Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource HU6LTM0, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/5 -2019 07:33:58

Ended:21/5 -2019 22:45:53

Checked:21/5 -2019 23:48:09

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 216.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: nedm.swf-(56 KB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)01:33:06 No.3390464

  YTMND . . . ;_;7

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)14:35:22 No.3390489

  >flash is next
  I'm just glad i could experience all of this.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)15:02:04 No.3390494

  It looks like it's just down for maintenance.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)15:37:58 No.3390502

  we will never forget

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)16:10:27 No.3390506

  Posting in a sticky!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)16:12:21 No.3390507

  I've never seen a sticky on/f/ but this probably deserves it.
  Goodnight sweet prince. We'll be close behind

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)16:15:58 No.3390508

  Pay Respects.swf was stickied in honor of anikis birthday last year

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)16:27:23 No.3390509

  >YTMND is down for temporary maintenance. This gives us time to optimize the database, free up
  unused space, deploy new features, and generally just break stuff. This should not take very
  long, so feel free to stick around and chat or go away. If you have any trouble accessing the
  site, or concerns about the direction in which your life is heading, feel free to send an email
  to support @ (and expect to be ignored).

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)16:28:56 No.3390510


>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)18:32:35 No.3390521

  posting in epic sticky

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)18:36:21 No.3390522


>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)18:46:06 No.3390524

  ZOMG a sticky!!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)18:55:30 No.3390525

  postan in an /f/ sticky in 2019

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)19:59:14 No.3390528


>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)20:00:56 No.3390530

  Wonder if we're gonna have a similar sticky when the sun finally sets on flash

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)20:04:37 No.3390531

  hiro will probably just quietly bin this place.
  my ass is off to 22chan's /f/ when that happens.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)20:25:04 No.3390534

  i dont understand this whole notion of flash dying.
  will you suddenly be unable to view flashes in 2020?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)20:25:29 No.3390535

  thanks doc

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)20:36:24 No.3390539

  it just marks the beginning of the end but some say it has already begun with browsers disabling
  flash support years ago

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)21:29:57 No.3390543

  Nothing lasts forever, gotta enjoy it while it lasts.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)21:59:25 No.3390545

  Flash is not dead, Flash will never be dead.

  Youtube will die before flash dies.

  We grew up with Newgrounds, and while other platforms fall to their own greed, Flash will live on
  in the nostalgia it evokes from our hearts and the genuineness of its original content.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)22:07:26 No.3390547

  that and browser extensions

>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)22:33:56 No.3390549

  >/f/ sticky


>> [_] Anonymous 05/15/19(Wed)22:50:25 No.3390551


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)00:00:00 No.3390558

  end of an era

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)00:01:59 No.3390559

  I fear the future.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)00:21:06 No.3390561

  i dunno. sometimes flash almost feels like something outside of time, like it just goes on and on
  and on like an edifice of the internet. i think the way it exists is kind of too alive to be
  pinned down in the same way video/audio/etc is, and as long as there's internet and adobe
  actually opens it up and lets enthusiasts develop it (which i think is kinda inevitable),
  flash'll go on. rip ytmnd, though. i loved you more than i ever even knew.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)01:01:57 No.3390564

  ZOMG my thread got a sticky!

  It wasn't connecting earlier, glad to see it was only disconnected due to maintenance. Hopefully
  it comes back online soon. The last time I had checked the site, the owner hadn't seemed to have
  interacted in a long while; everyone assumed the worst. Hopefully already has an
  effort going to preserve the most important sites.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)01:29:19 No.3390565

  Postan in a toasty /f/ sticky. Meep

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)02:46:39 No.3390571

  /f/ will never die!!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)03:16:26 No.3390572


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)03:55:30 No.3390576


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)04:14:53 No.3390577

  I'd be a fool if I didn't post in the only sticky I've seen here.

  Hopefully it'll indeed come back up, as an archive or otherwise.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)04:18:49 No.3390578

  I cried real tears today it just hit me too hard, it feels like so much of that internet is
  slipping away.

