File: going home.swf-(5.06 MB, 500x288, Loop)
[_] so who's visiting their parents on xmas? Anonymous 12/17/18(Mon)12:48:51 No.3373402
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/18(Mon)14:37:04 No.3373416
Due to being a student, I'm already on my way home!
I love my parents
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/18(Mon)22:28:29 No.3373483
Enjoy it anon, I wish I could.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/18(Tue)00:21:40 No.3373504
28 and single with 6fig salaray, heading home with thousands of $ in loot for mostly poor senpai.
Gonna have a lot of fun giving back a little.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/18(Tue)00:22:52 No.3373506
Wow I got bodied by the word filter. FeelsBadMan
>> [_] Anonymous 12/18/18(Tue)07:12:12 No.3373534
me. will be heading upstairs for a day.