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This is resource RM0CAHN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:13/7 -2019 02:36:13

Ended:14/10 -2019 00:09:01

Checked:14/10 -2019 00:15:41

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
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/ > /fap/ > Thread 15147

Age: 85.9d   Health: 0%   Posters: 4   Posts: 18   Replies: 15   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)02:33 No.69980 OP P1

Marie Rose and Horse - by DevilsCry


[IMG] MarieHorse-DevilsCry.swf (1.35 MiB)
1280x720, Uncompressed. 240 frames, 59.94 fps (00:04).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: Yes.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 13jul2019(sa)23:01 No.69997 A P2R1

love how easy it has become for people to create 3D porn. don't get me wrong, it still requires a
lot of work but you don't need to be born with the talent of drawing. 3D has really exploded in the
last couple of years and it'll only look better and better as time go on.

>> Anonymous 14jul2019(su)17:03 No.70011 OP P3R2

Personally i appreciate it. I have 0 skills at drawing, and having 3D models ready to use it's a
huge advantage. You still need to learn to animate, but it definitely makes everything easier.

>> Anonymous 14jul2019(su)20:53 No.70017 A P4R3

>I have 0 skills at drawing, and having 3D models ready to use
are you DevilsCry? if so nice work on this bro, looks really good

>> Anonymous 14jul2019(su)21:15 No.70018 A P5

how do you get started with "SFM" animations anyway? is there a guide? i don't even know what it
stands for myself. noticing that there are some models in that mega link you posted

>> Anonymous 14jul2019(su)23:19 No.70022 B P6R4

It's Source Film Maker, which was used to make all those Team Fortress videos.

>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)00:09 No.70023 A P7R5

oh yeah, i knew that now that you told me what it stood for haha.
almost thinking about trying this myself... how easy is it to find stuff though? item models i
mean. i imagine half the work is finding all the objects to fill the scene. i guess there's
probably a japanese community site somewhere filled with girls and all kinds of sex toys.

>> DevilsCry 15jul2019(mo)00:43 No.70024 OP P8R6

(Heya, i'm DevilsCry. Sorry for the late reply, i rarely check this xD).

For source filmmaker models you can check in you need to make an account and adjust
your settings in order to see nsfw models. Personally i had to learn to port from MMD to SFM, since
i wanted to use some models more anime-like, which are more easy to find for MMD (and nobody cares,
so i had to learn by myself xD)

Animate with SFM is easy, and everything is free, so in the end is just a matter of time, practice
and how much "care" you have in order to do stuff. Personally i'm a lazy bastard and i don't go on
full-detail mode, but i do this as hobby, for fun, so i never intended to do "pro" works like
studio FOW and such does. I just wanted to se some kinky stuff, and since nobody did it, i had to
do it myself :p

(And thanks, this animation ended looking good, but my average quality is usually more mediocre.
This is one of those rare gems that sometimes i'm able to make look half-decent by pure dumb luck

>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)01:02 No.70025 A P9R7

answering within 4 hours is not a late reply on swfchan! ;)

cool, but did you really find a horse with its dick out on I would probably also want
to use anime-models, where do you find your MMD files? i bet my nut it's a japanese site. do you
then use Blender to convert them to SFM?

in your 144-FeliciaBondage-1min.mp4 there's a ballgag and ropes, did the model have those
variations or did you download the ballgag and ropes and paired them together on the model? Are
those bondage toys/ropes also on

>everything is free
except for Source Film Maker itself, I suppose?

thanks for helping out btw, i'm sure there are more people that would love to try this out but
don't know where to start

>> DevilsCry 15jul2019(mo)02:12 No.70027 OP P10R8

Heya again. Just in case, is better if you email me to . I fear to forget
about this site, and i don't get notifications here, so... xD. I'll always answer back there,
unless i'm sleeping or working, but i'll reply for sure :3

SFM is free too. You can get it from steam. This is the main reason why there is a lot of 3d porn
now, specially SFM, everything is free (unless you want to commision models not available)

Regarding the questions...

1) Yes, actually there was a model of a horse with a penis already added to it on sfmlab. It seems
it got deleted, but i still have the original .zip if you ever need it. Worst case, there are
actually 2 separate models for a horse and a horse penis, so you could load both in one scene,
attach the penis to the horse's pelvis and that's it.

