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This is resource GTLA349, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/2 -2019 21:24:59

Ended:6/5 -2019 18:09:52

Checked:6/5 -2019 18:31:51

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 14457

Age: 73.89d   Health: 0%   Posters: 5   Posts: 11   Replies: 6   Files: 1+3

>> Ningen 14feb2019(th)20:36 No.66623 OP P1

Pussymon episode 43 hacked

Pussymon episode 43 hacked

original game link

Pussymon creator have Patreon support him by becoming a patron if u want to.

My mail

[IMG] pussymon43 hacked.swf (1.85 MiB)
800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 51 frames, 30 fps (00:02).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Ningen 14feb2019(th)20:47 No.66624 OP P2

For the side quest go to bag click Sleep/Rest it will change ur energy to 100 and then use energy
until its night time or get it to 0 then do what the side quest tells u to do.

>> Ningen 14feb2019(th)20:50 No.66625 OP P3

just read rules can't edit so here's the tag [G]

>> Anonymous 15feb2019(fr)15:04 No.66633 A P4R1

don't worry, OP the [G] tag on /fap/ doesn't exist anymore
probably a good idea to remove that from the rules

>> w7-890 !elUzZM2K/o 15feb2019(fr)17:31 No.66637 B P5R2

what is the [G] tag

>> Ningen 16feb2019(sa)17:58 No.66653 OP P6R3


>> Anonymous 16feb2019(sa)18:02 No.66655 A P7R4

because there aren't any Hentai games allowed in /gg/, but hentai games are still a huuge category
and different from just a movie flash on /fap/, there was once an extra tag on /fap/ that you could
flag for games
but it was removed when the upload UI was simplified (you once had to click 3 times for a new
thread to be posted, as a kinda "check everything once more" notice)
because a lot of people reported some problems with it or whatever

>> Anonymous 16feb2019(sa)18:05 No.66656 A P8

oh shit, I'm sorry
didn't notice there was actually an update to the rules
seems like you now have to manually type it out
still, it doesn't sound very strict, so I don't think you'll get banned if you wouldn't write it

>> Anonymous 16feb2019(sa)20:27 No.66659 C P9R5

>Still no sound
>Still the same terrible art style
>Still the same terrible gameplay
>Still the same rehashed animations
>Still the same terrible spritework
Sp3ktr3 has the fucking balls to say he's been doing this for 3 fucking years and it's still as bad
as the first day he uploaded it. 700 people who should really have their fucking wallets taken away
or 700 bots, either way his Patreon should be fucking revoked for literally selling the same shit
on different days. What a fucking hack.

>> w7-890 !elUzZM2K/o 16feb2019(sa)20:28 No.66660 D P10R6

( ͡°👅 ͡°)

thanks for spoon-feeding me once again guys
[i apologize for being such a normie]

also how do you bluetext
[its possible i see it on swfchan check Antz posts]

>> w7-890 !elUzZM2K/o 16feb2019(sa)20:47 No.66662 D P11

>ripped by bots
hello good sir your wish has be granted
Created: 14/2 -2019 21:24:59 Last modified: 6/5 -2019 18:31:55 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:41:13