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This is resource PGJIN4C, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/5 -2019 13:06:15

Ended:23/5 -2019 09:49:00

Checked:23/5 -2019 20:04:59

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Makoto-Riding.swf-(8.15 MB, 640x480, Anime)
[_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)07:04:26 No.3391270

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)07:25:29 No.3391271

  i wanna know who the fuck this is targeted at? do people jerk off to this or what? with that
  banjo music playing? really? there's not even anything obscene it's just sort of implied. is this
  posted for incredibly horny people? just people that like... expect or require some level of
  intrinsic horniness in the stuff they watch? please let me know.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)07:46:18 No.3391273


>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)08:17:18 No.3391276

  >tempo changes as she speeds up
  lul. I was expecting this to be shit but it was kinda funny.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)08:34:33 No.3391278

  please PLEASE tell me what im missing

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)08:50:22 No.3391280

  It's from the ancient days of yor, when this was the best sort of porn you were likely to find.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)14:39:13 No.3391305

  >implying cute head kino isn't hugely errecting my penor while blunt generic trash vanilla sex
  scenes make me fall asleep
  escpecially because it's loli-esque

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)20:20:57 No.3391325

  >Wow, I have just finished playing The Idolm@ster 1 on my Microsoft Xbox console! While doing so
  I have fallen in love with the character Makoto and would now like to have sex with her!
  >I will rip the game's model and make a sex scene with it!
  >No vagooch (obviously)
  >No problem, I'll just just ask a SFM pornographer to slap a pussy on it!
  >(It's 2005 so there aren't any)
  >(Nobody knows how to do anything with 3D models. Even the Oblivion modding community doesn't
  exist yet because Oblivion hasn't even come out)
  >Fuck it I'll just put the camera abover her mons pubis and bounce her around so it kinda looks
  like I'm having sex with her
  Not that complicated, really.

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)20:25:06 No.3391326

  How old are you?

>> [_] Anonymous 05/22/19(Wed)22:03:36 No.3391332

  The bouncing is based off one of these horse riding machines:
  They were popular in Japan about a decade ago.

  Here's a video showing the basic idea:

>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/19(Thu)03:21:54 No.3391351


>> [_] Anonymous 05/23/19(Thu)03:45:59 No.3391352

Created: 22/5 -2019 13:06:15 Last modified: 23/5 -2019 20:05:17 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:57:04