  It doesnt go out with a bang, but with a whimper.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)04:49:16 No.3390581

  Good luck to all posters and lurkers that view this post.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)05:28:04 No.3390582

  Comeback ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)05:45:44 No.3390583

  Long live /f/!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)07:55:06 No.3390587

  >rip db YTMND has suffered a catostrophic failure. Whether or not the site will ever be back is
  still undecided. I am actively working on data recovery, but who really knows what the future
  holds. Join the chat to reminisce, or if you have concerns about the direction in which your life
  is heading, feel free to send an email to support @ (and expect to be ignored).
  they didn't backup the database?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)09:38:52 No.3390590

  Internet really is changing. Hope /f/ survives through 2020.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)11:16:18 No.3390596

  It's over.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)12:29:57 No.3390598

  Thank the lord it isn't fully dead.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)12:35:57 No.3390599

  Our time here is limited, I think we forget that sometimes. Hold me /f/riends :')

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)13:55:22 No.3390603

  Well, fuck.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)14:14:58 No.3390605

  Rip, that's another site from a better time gone.

  Wonder how much of that part of the internet is left.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)14:44:30 No.3390608


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)15:49:13 No.3390612

  Let's just hope we die before swf.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)15:59:18 No.3390617


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)16:25:01 No.3390619

  I know max lost interest, but YTMND was the best

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)16:30:12 No.3390620

  >We grew up with Newgrounds
  right on my man live long and prosper /f/


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)16:39:51 No.3390621


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)17:20:45 No.3390623

  You were the man dog. Rest in Peace

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)17:22:22 No.3390624

  Ya, youkoso, Bourbon House e.

  Un, "mata" nanda, sumannai.

  Kono Tequila wa service dakara, mazu nonde ochitsuite hoshii.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)18:07:55 No.3390628

  Goodnight, sweet prince. You will always be the man in our hearts. T_TTTTTTTTTTTT

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)18:23:05 No.3390630

  RIP in peace, dog.
  Another relic of the good old times gone.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)18:58:11 No.3390633

  So cancer of past finally fail?
  Nothing interesting really.
  Wake up me when digg, ebaum or sa will be died.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)19:39:45 No.3390635

  shut up

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)19:46:29 No.3390636

  shimigamidrahcir here

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)20:05:16 No.3390640


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)20:11:09 No.3390643

  I still remember how much reasonable hate those "flashing picture under music" always got in past.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)20:16:46 No.3390644

  >Because I could not stop for Death
  >He kindly stopped for me

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)20:23:20 No.3390645


>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)20:30:03 No.3390646

  sticky post.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)20:57:25 No.3390648

  Where's the man now dog ;(

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)21:45:42 No.3390655

  sleep tight hammers

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)21:56:48 No.3390657

  My do-g died today :(

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)22:06:01 No.3390658

  In the end, we truly were the men now, dog.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)22:46:54 No.3390662

  not like this q_q

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)22:53:21 No.3390663

  this had made a bad day worse, sorry to the YTMND people.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)23:47:56 No.3390671

  I guess... not even doom music, huh?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/16/19(Thu)23:49:21 No.3390672

  Every old internet bastion around me is falling and I don't know what's going to happen now. The
  internet of the 2000's is long gone. It somewhat saddens me future generations will know nothing
  of the independent internet, stuck behind the walled gardens of the corporate behemoths that make
  up 90% of the web today.


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)00:11:51 No.3390675

  Well SA still exists, whether it's a bastion is up for debate but it's older than most websites
  so I suppose you could read those old threads; hmmm . . . there's still those flash loop sites
  and newgrounds has all of their unblammed entries and undeleted forum threads.
  It is looking pretty grim for that type of content. I hope this gets some people a motive to
  archive independent sites that they enjoy.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)00:51:40 No.3390679

