File: running_biribiri.swf-(5.28 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)04:42:34 No.3401676
I wish I knew how to sync it properly :<
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)13:34:54 No.3401696
Is there a name for this kinda music? That upbeat electronic stuff you'd hear on runways and in
that one Barbie song.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)13:38:29 No.3401697
Well apparently Wikipedia gave me the answer: "Bubblegum Dance". I can't say I'm too suprised.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)16:18:21 No.3401702
I searched that song, it doesn't sound like it.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)16:41:57 No.3401703
Not the song, the genre.
Now what's the name of the song for this flash? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)18:03:42 No.3401707
sounds like 90s/00s disco
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)19:09:13 No.3401712
It's in the metadata
"Ghidorah - Olympic dance"
>> [_] Anonymous 09/06/19(Fri)19:17:51 No.3401714
She run
>> [_] Anonymous 09/07/19(Sat)09:10:17 No.3401760
It is usually called "happy hardcore" and like >>3401707 said it was very popular, especially on
the intertubes, in the late 90s/early 00s. However finding tracks with just the electronica is
not very easy, since they tend to be paired with chipmunky feminine vocals.
>>3401759, which is fittingly named, is a good example of what you can expect of the genre.