuff and noone gets hurt in the process (besides my ween)

  having the sleep meds would mean you probably don't even know it happened

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/19(Tue)17:06:12 No.3394506

  Im 23 and I honestly feel like this is the only way Im ever gonna get laid, never raped or hurt
  anyone but holy hell do I want to end myself.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/19(Tue)17:28:56 No.3394507

  Brah, just practice talking with people.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/19(Tue)17:49:27 No.3394508

  Yes, practice talking with people. Start with a therapist

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/19(Tue)20:36:50 No.3394515

  been there buddy, was 24 before i got some pussy. A friend i was in collage with that was
  comfortable to smoke weed with me and hang out with me for a while really needed some money quick
  so i offered some for sex....she wasn't a beauty queen but not ugly, and was on the chubby side,
  but dammit i got some. (also she was like 30 so wasn't as touchy as the younger generation is,
  not as offendable)

  I don't know what works for you but for me its to not try, don't plan, don't look for it, but
  always be on the lookout for an oppertunity and try to increase your number of female friends
  even if you aren't interested in said female friends. Good luck brother and don't stain your
  conscience out of desperation, it isn't worth it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/25/19(Tue)23:15:36 No.3394526

  Girls enjoy sex. I ignored this until I was around 18 and my therapist told me that. So I decided
  to get laid with whatever was around and got a chubby for myself at the time.
  Try it yourself, it won't hurt. If things are really bad, go for the really fat ones.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/19(Wed)02:04:50 No.3394531

  bro my cousin got his first girlfriend when he was like 27, you'll make it.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/19(Wed)03:01:18 No.3394534

  WTF is this sick shit!!!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/19(Wed)04:48:25 No.3394537

  Yeah whatever you socially incapacitated sociopath chances are Ill find you in the fucking
  obituaries for suicide before I find you in the headlines for rape coward.

  You meaningless whelps are a mystery to me. Go to community fuckin college. Talk to any girl on
  your level you want, dont be socially maladjusted and I guarantee you will have some sex. Fuckin
  A man either commit a mass shooting or just do an industry-grade suicide you edgey wannabe faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/19(Wed)06:39:20 No.3394540

  Lots of taking, not one comment about how the "game" is actualy shit.
Created: 25/6 -2019 18:47:13 Last modified: 26/6 -2019 14:55:13 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:42:52