  This and Moonman are the only legacy

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)01:18:39 No.3390681

  Pressing F to pay respects

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)01:23:12 No.3390682

  Posting in epic sticky
  It may be the end, but you'll live on within our hearts


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)01:24:32 No.3390683

  fuck this timeline

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)02:43:34 No.3390688

  rip all my shitty creations from 2007-2013

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)04:16:20 No.3390693

  stickying in the post

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)04:16:37 No.3390694


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)04:44:41 No.3390695



>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)05:57:39 No.3390697

  A sticky on /f/? This a first

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)07:42:38 No.3390706


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)07:45:02 No.3390708

  What is actually preventing anyone from creating passion-run independent content-creation sites?
  Sure, most people are on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. today but most of the content they
  share is just mad boring cookie-cutter shit that grows stale within a month or two that an
  independent site can do without. Really, we just need a good, original idea to base it on.

  The copyright-slammed stuff is still on NG. The pages for them are gone but the actual content is
  still up.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)08:09:37 No.3390712


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)08:22:20 No.3390714


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)08:56:48 No.3390718


  I loved the time I spent here and all the great content I got to see over and over again.

  I will miss this place

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)09:24:59 No.3390722

  /f/ died 10 years ago. Proove me wrong.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)10:14:14 No.3390727

  goodnight sweet prince

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)10:22:35 No.3390728

  wooooooo we go to 100!!!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)10:23:06 No.3390729

  wait wtf
  a sticky? on my /f/?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)10:25:04 No.3390731

  posting on a sticky

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)10:55:28 No.3390734

  F ;_;7

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)12:54:50 No.3390738


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)13:30:01 No.3390746

  try 15 kiddo

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)16:40:56 No.3390762

  /F/ indeed

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)17:03:41 No.3390763

  Luckily ArchiveTeam has archived it

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)17:24:02 No.3390764


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)19:07:16 No.3390774

  Posting in rare /f/ sticky.
  The internet of old is slowly dying around us and it saddens me. Once /f/ is gone a part of me
  will be gone with it. Until then carry on you magnificent bastards, and never doubt this is the
  best board on this damned website.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)19:30:08 No.3390777

  /f/ sticky?
  Glad I made it
  I'll miss flash

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)19:37:46 No.3390779

  i am dead inside

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)20:52:14 No.3390785


  sad. ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:04:07 No.3390787


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:16:50 No.3390790


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:26:46 No.3390794


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:42:44 No.3390796

  Huge F

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)22:45:45 No.3390804


>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)23:23:24 No.3390808

  I selfishly want /f/ to carry on even after Adobe stops support next year, security
  vulnerabilities be damned, but I know our days are limited. I at least plan on being here until
  the bitter fucking end.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)23:47:18 No.3390811

  oh noez

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)00:23:11 No.3390814

  Honestly, would you?

  I loved YTMND too, but that place can't see much traffic these days.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)01:18:49 No.3390818

  YTMND, the text-only boards, and soon /f/ .

>> [_] Sammy 05/18/19(Sat)01:39:02 No.3390821

  F, Shine on you Crazy Diamond

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)01:45:18 No.3390822


>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)02:11:03 No.3390824

  how is it selfish to want /f/ to continue after 2020?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)03:02:13 No.3390826


  I fondly remember all the anger there was around people posting "stupid 4chan memes" on YTMND
  back in the day.
  YTMND will be missed, a large part of my adolescence was wasted on that website. RIP in peaces

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)04:01:19 No.3390830

  Why must it end, it hasn't even been a year since I started lurking here
  Why must it end so early.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)07:10:18 No.3390839

  Hentai flashes must live on. It's the only thing I can fap to.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)07:22:56 No.3390840

  fucking F

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)09:11:33 No.3390845

  /F/, magnificent bastard.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)09:30:41 No.3390849

  F ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)09:34:37 No.3390850

  From KYM:
  >"In an email correspondence with Know Your Meme on May 16th, Goldberg revealed he had no idea
  the site had been down for several days and only found out after seeing news coverage about its
  purported shutdown. That day, a page with a "YTMND Is Down" banner graphic was placed on, notifying viewers that the site had "suffered a catostrophic failure" and it was
  uncertain if it would return (shown below)."
  We coming back boys!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)10:59:50 No.3390858

  not trying to rip on him but a well-known site like that without backups is a little strange.
  fortunately took a backup of the site in 2018 so it'll at least be preserved:
  he could theoretically use's backup to repopulate a new database as best as possible
  but i read that YTMND admin has health issues so I understand if he don't want to spend time on
  that, especially if those health issues are terminal (he didn't say)

