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This is resource RXTKNBP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/3 -2019 10:35:10

Ended:29/7 -2019 06:57:01

Checked:29/7 -2019 07:09:19

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 29.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 14672

Age: 126.84d   Health: 0%   Posters: 18   Posts: 29   Replies: 25   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 17mar2019(su)10:33 No.67411 OP P1

That audio seems taken from a video that could cost you jail time for possession.

[IMG] find wyrmly's lair.swf (16.62 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed (Deflate). 4939 frames, 24 fps (03:26).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 18mar2019(mo)00:41 No.67426 A P2R1

lol you're right, JESUS CHRIST

a lot of echo in the forest today btw

>> Anonymous 18mar2019(mo)09:09 No.67438 OP P3R2

Anyone found the lair?

>> Anonymous 18mar2019(mo)11:23 No.67439 B P4R3

scat, blood, cub, puke, piss, fuck this shit I'm out.

>> Anonymous 18mar2019(mo)17:03 No.67441 C P5R4

Furry pedo with scat fetish. The degenerate meter is reaching critical levels here

>> Anonymous 18mar2019(mo)23:40 No.67451 D P6R5

Can anyone tell me what the key locations are?

>> Anonymous 19mar2019(tu)00:23 No.67452 E P7R6


>> Anonymous 19mar2019(tu)02:48 No.67455 F P8R7

What video do you mean? I don't understand.

>> Anonymous 19mar2019(tu)06:13 No.67464 B P9R8

Are you baiting?

>> Anonymous 19mar2019(tu)10:14 No.67472 OP P10R9

Whoever made this, is into some extreme weird shit. Scene 3 Sounds like hurtcore. Anyway, I can't
find the rest of the keys.

>> Anonymous 20mar2019(we)23:56 No.67522 F P11R10

No, genuinely asking. I don't know what they're alluding to.

>> Anonymous 21mar2019(th)00:23 No.67523 G P12R11

Well scanned past the locks, the rest of the scenes are pretty awfull to. found two keys, one was
really difficult to press it required like split second press. but it helps if you dont let the
animation skip past the scenes. last bit is some fucked up dp. Smegma scat stuff. Just keep an eye
out for the keys with wings on and press. Not sure where the last one is tho.

>> Anonymous 21mar2019(th)00:54 No.67524 G P13

Found a code snippet that probably unlocks the last area, but im not sure where to unlock the
bloodkey yet.

if(currentFrameLabel == "end3")
dungeonUnlocked = true;

Which means blood fart puke and song b active and autoplay on, will unlock dungeon it seems.

>> Anonymous 21mar2019(th)01:45 No.67527 G P14

Sat all keys to true.

>> Anonymous 21mar2019(th)09:50 No.67543 H P15R12

So no one has so far genuinely found the last keys or the lair without breaking the game?

>> Anonymous 21mar2019(th)13:13 No.67544 I P16R13

no offense OP but watching this really made me lose my dignity
for this imma go to a mental institute tommorow this shit is still messing with my head till today

>> Anonymous 22mar2019(fr)08:25 No.67568 B P17R14

-audio from a video
-could cost you jail time
-for possession

still no?
audio of a high pitched child like voice screaming in pain?
possible rape, torture, abuse of a child?
many countries would put you in jail for holding on to such a video?
said audio is being used for fap material?
why didn't you connect the dots dude.

>> Anonymous 22mar2019(fr)10:33 No.67569 OP P18R15

Ha... dignity... on swfchan... ha.

>> w7-890 is a fucking faggot !elUzZM2K/o 22mar2019(fr)12:52 No.67574 J P19R16

gross shit OP

>>67568 >>67411
definetely from a CP video on the dark web IDK not sure

FYI lost my virtual virginity twice
the first time was on the vinylr incident which made me shit my pantzu off

this is my comment btw >>67544
i don't always use my tripcode for shitposting and spamflinging but you can easily tell when its me

i don't think so but he does look like he is baiting

>> Anonymous 22mar2019(fr)12:53 No.67575 J P20


not cool OP
you are one bad loli

>> Anonymous 23mar2019(sa)19:46 No.67598 K P21R17

Jeez, get it together. The audio sounds generic enough to me. Maybe just a deviantart VA being way
to into their work.
Also no, possession of AUDIO MATERIAL ALONE is almost always penalty free, because it's nearly
impossible to trace it back to any real CP. It's all about them images bois.

>> Anonymous 24mar2019(su)16:33 No.67624 L P22R18

Seeing in the previous images and one is the idea and more clear if they read the comments, it is

>> Anonymous 26mar2019(tu)00:53 No.67651 B P23R19

OP said audio-from-a-video. Obviously possession of "Just audio" is whatevs. Obviously was
referring to possession of the video would land jail time. WTF are you reading?

>> Anonymous 8apr2019(mo)12:34 No.67954 M P24R20

Anybody, just go on YT and search for: The crying sound of heartbreak.

>> Anonymous 8apr2019(mo)15:02 No.67955 N P25R21

oh no

>> Anonymous 8apr2019(mo)18:18 No.67960 O P26R22

The individual responsible for this existing needs to be deleted.

>> w7-890 8apr2019(mo)19:00 No.67961 P P27R23

even better neutralized for good

>> Anonymous 8apr2019(mo)20:11 No.67962 O P28R24


I meant deleted from the planet.

>> w7-890 9apr2019(tu)10:41 No.67975 Q P29R25


do you mean BALEETED!
Created: 17/3 -2019 10:35:10 Last modified: 29/7 -2019 07:10:03 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:51:43