/ > /fap/ > Thread 14838
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>> Anonymous 6may2019(mo)05:41 No.68550 OP P1
click along the x axis to jump around
ghost_enf_mouse_opt.swf (4.31 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 1 frame, 60 fps (00:00).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 6may2019(mo)07:02 No.68555 A P2R1
Feels broken. Clicking causes lag, and there doesn't seem to be reason for where I click to make
the picture change. Why remove the Next/Previous arrows?
I prefer the full-nude version previously uploaded.
>> Anonymous 6may2019(mo)10:10 No.68557 B P3R2
This one was actually made around halloween 2017; the arrow controls one was only banged out
like three weeks ago.
>> Anonymous 6may2019(mo)18:18 No.68562 C P4R3
this is old, is there any difference to the previously posted versions of this?
>> Anonymous 7may2019(tu)07:04 No.68576 D P5R4
There is literally no difference.
Like >>68557 said This flash was made in 2017, thus making it one of the earliest flash edits of
Minus8's Ghost flashes. OP for some reason named the thread ghostgallery_timeline despite it not
even being the flash.
In other words: OP is a faggot
>> Anonymous 7may2019(tu)14:59 No.68591 B P6R5
Here's the order as far as i know: original Ghost where they have underwear on except for blue
who has a cherry covering her pussy, Ghost(edit) where they remove the cherry, probably a few
others that i never saved which makes them nude with various nipple designs, Ghost_enf_mouse
which lets you click along the x-axis to change the time, and lastly this one which condenses
the size form 20mb to 4mb and gives blue transparent stockings and undershirt therefore making
it the best.
>> Anonymous 7may2019(tu)21:59 No.68598 C P7R6
yeah, that optimization man
tfw anon knows flash better than the creator of it
>> Anonymous 8may2019(we)08:32 No.68606 E P8R7
try running it on flash 11.4
versions after this have horrible frame rate on older flashes.
>> Anonymous 8may2019(we)14:39 No.68608 F P9R8
How this is fappable?