File: natsumi_step.swf-(3.3 MB, 400x300, Japanese)
[_] ITT: Talk about your favorite flashes Anonymous 02/10/19(Sun)00:00:22 No.3380400
this will always be my favorite flash
It's short, sweet, and has a ton of character and nuance . There's so much going on, you could
watch it 10 times and notice something different every time.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/19(Sun)02:47:11 No.3380420
internet final battle.swf
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/19(Sun)04:09:20 No.3380426
The flashes that inspired me the most were loops that I saw on /f/. They can be so simple, yet
create such a powerful atmosphere.
I don't have a single favorite, but moody loops like Visions Of War or Anticipation are ones I
really like.
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/19(Sun)06:23:44 No.3380436
>tfw my favorite flash games are dead and cannot be played anymore
I'll just say Rockman. Makes me shed tears since it's a reality in Japan. Have many friends from
there tell me of their situation and it sounds rough since all the weebs want to live their
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/19(Sun)07:13:52 No.3380437
the way it's sync'd is fucking nuts
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/19(Sun)14:09:41 No.3380465
A classic
I forgot about this one, I like it
>> [_] Anonymous 02/10/19(Sun)14:58:39 No.3380473
a great parody that probably took a decent amount of time to write and record, and its about