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)11:24:19 No.3390862


>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)11:31:58 No.3390864

  I was late to the party, but I enjoyed it. 2017 fag who grew up with flash pays his respects.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)11:51:39 No.3390867

  I never saw a sticky or a thread that got more replies than 60 in /f/. This is a legend, and one
  giant /f/ from all posters to you, YTMND!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)12:25:11 No.3390871

  postin in an ebic sticky

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)12:42:15 No.3390873

  never /f/orget

  something something posting in a sticky

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)14:51:15 No.3390886

  Oh wow, a sticky on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)16:39:05 No.3390898

  toasting in epic bread


>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)17:51:44 No.3390908


  based mods for making a sticke on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)17:59:27 No.3390912

  inb4 the sticky is deleted

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)19:22:00 No.3390919

  Posting in stibby theab

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)19:51:17 No.3390925

  Is /f/ the last good board on here?


>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)19:58:05 No.3390926

  119 posters on /f/! 119!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)20:26:45 No.3390935

  there are dozens of us!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)20:31:23 No.3390936


>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)20:49:46 No.3390937

  S T I C K Y

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)21:43:21 No.3390939


>> [_] Old Man Sou !!VxWspnN285O 05/18/19(Sat)22:03:22 No.3390942


>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)22:09:57 No.3390943

  I come to /f/ everyday :)

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)22:35:22 No.3390947

  /f/ is the last resort

>> [_] Anonymous 05/18/19(Sat)23:23:57 No.3390955


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)00:18:52 No.3390965


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)01:28:02 No.3390970

  >he didn't even know the site was down

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)01:54:21 No.3390972

  the old internet is dying, but at least /f/ and a handful of old textboards are still around, r-

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)01:58:47 No.3390973

  but for how much longer?
  I think of the 2020s now, it was hard to imagine the 2010s, but we're getting closer and closer
  to the 20th anniversary. I can't imagine a website like 4chan going on for much longer. It really
  is a great website, even with all the bullshit

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)02:24:35 No.3390974

  4chan will at least continue for the next few years, and /f/ is unlikely to get deleted. Smaller
  imageboards and textboards will still be around years from now. That being said, many older sites
  are dying or dwindling in user base. I don't know how well things will turn out in the end, but I
  suspect slow decline and death.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)02:39:07 No.3390976

  toastin in a sticky bread

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)03:03:34 No.3390977

  posting in the twilight of flash my dude

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)05:16:16 No.3390985

  inspired me

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)06:19:03 No.3390990

  It's time to close the internet.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)09:23:59 No.3390999

  As long as IRC and is around, there will still be something to remember it by.
  Just be quick, IRC is also slowly dying. It's losing users and servers by the day.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)09:24:51 No.3391000

  Just join discord :D


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)10:34:51 No.3391006

  lol at thinking there will be any security issues on a dead board with a dead format
  think people will spend time to create malware that fishes maybe 10 people on an internet forum=?
  if there are even any security issues at all
  opening downloaded flashes with a sandboxed projector provides basically zero risk

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)10:43:00 No.3391009

  wow, you guys are new
  stickys are really rare, sure, but there have still been countless ones on /f/ over the decades
  maybe it's hard to notice, because stickys are only visible on the reply page
  the last one was the announcement of flash's death in 2017 I think
  also: 100 posts? nothin personell kid, but come on zone's level. hkeygirl5 thread got like 3-400
  replies, without being a sticky

  yes, because it suffered isolation from other boards due to it being fundamentally different in
  nature, making the board culture go down entirely different roads of quality

