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This is resource UY4E5B2, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/3 -2019 10:20:44
5.9 years ago.

Ended:21/7 -2019 07:12:37
5.6 years ago.

Checked:21/7 -2019 07:32:25
5.6 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

   / > /fap/ > Thread 14711

   Age: 108.86d   Health: 0%   Posters: 12   Posts: 20   Replies: 18   Files: 1+3

   >> Anonymous 27mar2019(we)10:17 No.67690 OP P1

    Zone-tan oral doctor cursed.swf (12.2 MiB)
   1100x800, Compressed (Deflate). 15 frames, 24 fps (00:01).
   Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
   Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
   [find in archive]

   >> Anonymous 27mar2019(we)21:43 No.67702 A P2R1

   great fan work!
   should be put into the zone collection asap

   >> Anonymous 27mar2019(we)22:38 No.67704 B P3R2

   good work on this, only wish the intro screens took a little less time to get past

   you're right, said and done!

   >> oldgrandpa 28mar2019(th)01:11 No.67709 C P4R3

yeah finally!

someone have do it !! before the flash DIE/disappear FOREVER!!!

thanks to all the gods!

we have a very nice fappabble material for the first time with ZONE!!!!!

it remind me a lot of Reiko BJ so it's a plus eheh! happy fapp!!!

   >> Anonymous 28mar2019(th)02:37 No.67710 D P5R4

   I guess other people have to make Zone-Tan stuff while Zone makes movies with Steven Universe
   midgets or nasty ghosts.

   >> Anonymous 28mar2019(th)20:09 No.67729 A P6R5

   the dankest timeline

   also: this really needs an edit that instantly enables the cum button
   so far there are 2 cumscenes, one normally with any but 1 option and using the cum button and
   the other whilst automatically cumming during facefuck

   >> Anonymous 29mar2019(fr)06:54 No.67731 E P7R6

   It would be nice if we could turn the radio off.
   It's rather tinny and annoying.

   >> Anonymous 29mar2019(fr)22:22 No.67746 F P8R7

   I expected a hack of one of those dentistry games staring Elsa for some reason...

   >> Anonymous 1apr2019(mo)03:02 No.67797 G P9R8

   There is apparently a game over scene in it where yah are just left limp... Not sure how to
   access it outside of using Baka Loader though.

   >> oldgrandpa 1apr2019(mo)04:58 No.67799 C P10R9



   lol nice easter egg

   >> Anonymous 4apr2019(th)10:01 No.67889 H P11R10

   Great work, just wish the dick was a little bigger or the sitting position of the guy was
   better, it kinda looks like hes some fat kid.

   >> Anonymous 5apr2019(fr)14:17 No.67908 B P12R11

   hm there's a bar that goes up when she strokes his dick and down if you click stop. hmm. and you
   say he is limp in the game over screen? hmmm.

   >> Anonymous 5apr2019(fr)17:16 No.67914 A P13R12

   There's even some cute voicelines for STOP, but the bar doesn't appear to fall below 0%.

   >> Anonymous 5apr2019(fr)17:21 No.67915 A P14

   ok, got it with raising the bar above 50% so she got a blush and then letting it resign back to 0

   >> Anonymous 28may2019(tu)20:23 No.68990 I P15R13

   Man I remember how ecstatic everyone was when the Midna Zone flash dropped on /f/. I miss those

   >> Anonymous 28may2019(tu)22:36 No.68999 A P16R14


   my fondest zone-related memory is when hkeygirl5 released and someone had to make a hkeynetwork
   account just to rip it and you could practically hear the sound of hundreds of anons fapping in
   one of the highest reply counts I've ever seen on a thread on /f/

   >> Anonymous 13jun2019(th)18:57 No.69326 I P17R15

   Did this guy actually shout out to multiple people for helping him reskin a Zone flash from the
   early days no less? The flash industry is dead.

   >> Anonymous 17jun2019(mo)19:28 No.69414 A P18R16

   Hey, work is still work. It's not a bad flash, I'd rather this exists than not and even
   reskinning assets can be too much work to do for a single guy.

   >> Anonymous 18jun2019(tu)06:32 No.69432 J P19R17

   Not a reskin, but I bet doc would be flattered that you mistook it for one.

   >> Anonymous 18jun2019(tu)14:44 No.69439 K P20R18

   That's a very tiny cock

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Created: 27/3 -2019 10:20:44 Last modified: 21/7 -2019 07:51:52 Server time: 14/03 -2025 04:44:36