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This is resource GM9YIM0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/2 -2019 06:56:00

Ended:25/5 -2019 04:08:44

Checked:25/5 -2019 04:20:41

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 14579

Age: 78.89d   Health: 0%   Posters: 8   Posts: 8   Replies: 6   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 28feb2019(th)06:50 No.67016 OP P1

Nosoul complete set

Sorry for the flood.
But nowhere to be found in the internet other than a 10 years old upload(
file/nagnuq1o2zc/swf_10012009.rar), so better archive it here.

Besides the swfs have better quality than the gifs and a few don't even have a gif version.

[IMG] Untitled-060.swf (1.98 MiB)
550x400, Compressed (Deflate). 364 frames, 12 fps (00:30).
Ver10, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> w7-890 !elUzZM2K/o 28feb2019(th)13:15 No.67022 A P2R1

thx m8 also why are the other ones missing and where did you find this
also is there a way to keep all of this in one thread

>> Anonymous 28feb2019(th)18:51 No.67028 B P3

fuck off
fuck off

>> Anonymous 28feb2019(th)23:11 No.67035 C P4R2

good uploads OP, it's OK to flood because threads on swfchan don't 404 from other threads.
everything is time based so you don't push any other flashes off the board.

i just wished you had renamed the files to for example "Nosoul 60.swf". because in a year these
will be buried deep within the swfchan archive and nobody will be able to find them because if
you're searching for an artist named "nosoul" you wouldn't try to find flashes named "untitled".

>> w7-890 !elUzZM2K/o 1mar2019(fr)13:19 No.67055 D P5R3

no u

>> Anonymous 2mar2019(sa)16:44 No.67083 E P6R4

well, you could still search for keywords in threads, and the word nosoul has been typed quite a
lot by now

also: quality animation OP!

>> Anonymous 3mar2019(su)00:34 No.67099 F P7R5


Searching Untitled by ID# also works since they all were posted in sequence.

>> Anonymous 13mar2019(we)04:16 No.67314 G P8R6

what the fuck, trying to look at these screenshots is like trying to understand a Van Gogh piece,
like what is the penis and what is the... everything else
Created: 28/2 -2019 06:56:00 Last modified: 25/5 -2019 04:33:29 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:48:45