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)13:39:26 No.3391022

  rip in piece

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)14:00:53 No.3391025

  the fact that he didn't realize it was even down is a sad reminder of how much time has gone by.
  I can't believe how much time I've been online and how many entire internet cultures have come
  and gone.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)14:09:21 No.3391027

  It was a good right gentlemen. I hope to see you after this is all over.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)14:14:41 No.3391029

  keep circulating the fucking flash drives

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)14:30:07 No.3391033

  posting in an epic sticky. Even though YTMND is allegedly dying, I still legitimately cannot see
  flash as a whole ever "dying", as in people stop making flashes and using them.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)15:35:49 No.3391043

  that's because ytmnd was a website
  and flash is a format
  sure /f/ can go down, but not .swfs in general
  nobody stops you from creating a new website just like ytmnd from scratch right now, no
  cooporation can take that from you

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)16:24:22 No.3391046


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)17:36:29 No.3391051

  226 days remaining

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)17:39:37 No.3391052

  just download BlueMaxima's Flashpoint

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)17:59:13 No.3391056

  rip YTMND

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)18:43:57 No.3391060

  YTMND was one of the first things got me into the whole internet memes.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)19:18:36 No.3391062


>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)20:02:19 No.3391063

  they sure as fuck are trying by making their webbrowsers no longer support the format in any way,
  shape, or form.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/19/19(Sun)20:05:08 No.3391064

  you can always open it in an offline player though.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)00:16:17 No.3391079


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)00:24:50 No.3391081

  I don't hang around here often enough these days. Please don't die /f/. Be strong. YTMND's fate
  doesn't have to be universal.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)00:28:11 No.3391082

  Immortal /f/ Sticky

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)00:56:07 No.3391083


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)06:16:48 No.3391096

  postan, epic bread, etc.
  making myself known on this tiny ass board community as the 150th unique poster to wish ytmnd a
  fond farewell.

  innocence is dying boyos. before youtube and facebook's malevolent monetization schemas poisoned
  the world, we were content to post low bitrate mp3s over shitty word art and indiscernibly
  over-compressed gif loops.

  this is why i'll never quit u /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)07:25:47 No.3391097


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)07:36:14 No.3391098

  butter not posting for posterity

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)08:13:03 No.3391102

  never forget ;_;7

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)09:37:23 No.3391105

  it's been already tho
  m00t may have been a faggot, but he was our faggot
  m00t already lost interest and then this site quite some time ago now
  the only entity caring for us now is gookmoots hottolinku coorporate conglomerate
  you have already been reduced to just a datamine, it's well past that point
  even infinitychan wasn't safe, pretty much straight from the beginning things took a turn into
  also hiroshimoot and his businesspartners favor
  at some point /f/ has to go D E E P E R into some other amateur chan
  it's not like we care so much about the other boards here, pretty much any chan featuring a flash
  board could do
  maybe we should decide on this rather sooner than later
  imagine, a chan just for /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)10:09:24 No.3391106

  FUCK YOU fuck you And FFFUUUccckkkkkkkkkk you people. the interenet still lives. /f/ will live
  forever aslong as us poor faggots have an ethernet cable to suck on. so shut up and post more
  memes /f/aggots

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)11:34:52 No.3391114

  >tfw they killed the text boards on 4chan.
  It wasn't fair.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)13:11:14 No.3391117


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)14:19:33 No.3391118

  rip forever!!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)15:36:39 No.3391124

  long time /f/ lurker


  we should post classic flashes as tribute

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)16:02:34 No.3391129

  RIP in piece

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)16:35:35 No.3391131

  damn it, we're not dead yet

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)17:28:13 No.3391133

  epic sticky posting
  fuck moot for not creating /his/ sooner

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)17:46:54 No.3391134


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)17:59:16 No.3391135

  The internet downward spiral is incoming.
  Dark ages soon guys, its been fun ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)20:05:08 No.3391139

  we are next arnt we?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)21:28:37 No.3391141

  >162 (now 163) unique IPs

  I didn't know there were still so many of us.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)21:32:47 No.3391142

