File: dinner party.swf-(1.31 MB, 1280x720, Loop)
[_] Dinner Party 09/11/19(Wed)06:39:52 No.3402162
This is my last flash.
It's been real /f/. Some of my most happy memories was late night hacking, creting new stupid
games or animations for newgrounds and /f/
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)08:58:41 No.3402171
Godspeed into the next life anon
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)09:26:34 No.3402176
Hope you find luck in your future endeavours.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)09:28:41 No.3402177
goodbye /f/riend
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)09:32:58 No.3402178
stay gold
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)10:54:39 No.3402180
Where are you going friend?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)10:58:16 No.3402181
Why are you leaving?
also goodbye :(
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)11:22:02 No.3402182
see you space cowboy...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)11:47:51 No.3402183
B-but we're family..
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)14:47:29 No.3402193
this makes me think of a friend of mine.
see you /f/ren
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)14:52:44 No.3402194
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)16:27:06 No.3402197
Dinner Party | Infinity Frequencies
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)16:35:26 No.3402198
wait sir
could you please upload your flash folder?
so they do not get lost forever!
thank you
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)17:11:51 No.3402199
silly anon
Did You Forget? You're Here Forever
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)17:14:58 No.3402200
we are stuck here, but flash support isnt
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)19:08:31 No.3402207
You are /f/ incarnate.
You are eternal, anon.
Please don't leave us all alone here in this swfless world :(
also this, please check if all your flashes are on swfchan before you go...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)19:10:31 No.3402209
see you space /f/aget
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)20:14:51 No.3402213
>muh flash support boogeyman
Ended support means jack shit. Adobe and browser devs ended "support" long ago and everythig
still works fine. Your flashes will still work all the same. Go back to posting from your iPad
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)20:19:32 No.3402214
this may be true, but if content creators bail, then all we'll have left is reposting the same
shit we have for years. which is sustainable, no doubt, but kinda depressing without the prospect
of occasional OC being posted.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)21:06:01 No.3402221
>You're Here Forever
That would be nice, wouldn't it
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)22:45:12 No.3402237
are you hehesilly?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/11/19(Wed)23:11:43 No.3402240
>all we'll have left is reposting the same shit we have for years
That's 99% of what we do now anyway. One of these days I'll figure out how to make something,
hopefully other anons do to. /f/ is small enough and so used to reposts anyway that even having a
couple people posting occasional OC would make a difference.
>> [_] No. 09/11/19(Wed)23:41:12 No.3402243
Suck a dick with cancer jizz, you cockbag.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/19(Thu)00:04:04 No.3402244
See you later space cowboy.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/19(Thu)00:06:54 No.3402245
Oh wow. I read that as 'This is my fetish' because that's the usual kind of thing. Came in to see
why. Realized it was not what I expected.
Still came.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/19(Thu)00:22:35 No.3402246
If you ever figure out how to pirate adobe cs6 AND run it on linux, please report back
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/19(Thu)02:27:55 No.3402250
password is /F/LAGSHIP
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/19(Thu)02:31:05 No.3402251
i've tried that before, doesn't work
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/19(Thu)02:34:04 No.3402252
>Everything seems to be working. Except for the minor graphical glitch explained below.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/19(Thu)02:35:56 No.3402253
hmm, i'll have to try again this weekend. it's a little pointless because i'm in a rangeban for
posting threads on 4chan.