File: 4chan loop.swf-(205 KB, 549x399, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)02:43:54 No.3386848
It's like I'm living in 2005 again but not really.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)04:13:58 No.3386852
>no /pol/ building in the background shaped like the reichstag
for shame
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)04:24:47 No.3386853
Why would anyone reference that piece of shit "board" for? We already get enough of /pol/
whenever it decides to stick its cancer ridden dick in whatever other board it wants.
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)08:48:01 No.3386869
Non of this shit exist in 2005.
Hiroyuki still admin of still exist 2ch...
4chan (mostly) still place of fun and happiness...
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)12:20:16 No.3386891
leave this website you fucking fag
>> [_] Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)15:27:53 No.3386913
Fuck off newfag