File: no more medicin.swf-(3.18 MB, 500x377, Loop)
[_] It's going to be okay Anonymous 01/19/19(Sat)21:35:01 No.3377551
Please remember the misfortunes of your past are in the past
and your current misfortunes will join those soon
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/19(Sun)04:28:37 No.3377584
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/19(Sun)13:53:25 No.3377622
but what about the future ones yet to be endured? those are what I dread. not that it's been
going on like this, but it appears as if it will keep going on like this indefinitely. Every day
I face my biggest fear, having to deal with one more day and all of its accompanying bullshit.
It's crowded out most others, I've noticed I don't have base survival instinct anymore. On a
primitive level, my body, my subconscious, whatever you want to call it, it just wants it to end.
I don't really have a good reason why I force it to keep going. Some misguided idea that some day
hope and purpose my come, a hope of hope, one might say. Or maybe it's just stubbornness, I can't
bring myself to give up and die, even if it's what I want, too much spite in my blood to let go.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/19(Sun)14:07:52 No.3377626
>Pick it up....
NO fuck you and fuck these feels!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/19(Sun)14:09:27 No.3377627
Feeling pretty much the same as you, anon.
I guess i just live on the thought that "life isn't all that important",so it's more like simply
existing instead of living. I know that i will never be normal and have a normal life like most
of the population. For me, the game was rigged from the start. I guess that some sort of little
hope keeps me going forward, that at some point something will change.
I guess what hit me the hardest was my last highschool reunion. Everyone there was so happy,
bragging about what they've accomplished. The only words i said that evening we're "Hello" and
Also,this anon pretty much summarizes all my feelings >>3377584