Archived flashes:
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This is resource MQW08PQ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/6 -2019 20:50:32

Ended:20/6 -2019 19:03:23

Checked:20/6 -2019 19:25:32

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 4.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: WhenYouFallFromGraceItsALongWayDown.swf-(2.34 MB, 832x624, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 06/19/19(Wed)14:14:18 No.3394012

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 06/19/19(Wed)18:35:55 No.3394030

  I always love to see this one show up. Wish I could go up there

>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/19(Thu)01:52:15 No.3394062

  On 3 August 1835, somewhere in the City of London, two of Europe’s most famous bankers came to an
  agreement with the chancellor of the exchequer. Two years earlier, the British government had
  passed the Slavery Abolition Act, which outlawed slavery in most parts of the empire. Now it was
  taking out one of the largest loans in history, to finance the slave compensation package
  required by the 1833 act. Nathan Mayer Rothschild and his brother-in-law Moses Montefiore agreed
  to loan the British government £15m, with the government adding an additional £5m later. The
  total sum represented 40% of the government’s yearly income in those days, equivalent to some
  £300bn today.

  The payments on the loan finally ended in 2015. Now it's time for the colonies to pay their fair
  share in reparations for the slaves for another 180 years. Sorry, can't go to the moon, can't
  build a space elevator or orbital platform. Gotta borrow more money fo dem programs and pay dem
  niggahs dey reparations.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/20/19(Thu)13:01:07 No.3394090

  song is cold blow by ten rose
Created: 19/6 -2019 20:50:32 Last modified: 20/6 -2019 19:25:36 Server time: 04/01 -2025 23:46:55