2) The rope and ballgag from that animation with Felicia are separate models from a bondage props
pack (i'm not sure if it's available in sfmlab, but originally it was there). It takes some time,
but for that animation i loaded felicia, the ballgag and the rope, and then i attached everything
to Felicia's body, making sure to fix clipping abd making some adjustments while animating. Again,
it takes time, but is not hard :3

3) For MMD models i used to lurk Not all models are nude, and the quality of some
is awful. I used blender to port them into SFM, but i stopped almost one year ago because it
consumed a lot of my time (a normal port usually took around 6-7 hours, and hard ones almost a
week), so now i rather chill with the models currently available (and new releases on sfmlab) and
do stuff from time to time when i'm bored, like this animation with Marie Rose :3

>> Anonymous 15jul2019(mo)05:29 No.70030 A P11R9

Thanks again man, some good karma heading your way! I didn't think it would involve so much work to
change from MMD format to SFM format, had hoped you could just download a plugin and press a button.

I just found this site with MMD stuff on it, seems like an absolute treasure trove:

>> DevilsCry 15jul2019(mo)16:43 No.70047 OP P12R10

Yeah, unfortunately, MMD and SFM models don't follow exactly the same "skeleton", so they need to
be adapted. Plus most of the available MMD models have the bones in japanese and they need to be
translated. Thank's god there is a plugin that manages to do a decent translation and you only need
to do some minor adjustments...

Ah, yes, bowroll is also an option, like, but is hard to find proper download links
(and some download links are a download for the actual nsfw pic, not the model itself), and some
people hide them using password-protected downloads... or directly censoring the models (you load
the model in blender, remove the clothes and... surprise, the model has holes, and not the ones
you're expecting :p). Sadly, the MMD community is infamous known for being selfish and not really
willing to share stuff, so it's really hard to find some models.

There are a ton of MMD models that i would have loved to use for SFM but... i never found them
either becuase they were censored, password-protected, or the quality of the model itself was
awful. It was a rail pain. Kinda worth it once you managed to get a good one, tho, but i have a big
list of "abandoned ports" simply because i couldn't make them work :(

>> DevilsCry 15jul2019(mo)19:24 No.70048 OP P13

By the way, i made a crappy attempt at adding sound to this animation. You can watch it here:!nnRlASzb!43SwE3O09K5aNyFn4TEU5QwFEh0Royz75NSexAZrH6w (i didn't upload it here
since is just a whole minute of the same loop over and over)

>> Anonymous 17jul2019(we)07:20 No.70084 A P14R11

noticed that some files were password protected, don't know why they would do that. they are
uploading it to be shared after all.

it's an improvement!

>> Anonymous 17jul2019(we)21:47 No.70096 B P15R12

because shekels, my goy
sharing isn't always caring

>> Anonymous 18jul2019(th)06:26 No.70108 A P16R13

I suppose.

OP if you read this (or for anyone else interested) I discovered that some people are using "Honey
Select" or "PlayHome" to create great looking 3D porn. Might limit you and make people's works kind
of look the same tho, but putting it out there if people want to know what to search for in order
to start making their own porn scenes.

>> DevilsCry 18jul2019(th)18:54 No.70116 OP P17R14

To be fair, most of the password-protected MMD models is just pure ego "haha, i have this. you want
it? better work for it". A lot of those ones usually have the password hidden in the description of
one of their videos, so they conveniently get a view whenever you access the video looking for the

Others directly just show pictures/videos of a model to show off "Hey, i made this. You want it?
haha, is mine. fuck you".

Regarding "Honey Select"... yeah, "it depends" regarding what you want to do. Personally i find it
slightly annoying to work with. It kinda reminds me to MMD itself: is "pretty easy" if you just
load animations already done, but if you want to make one from scratch... ugh. Besides, it's harder
to find good models for it, since most people is mainly focused on SFM/MMD/Blender (Blender is the
best option, but it's complex, and personally i hate it xD).

If you want to start animating, SFM is a good choice because there are a lot of free resources and
it's a pretty basic easy to use tool. Most of the "pro" animators usually learn with SFM and
eventually switch to Blender to increase the quality of their animations.

I never intended to be a pro, so i'm quite happy just chilling with SFM from time to time :3

OP if you read this (or for anyone else interested) I discovered that some people are using "Honey
Select" or "PlayHome" to create great looking 3D porn. Might limit you and make people's works kind
of look the same tho, but putting it out there if people want to know what to search for in order
to start making their own porn scenes.

>> Anonymous 5aug2019(mo)18:52 No.70471 C P18R15

How do you load MMD and SFM models into Blender?
Created: 13/7 -2019 02:36:13 Last modified: 14/10 -2019 00:20:59 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:54:53