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This is resource FTVOJL4, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/6 -2019 10:06:59

Ended:14/10 -2019 08:05:25

Checked:14/10 -2019 08:15:12

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 15.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 15016

Age: 110.92d   Health: 0%   Posters: 9   Posts: 15   Replies: 14   Files: 1+3

>> Ningen 18jun2019(tu)10:03 No.69434 OP P1

(G) Pussymon Episode 47 hacked

Pussymon episode 47 hacked

original game link

Pussymon creator have Patreon support him by becoming a patron if u want to.

[IMG] pussymon47 hacked.swf (2.22 MiB)
800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 51 frames, 30 fps (00:02).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 20jun2019(th)08:01 No.69491 A P2R1

cool different sex variations for once.

>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)00:07 No.69506 B P3R2

Hey look, recycled animations from the previous games, still no sound, still no music, still no
improvements whatsoever. Nobody asked for this, stop posting this shit, fuck off with this utter
bullshit. Fucking hell... The girls aren't even sexy anymore, this faggot started using his OCs now
and they're all fucking hideous because he's got no fucking artistic talents whatsoever. Neither in
programming, as he's been using the same fucking framework since day one and just changes the maps
around a bit. This one has, gasp, oh god oh man, DIFFERENT BUTTONS FOR DIFFERENT UNINSpired
bullshit sex animations he's used in other episodes before this... Who the fuck cares anymore, stop
hacking this, stop supporting this jackass on Patreon... "Pussymon creator have Patreon support him
by becoming a patron if u want to" no one SHOULD support him, this is just sick at this point, like
feeding an addict heroine to keep him from killing himself.

TL;DR: game's like the rest of them but he made some fucking button, just ignore, it's terrible as

>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)04:12 No.69514 C P4R3

Calm down. Don't want to have to call an ambulance cause an anon got a heart attack over a bunch of
pixels on a screen.

You guys need to take a few weeks off the internet.

>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)14:58 No.69527 D P5R4

there's a progress
a small, teeny weeny, ever so slightely existing one
but still
not worth spending money on though

>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)18:18 No.69530 E P6R5

The dude already said these (episodes) are all beta. And the final product is gonna be an all in
one with better writing. At least the dude is committed to this and getting paid to do it. Most
people would have given up by now, taken the patreon cash and vanish. Just cause you don't like it,
don't mean you don't gotta blow a gasket. Let the people supporting this do what they want with
their money.

>> Anonymous 21jun2019(fr)22:00 No.69533 F P7R6

It quite honestly took me a couple of minutes of thought to fathom how someone could be so naive
and stupid. But I've been in furry community's so I can believe someone would be such a shill
(unless you're baiting in which case, well done).

>The dude already said these (episodes) are all beta. And the final
product is gonna be an all in one with better writing.

Oh. So no word on ART improvement then? Like do people ACTUALLY like the writing in this shit?

>At least the dude is committed to this and getting paid to do it. Most people would have given up
by now, taken the patreon cash and vanish

The reason most people just fucking quit with patreon is because A they are incompetent (or actual
scammers) or B the amount of reward versus the amount of effort put in is negligible.
This guy is not either of those. This guy puts in the minimum amount of effort for a ridiculous
reward amount (It's what? the equivalent of getting paid around 500$ a week to work on this?) and
nobody can really blame him as it's the people who pay him.

>Just cause you don't like it, don't mean you don't gotta blow a gasket. Let the people supporting
this do what they want with their money.

You assume that it is simply hate and that there are not currently HUNDREDS of other artists more
deserving of the money that you and all the other patreons are shoveling into this furnaces mouth
(Wasn't one of his goals art school? good to see that money working in spades!).

Y'know what? Lemme actually give you and all the other anons on this fine board some suggestions
for artists that actually deserve atleast a quarter of what this guy makes.


Go fucking support one of them instead of this trash artist.

>> ???? ???? 22jun2019(sa)07:16 No.69539 G P8R7

hahaha. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> Anonymous 22jun2019(sa)07:18 No.69540 A P9R8

On the subject of artists, any games similar to this you think should be looked at?

>> Anonymous 22jun2019(sa)08:31 No.69542 F P10R9

Depends on what you mean by similar?

If you mean games similar in format and style as this I honestly can't say as I don't really have
an interest in these types of games.

If you mean good stuff in general then I know of dozens (So many in fact that I'd have to make a

>> Anonymous 23jun2019(su)08:09 No.69556 C P11R10

Because only your opinion is valid. All hail this anon. He's right, you're wrong. End of story.

Is it really that fucking hard to understand that some people might like other shit, no mater how
trash it looks? No one gives a shit about you're opinion online about a pokemon porn game. Are you
stroking the man's dick? Is it your money being spent? If not, then scroll past and stfu.
Autists coming full force out of their basements this week.

>> ???? ???? 23jun2019(su)08:39 No.69558 G P12R11

This is not 4chan.

>> Anonymous 23jun2019(su)08:53 No.69559 H P13R12

>No one gives a shit about you're opinion online about a pokemon porn game
You clearly gave enough of a shit to leave a butthurt response.

>> Anonymous 24jun2019(mo)19:27 No.69584 E P14R13

bruh I'm not paying the fucker, you ain't paying the fucker, posting this on /fap/ does not
increase the pay the fucker gets. So what does raging on here actually accomplish? You don't like
him fine, you think he is a shitty artist fine, you say the other artists deserve more fuckin fine.
But posting your wall of text is you venting and it's your opinion and it's subjective and you are
trying very hard to convince people of the obvious. So ultimately you achieve nothing but blah blah
blah don't support trash, support the others. Oh would you look at that? Nothing changed yet in the
last 4 times i refreshed their patreon pages. Try harder elsewhere bud.

>> Anonymous 24jun2019(mo)22:05 No.69595 D P15R14

I think you don't know how Patreon works.
You don't "take Patreon cash and vanish" like with indiegogo, you deliberately spend an eternity
doing an everlasting neverending progression towards a goal, so "working hard and getting paid for
it" is what a Patreon scammer is doing.
It's no breeding season, but still. Promising all that stuff and knowing you'll never get there is
kinda bs.
Jokes on the people spending money though, they're the ones enabling such trash.
Created: 18/6 -2019 10:06:59 Last modified: 14/10 -2019 08:46:24 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:04:28