/ > /fap/ > Thread 14860
Age: 75.03d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 6 Replies: 5 Files: 1+3
>> Ningen 14may2019(tu)05:32 No.68716 OP P1
(G) Pussymon Episode 46 hacked
Pussymon episode 46 hacked
original game link
Pussymon creator have Patreon support him by becoming a patron if u want to.
[IMG] pussymon 46 hacked.swf (1.97 MiB)
800x600, Compressed (Deflate). 51 frames, 30 fps (00:02).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 14may2019(tu)20:54 No.68722 A P2R1
No one cares. Fuck off.
>> Anonymous 14may2019(tu)22:07 No.68723 B P3R2
i don't really understand
is every one of those an updated version? or a single scenario? how exactly are 1-45 related to
this or each other
everyone of those just seems to be 1 or some more screens with a bunch of pokemen, why not add new
ones to the old ones?
is this getting accumulated at some point?
>> Anonymous 14may2019(tu)23:21 No.68724 C P4R3
this ↑
>> Anonymous 15may2019(we)00:03 No.68725 D P5R4
>is every one of those an updated version?
No, they are "different" regions with "different" characters each one
>or a single scenario
It seems to be but the plot is, i don't have any other word for it, autistic
> how exactly are 1-45 related to this or each other
There seems to be a overall plot but i don't know even if the creator follows it by this point
>why not add new ones to the old ones?
Don't ask creator, he will interact with you and you want to avoid this at all costs
>is this getting accumulated at some point?
Some hope not, some hope yes, i want distance from this
>> hacker 17may2019(fr)00:37 No.68756 E P6R5
Good to see someone is still carrying the torch