/ > /fap/ > Thread 15248
Age: 125.73d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 12 Replies: 11 Files: 1+2
>> Anonymous 5aug2019(mo)00:14 No.70459 OP P1
Threw together a Clyde (Pacman Minus8 Ghost) mod for PPPUXi
ACHAR_QuickClyde.swf (678.1 KiB)
800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 30 fps (00:00).
Ver32, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 5aug2019(mo)12:20 No.70468 A P2R1
Wow this is outstanding. Greatjob.
>> Anonymous 5aug2019(mo)22:21 No.70472 B P3R2
I'm looking at the download links page on PPPPUProgrammer's tumblr page and most of the links are
dead, including the one for the XI Character Starter pack. Seems like qt.vidyagam.es is dead. Do
backups exist somewhere else or do I absolutely have to join the PPPPU discord (if there are even
links there)?
>> Anonymous 10aug2019(sa)00:33 No.70533 C P4R3
how do i use this i dowloaded it to my pppuxi folder and she wont appear
>> Anonymous 10aug2019(sa)04:36 No.70540 D P5R4
screenshot please. let's make screenshots standard for these type of uploads?
>> Anonymous 15aug2019(th)01:09 No.70598 E P6R5
I couldn't think of a more useful purpose for the attachment function
>> Anonymous 21aug2019(we)07:48 No.70711 F P7R6
I can't for the life of me compile the current ppppuXI. I get dozens of "Method marked override
must override another method." errors. Anyone else experience this?
>> Anonymous 21aug2019(we)08:42 No.70713 G P8R7
MOAR minus8 ghost stuff
>> Anonymous 25aug2019(su)09:52 No.70792 H P9R8
couldnt get this to load on my ppppuxi either
>> Anonymous 27aug2019(tu)14:38 No.70819 I P10R9
What the heck is this? I am a brainlet and don't understand.
>> Anonymous 28aug2019(we)01:03 No.70830 E P11R10
it's a
>Clyde (Pacman Minus8 Ghost) mod
extra character inside a swf file that is required to be loaded into a running
game which is a community edit of an old edit of an even older Minus8 animation
>> Anonymous 17sep2019(tu)18:48 No.71110 J P12R11
It includes this and other flashes