  Yeah, but I'd believe if that's it
  I would say there can't be more than 1000 users on /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)21:41:14 No.3391143


>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)21:49:29 No.3391144

  hulk sad

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)22:00:57 No.3391145

  >1000 users on /f/
  I doubt there's more than 60 users on this board, this thread is mostly crossboarders.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)22:11:22 No.3391146

  >166 unique posters
  More than I would have guessed.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)22:13:32 No.3391147

  Posting in the only /f/ sticky ever.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)22:27:47 No.3391149

  /f/ /gif/ and /h/ because I'm a filthy degenerate without interesting taste.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/20/19(Mon)22:30:50 No.3391150

  stickies are possible in /f/?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)00:24:25 No.3391153

  >that drop from 1200 posts per month to ~150 over the last 4 years

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:36:52 No.3391157

  posting in sticky
  looks like by 2020 the board will naturally die out at this pace ;_;

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)02:38:45 No.3391159

  f :(

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)02:41:23 No.3391160

  That's where you're wrong kiddo, there's been at least 6 in recently recorded /f/ history.
  i dunno how many in total it's had though

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)03:03:02 No.3391161

  And this is reply no. 200!

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)03:17:59 No.3391163

  can't deal with this

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)04:36:39 No.3391168



>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)05:03:19 No.3391169


>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)05:07:51 No.3391170


>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)05:45:28 No.3391171

  It should be a huge thing, but since all but a few nuts have forgotten about this place it will
  probably be lost like a fart in a jacuzzi

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)05:47:33 No.3391172

  I am unable to cry, I feel no emotion

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)06:09:42 No.3391173

  This will happen if /f/ ever gets the axe here. Like the well-loved small community that was
  iichan's /azu/. The only place from there that still exists, though now hosted elsewhere. I
  firmly believe /f/ is the sole relic of the old spirit of 4chan that will never die.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)09:37:37 No.3391182

  200 F's

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)11:01:41 No.3391184


  >What is actually preventing anyone

  Well, you know how YouTube clones keep popping up then quietly dying? That happens because
  everyone who'd use the platform already has their shit on YouTube, which means they'd need to
  re-up however many years/terabytes of video they've already got up, which in turn means a
  fuckload of time spent just re-uploading instead of making new content/spending time away from
  YouTube/the new platform (and *that* requires that they actually have the base files still -
  remember, drives can die or ruin out of space). Even if the new platform is objectively better,
  that doesn't mean you can overcome the inertia of already having everything in the corporate
  shithole. It's a similar problem for the users, too - they may not have to worry about saving old
  comments, but if only one of the people they follow is on the new platform, are they going to
  spend any time moving over, creating a new account, and finding new content?

  The worst part is that none of that is going to change the most fundamental issue - the new
  independent platform? What happens if it survives and grows to a respectable level? It's going to
  turn itself into a corporation or get bought out. Past a certain point volunteers and ads may not
  be capable of managing the site's data and traffic, new hardware will need to be bought to cover
  the technical end, more expensive hosting solutions and/or internet connections will be needed,
  extra protective services will need to be set up, and all of that requires time and/or money.

  I wish it could be as simple as just getting a creative group together with some tech nerds and
  making NewTube, but the cancer that is corporate capitalism has gotten into the bones of the
  internet. We need an entirely new kind of internet if we want to get out of this.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)11:06:24 No.3391185

  idk whats going on here but it seems important, never seen +200 replies on a /f/ thread.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)13:28:16 No.3391190

  There's a solution in place for this -- a new kind of environment, where data can be
  transparently passed between different services, completely different websites can reference and
  connect with each other, and the technical burden is spread out over an entire network of
  instances. It's the fediverse.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)14:32:06 No.3391194

  Big F

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)15:43:36 No.3391204




>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)16:12:50 No.3391206

  >tfw your flash is one of the very few stickies in the past 5 years

>> [_] Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)16:40:03 No.3391210

  Sad times - s
Created: 15/5 -2019 07:33:58 Last modified: 21/5 -2019 23:49:21 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:02:42