File: september.swf-(5.53 MB, 720x480, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/18/19(Wed)17:12:17 No.3402833
Midway+ through september. How is /f/ holding up?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/18/19(Wed)20:06:12 No.3402841
I wanna die
>> [_] Anonymous 09/18/19(Wed)20:32:25 No.3402842
Working two jobs, sixty-plus a week, just to try to break even.
Not succeeding yet.
Fuck my life.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/19/19(Thu)06:41:59 No.3402874
it's been alright. started learnin' to make a website. I don't have much, but at least I did
something today. ˄w˄
It's about to be the 21st Night of September this Saturday, and I hope to make this a memorable
one, one to remember. As this
is the last 21st Night of the 2010s.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/19/19(Thu)10:58:39 No.3402886
Quit my job. Too much stress, and for too long. Mental and physical issues.
I still exhibit those issues but things are looking better. At times I even think I feel happy.
Thinking of trying to brew some cider now that I have time. I also need some surrogate activities
to feel productive. Might also do some travelling, just don't know where to. Or just shit/funpost.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/19/19(Thu)12:31:27 No.3402899
got a big titty goth mommy gf
life is good
>> [_] Anonymous 09/19/19(Thu)19:22:45 No.3402922
sauce for song?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/19/19(Thu)19:39:49 No.3402924
Where do you live where 60 hours / week breaks you even? Move the fuck out of New York or Los
Angeles and get a real life.