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This is resource S1IQBE8, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/9 -2019 09:11:01

Ended:18/12 -2019 15:58:07

Checked:18/12 -2019 16:04:34

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 15405

Age: 86.27d   Health: 0%   Posters: 5   Posts: 6   Replies: 4   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 16sep2019(mo)09:08 No.71093 OP P1

main changes include roughly doubling the frame count for a smoother animation without increasing
the frame-rate (original was mostly a 12 frame animations spread over 24fps), a separation of the
beginning loop to the finisher, which then transitions back into the initial loop, a button to
advance through these segments, and a random blinking animation along with a bunch of small tweaks
too numerous to list.

spent more time editing this one than it deserves, but it was a good learning experience. all
credit to Miscon who drew the picture, and ArceeCola who made this animation based on said picture.
i just edited it for shits and giggles.

[IMG] ~Outdated Bicycle meme - loop edit with button.swf (76.6 KiB)
1000x800, Compressed (Deflate). 220 frames, 24 fps (00:09).
Ver41, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: No. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 16sep2019(mo)16:59 No.71095 A P2R1

Very nice. I wish I'd learn flash, but at this point it seems like the most suicidally outdated
time investment possible.
If I knew how, I'd put together this SpeedoSausage animation into a single flash.

>> Anonymous 16sep2019(mo)20:20 No.71099 B P3R2

I ain't downloading that shit nibba.

>> Anonymous 28sep2019(sa)00:13 No.71403 C P4R3

this is 78.4 MB

>> Anonymous 28sep2019(sa)23:40 No.71407 D P5R4

if there are tweens in the flash you can increase frame rate to 72 fps and just triple the distance
between keyframes

unfortunately in flash a lot of animators decide "i will draw 12 frames per second" and then set
the fps to 12 without realizing they can actually set it to 60 fps and still just draw 12 keyframes
per second. tweens benefit greatly from it and if there are interactivity in the flash it also
makes buttons react much faster. also makes it easier to time keyframes to streaming audio at 60
fps instead of 12.

it's been like this from the very start of flash yet i've always wondered why macromedia still made
12 fps the default standard for some reason, resulting in a ton of low-fps flashes in the heydays
of the medium

>> Anonymous 28sep2019(sa)23:50 No.71408 D P6

learning flash is still worthwhile since you can export to movies as well. several artists do (and
unfortunately never release the swf file as well, just the movie).

also Adobe AIR is basically flash. AIR can be used to create programs for windows or apps for
android/ios. i wonder if Adobe will continue to develop AIR in 2021 and beyond. even if they
abandon flash i doubt they will stop updating AIR. actionscript 3 is a nice language, not far from
Created: 16/9 -2019 09:11:01 Last modified: 18/12 -2019 16:06:19 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:58:18