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This is resource JRFD2P7, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/3 -2019 07:07:37

Ended:18/3 -2019 23:10:37

Checked:19/3 -2019 00:42:17

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: when the yogurt took over.swf-(9.69 MB, 1280x640, Other)
[_] f4r !HanakoDlmg 03/17/19(Sun)02:03:44 No.3384532

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)07:55:05 No.3384541

  Maurice LaMarche has a great voice.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)09:18:03 No.3384545

  This makes me a proud bulgaristanian

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)19:29:35 No.3384592

  what the fu-.
  what is this from?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)19:54:41 No.3384597

  Must we really accept that topless women writing text on their skin is going to be a part of
  protesting things forever? Can the coming thousand years of (((darkness))) at least spare us
  that? What is even the point of doing such a thing that a sign wouldn't accomplish?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)20:57:48 No.3384605

  obviously writing on a woman's body is cheaper than acquiring a signboard, duh

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)21:04:57 No.3384606

  Tits speak louder than words. Now excuse me while I enjoy a couple monologues.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)21:25:50 No.3384608

  Netflix series called death love and robots.

  A bunch of sci-fi shorts.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)21:31:16 No.3384609

  what's wrong with free tiddies?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/17/19(Sun)21:56:45 No.3384611

  when they ugly

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)02:25:50 No.3384634

  if they're gonna hire maurice lafuckingmarche, can they at LEAST have the common decency to use a
  compressor on his voice, goddamn this is hard to listen to.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)03:46:19 No.3384637

  attention my dude. people ignore signs, trust me, i can't hardly get people to read them at work
  even for their own benefit. But female mammaries? Every straight male and all females since
  research shows all women are bi is gonna zoom right in on that, its just nature. And gay men
  usually support whatever's being written on boobs anyways, kind of a high correlation there

  a very good analogy for artificial general superintelligences.

  is that the same VA who did The Critic's Orson Welles impressions, also The Brain?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)06:08:04 No.3384647

  Is it any good?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)15:11:37 No.3384681

  It's really good, I think Yoghurt is the sixth or seventh. The first one is best imo.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)17:19:17 No.3384692

  > What is even the point of doing such a thing that a sign wouldn't accomplish?


>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)17:43:15 No.3384695

  I'm a straight man, and I think it's gross. Especially lumpy CGI marshmallow people boobs.
  Writing on tits just ruins them.
  It speaks loudly, but the only thing it says is, "I AM A STUPID CLOWN, EVERYTHING I SAY IS
  WRONG!!!!" At least, that's what I thought. But the fact that it's here, in this otherwise
  G-rated cartoon, is shocking to me.
  I don't want to live in a world where taking off your shirt and screeching autistically is
  considered such a common part of any protest that it's an adequate symbol for any protest. How is
  anyone supposed to take them seriously? How COME people actually DO take these buffoons
  seriously? And then I realize how old I am, and I have to wonder, am I just THIS out of touch
  now? Has the world moved on from me, to such a degree that what once was indecent exposure is a
  sign of reasonability and legitimate grievances? Or has this been a time-honored tradition of
  protesting I've somehow been misled to believe was just a recent meme originated by those femen

  I really don't know. That scares me, and I have to know the truth.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)17:45:28 No.3384696

  attention whores using their body to get more eyeballs. sadly it works.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)17:57:00 No.3384697

  a) I'd agree that you're out of touch. Tits are PG-13, borderline G.
  And if that's the only thing that stood out in this cartoon, then you really need to think about
  why you react so impulsively/ emotionally.

  b) It's by no means a form of common protest. It's use in this cartoon was deliberate.
Created: 17/3 -2019 07:07:37 Last modified: 19/3 -2019 00:42:25 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:00:29